View Full Version : Button Submission Forum!?!?

09-09-2002, 12:46 AM
I was wondering if ya'll was gonna make a button submission forum? I have a few sets I would like to post, I remember when I first got my vB I loved finding free buttons because I didnt know how to design them.

Tony G
09-09-2002, 05:13 AM
For vBulletinGraphics.com there should be one. That was an old database so I don't think there is any intention of additions.

09-09-2002, 10:45 AM
Just to make it clear, vBulletinGraphics is NOT and will NOT be a vBulletin graphics forum, the same for vBulletinStyles & styles. They will be selling graphics and styles, not producing an archive as we have here with the vBulletin database.

Tony G
09-09-2002, 11:07 AM
Ahh. So there won't be anything like a graphics request forum and stuff like that? Thats a shame. Oh well.

09-09-2002, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by SaintDog
Just to make it clear, vBulletinGraphics is NOT and will NOT be a vBulletin graphics forum, the same for vBulletinStyles & styles. They will be selling graphics and styles, not producing an archive as we have here with the vBulletin database.

That sucks. Hmm maybe I can make some money with my uber l33t graphics skills though :p

*TurdBoy has a big grin on his face*

09-09-2002, 08:16 PM
Actually I am looking to aquire a few people, if they can design and have proof to show for it (it would be a paying position, how much, I am not sure as of right now).

09-09-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by SaintDog
Actually I am looking to aquire a few people, if they can design and have proof to show for it (it would be a paying position, how much, I am not sure as of right now).

Well design im rusty but I can make good images when I spend time on them. Could you pm me the details please?

09-09-2002, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by SaintDog
Actually I am looking to aquire a few people, if they can design and have proof to show for it (it would be a paying position, how much, I am not sure as of right now).

I am quite good at designing, just most the stuff I usually have made for people look kinda funny, but thats what THEY wanted. PM me, I work cheap, lol, Im only 24 and have plenty of time to spend. If you would like to see some of my work just let me know the details.

Tony G
09-10-2002, 05:32 AM
Good luck to all wanting this posistion then. :)