View Full Version : Gaming Universe - For all your game (re)making needs

Dark Jim
08-27-2002, 09:33 PM
Today I added a 2nd theme to my forums. I'm thinking of making this the default theme and also the site's theme. I would like some constructive critisism on both styles. :)

Currently default theme: http://www.forums.thegaminguniverse.net

Black/grey theme: http://www.forums.thegaminguniverse.net/index.php?stylid=20

Additional info
Website: http://www.thegaminguniverse.net
About us: We provide forums and if needed webspace for people that are working on a game related project. A project could be a new game or a remake of an existing game. We also have some forums for general discussion, general gaming discussion, role playing games and maybe more in the future.
Installed templates: Not sure as I'm not the only one who worked on the template but I myself added the profile view like you have here and a signature preview right under where you edit your sig. The postbit look a bit like here, forum home also looks kinda like here, a welcome panel with your avatar. Note that not everything you see modified can be done just with templates., I also installed some hacks.

Tony G
08-28-2002, 05:10 AM
-Your moderator dropdown is way too big.
-Announcements table doesn't align with the others
-Kinda slow for my connection.

Otherwise, nice work. :)

Dark Jim
08-28-2002, 12:20 PM
I reduced the moderator dropdown a little by removing a bit of the "-------". It should now be like 20 regular characters which is the maximum username length. I also reduced the column width from 25% to 15%.
Do you mean the table with "Announcement - Please Read"? If so I don't see anything wrong with that and I also checked in a 800x600 resolution. If it really doesn't look right, could you take a screenshot and attach it here?
Hmm you're the first to say it's slow. Can't fix that.

Thanks for the comments. :)

Tony G
08-28-2002, 12:33 PM
No I mean the first category on the home page. But it's better now since the mod coloum is smaller.

BTW it's faster now.