View Full Version : PaintballForums.net

11-25-2002, 01:37 AM
<a href="http://www.paintballforums.net" target="_blank">www.paintballforums.net</a>


Tony G
11-25-2002, 02:40 AM
Paint Ball is so much fun! ^^

The color scheme is a bit too plain, all one color doesn't attact. But the images do! ^^

11-25-2002, 09:51 AM
nice buttons...lol - made by me...lol;)....well, actually my site, not me personally!

Tony G
11-25-2002, 09:54 AM
Well, look who's make everything now. ;)

11-25-2002, 05:08 PM
lol - well whats that mean?

11-25-2002, 05:33 PM
HTML is on, I suggest you turn it off immediately before somebody hacks your forums.

12-07-2002, 09:24 PM
and how would they do that?

12-07-2002, 09:30 PM
By exploiting XSS vulnerabilities and stealing your login username and passhash.

Tony G
12-07-2002, 10:01 PM
They can do alot more things too. HTML is a big security hole when it's on.

12-09-2002, 10:48 PM
just wondering how you can tell that HTML is on being a user who cannot post...?!?

Tony G
12-09-2002, 10:55 PM
You can see it from the threads, Cypher.

12-09-2002, 10:56 PM
hah - lol...guess you can:)

Tony G
12-09-2002, 10:58 PM
Yes, see for yourself then.

12-13-2002, 04:25 PM
It is risky to use one colour throughout - yet, I think whomever has done the designwork, has pulled it off beautifully!

The colour used is pleasing and harmonious.

Alltogether, a very tastefully put together board, images, colour and layout!


Tony G
12-13-2002, 11:09 PM
Alot of people use the one color for all styles which usually don't fit but for this one it strangely does fit.

12-17-2002, 02:37 AM
thanks guys.
Buy turning off html what will that affect?

IE, private messages and posts.

12-17-2002, 02:50 AM
those...but itz a LOT safer...HTML can allow people to run or do almost anything without having to upload anything...its VERY unsafe

Tony G
12-17-2002, 05:12 AM
HTML creates security problems. People can do horrible things to your board via HTML.

12-24-2002, 02:11 AM
so if I turn off html and people type in a web address in a pm or in a post it will still become a clickable link right?

IE, using the vb code.

Tony G
12-24-2002, 03:33 AM
Yes, this just disables HTML and not vB Code.

12-24-2002, 05:23 PM
ok, stupid question. How do I shut it off. Ive never turned it off before.

12-25-2002, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by cyr0n_k0r
ok, stupid question. How do I shut it off. Ive never turned it off before.
Admin CP/Forums/Modify/Edit. You have to go to each forum and turn it off via the radio button: "Allow HTML Code in posts" yes or no.

btw i think your site looks great..very nice!

My question..whats your take on allowing html in sig's? Security risk also?

Tony G
12-25-2002, 09:46 PM
I'm thinking when you allow it in posts it does in Signatures too.

And yes, another security risk.