View Full Version : how to change fonts in vB?

09-20-2002, 04:48 PM
well, this could possibly be the dumpiest question of the week, but alrite, here ya go, we all started somewhere.

How can I change the fonts used for Vbulletin? the default fonts are a little bit off my taste. Like I want to change the font used for catergories, forums' names. Also want to change the font I am typing now... Please explain carefully? do I have to upload the font somewhere or so, unicode whatever ...

Highly appreciate your help


09-20-2002, 06:57 PM
I like the fonts, but i guess you need to edit your style, then at the bottom, change the font face

I think that is right >.<

09-20-2002, 07:56 PM
yep - thats the way...at the bottom of the edit styles area

Tony G
09-20-2002, 11:40 PM
You can mix some fonts, like is has been done for the Default settings.

09-21-2002, 02:36 PM
phew, :( haven't understood anything.
Basically I create my own font, and want to use it for all the texts apprearing in vbulletin, from texts in the names of catergories, forums to texts of buttons, to texts of background.

Where the information about the font should be store in order it to be displayed? do I have to upload to the server or smt? This really confuses me. Or I can only use the fonts that the servers/or the users have?

Note that this is a new font I create.

Plz reply, thanks alot.