View Full Version : Ian Gordon |DOT| COM

09-09-2002, 01:22 AM
Site Name: Ian Gordon |DOT| COM
Forum's URL: http://www.ian-gordon.com/forum.php

Description: This site is basically a personal site where, I can talk about almost anything. I have done alot to it and i think that it is pretty good, would love for you all to come and register and give me some cool posts and stuff.

Thanks again, remember to visit! :D

Tony G
09-09-2002, 05:07 AM
Hey GuruXL. :)

Haven't you already advertised this here before? I'm sure I've seen it.

09-12-2002, 02:04 AM
I havent. :)

Tony G
09-12-2002, 05:45 AM
Your right, did a search and found nothing.