View Full Version : Design problem... A question i cant answer!

Lodi Pro
09-29-2002, 10:11 PM
Weel i want to insert the forums in a text area in the middle of my design.

Look the image and you will easily understand... sorry for the big picuture (157kb)



Tony G
09-30-2002, 12:53 AM
Don't use lycos, as they are an un-reliabe host for some people.

Can you upload it elsewhere?

Lodi Pro
09-30-2002, 01:08 AM
Well in a week or less we are having a pay hosting to make the site!.

............ wait [?]

5 minutes after...
I remember y have saaphilnet: here is te url: http://www.saaphilnet.com/nam.jpg

Sorry :D

09-30-2002, 01:13 AM
what you have to do is make almost ALL new templates.. you'll have to make one for the side bar, and include it to be called from most things, to get it to work it would take a good day or two worth of editing .. to work flawlessly that is..

you COULD also just be cheap and use frames :P

Lodi Pro
09-30-2002, 03:19 PM
Can you specify more :D


Lodi Pro
10-01-2002, 11:38 PM
Yeah! I figure out how to do it :D really thanks... in a few days a tutorial for all the people!