View Full Version : How to create some special effects for buttons?

09-17-2002, 03:17 AM
I have 3 questions, sorry for asking too much when haven't contributed enough, I am kinda new so ... Anyway, those ideas might interest you:

I came over a site, cant remember now:( , but as you mouse over the button, the content glows from blur to clear. I would love to know how you would do that, involve java scripts I guess, dunno :(

And is that possible to make it a little more complicated like: buttons change color as moused over, or a sound effect appear when moused over ....

The last things I'd like to be told is how tp code to change some fixed texts, buttons into graphics boxes and graphics buttons. Like I want to change the "last thread" "next thread" or "Edit Quote report" "Post"" Join ""Status"" in my postbit box, the "submit reply ""Reset form" downthere, everything, into graphics boxes and buttons. You got the idea right?

Every little help will be highly appreciated

Thanks all very much

09-17-2002, 03:20 AM
2 different images...one if a more lighter color probably and the other is, of course, blurred. Just get the mouse-over script. Not sure about the sound part...the other part is editting the templates. I am tired so I am going to quite typing.

09-17-2002, 03:24 AM
well, it's not the kind of changing from one color to another. It is very gradual, very smooth, you know what I mean? we got a javascript for fading effect for links. This is like that.

is this has anything to do with flash, do you thing?

09-17-2002, 04:06 AM
theres a template edit on here for the header buttons with sound. think its in the contest forum???

to do the test into buttons you would need to do something like this

<a href="showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid&goto=nextoldest"><img src="{imagesfolder}/lastthread.gif" border="0" alt="Last Thread"></a>

that would give you a button for the last thread instead of the text that is there now. if you need any other help, feal free to pm me and we can chat on a yahoo or something ;)