View Full Version : New design I would like some feedback on please

10-10-2002, 08:18 PM
Hi guys

I am nearing the end of a makeover for our forums and I would appreciate some help by way of feedback on the design and functionality. Anything missing etc, etc.
There is stile work ongoing, the logo and the images for the "sponsor this form" are temporary for a start.
I have set up a test forum for this:
You will need to log in and choose the style "wxblue" (it may go there by default, if the logo is the same as that attached then it has)

Website Name:
web Xpertz Community Forums for Webmasters & Developers

Community URL

About Your Community
The name says it all really:D

Template Mod's Installed

There are all sorts of minor nods else where but they are the main ones I believe. It is our intention to take this style live on the 15th so would appreciate you aid.

The main (live) forums are at:

Many thanks

10-10-2002, 11:42 PM
sorry to say, but the template looks very similar to the default. Its got a really nice look to it though!

10-11-2002, 05:27 AM
hmm ... i dont like the toplinks ... they look so unfamiliar ... and the font of forumnames looks not good, cause you can not read it so nice

Tony G
10-11-2002, 05:40 AM
I don't like the big font you have used for your forum names and other stuff. Should be down to 2 IMO. The header could be better too. But I like the colors. :)

10-11-2002, 01:44 PM
Hi guys

Thanks for the input, work is ongoing so please drop in and see changes etc.

Tony G
10-12-2002, 09:39 AM
Best if you update here when you have changes. That was it's easier. :)

10-13-2002, 07:23 PM
I Dont like it...sorry :(

Red Shadow
10-16-2002, 03:01 AM
sorry to say, but i really dont like those colors

10-17-2002, 09:20 PM
Do something with the top, it looks ugly, and try to make it a bit more eye-catchy. Like a welcome panel or something?

Tony G
10-20-2002, 11:34 AM
Not every forum needs a welcome panel, sometimes no table near the header of the forumhome looks better. It depends on the style in my opinion. :)