View Full Version : vBulletin Exposed

10-05-2002, 04:16 PM

vBulletin Exposed has just opened its doors so that we can help fellow vBulleteers with various vBulletin template modifications. You may be asking yourself this, 'Well, why go to vBulletin Exposed instead of vBulletin Templates?'. We are not telling you to go to vBE and forget all about vBT. I will be posting here often, as well as vBE. vBE is just another friendly source of help for vBulletin Users. I would like to hear everyone's feedback. Thank you!

Edit: http://www.vbexposed.com/

10-05-2002, 04:17 PM
It always helps when there is a link :)

10-05-2002, 06:27 PM
Looks a lot like vBT, but your site is also very nice. I will register on your forum too as iNFERiON :)

10-05-2002, 06:57 PM
The actual design looks nothing like vBT, although I would say the forum ideas came from here since it too is basically a vBulletin template modification resource.

While I find it odd that another forum starts up just like vBT, same intentions and all, to each is own :)

10-06-2002, 01:24 AM
Yes, my template and vBTs are quite different, yet still used for the same intentions...to help vBulletin users. vBE is not up to take vBT down. Not at all. Heck, maybe in the future, partnering forums could be a cool idea. You never know.

10-06-2002, 01:36 AM
Looks great d3fuse care not what the others say. Great Job!

Tony G
10-06-2002, 01:39 AM
The only thing I see that has a slight reselblence is the header, but thats it.

Great design d3fuse, like the colors. :)

10-06-2002, 03:29 AM
The header, the idea with the gradient was from that of vBT. Thanks for your comments.

10-06-2002, 03:55 AM
The graphics is not really a concern, they look original to me so it is not my place to say that inspiration was drawn from vBT in the least. Many people use dingbats and other such fonts.

The only thing I look at as being unoriginal is the fact that the forum names are basically the same and it is basically another vBT in all aspects (coming from my POV). I am not trying to down your idea, you meant well, although that is like making a graphics board just like yaxay or somethingleet and using the same names.

Just my thoughts & 2c

Tony G
10-06-2002, 03:57 AM
Some of them are even in the same category together, but just in a different order or little name changes. Be creative with the names, that always helps. :)

10-07-2002, 11:09 AM
just like the vbt forum.no other things.

Tony G
10-07-2002, 11:18 AM
Well it's certainly got off to a good start instead of those other vB sites that have opened. Must be the design eye-catching. :)

10-12-2002, 10:07 AM
Nice design and all, but I really don't understand why you would open up a forum like this when we have vBT?

Red Shadow
10-16-2002, 03:03 AM
sweet design and style. nice and clean, good work

10-16-2002, 03:37 AM
The fact that you used an almost identical dingbat for the logo, as well as the fact that you use practically the same category header images, leads me to believe that site was heavily influenced by this one.

I'm not saying it's a rip, and there's nothing wrong with inspiration, but a little bit of creativity and originality might help, especially on a board for designers. ;)

10-16-2002, 03:39 AM
That's just from looking at the index page too... the forum names are all the same, and not to mention the colour scheme.

Tony G
10-16-2002, 04:59 AM
Yeah, I think it needs a bit of the owners 'touch' to this site, otherwise it may turn out like all those other ones that have failed in the past.