View Full Version : [Tweak]Smaller Who's Online Table

08-16-2002, 10:00 PM
Information:What this hack does is make your Who's Online table smaller,thus you dont have alot of space taken up at the top.
Hacks Needed:
Spacing Between Categories By: Xiphoid
Online Users Image By: Urban420
(These hacks dont need to be installed,but I recommend that you do.)

Screenshot In next Post!
(NOTE:The screen shot shows the hack with "Spacing Between Categories" and "Online Users Image" already installed.)

If you have any questions,suggestions,or feedback let me know. :)

08-17-2002, 03:14 AM
And the screenshot:

08-17-2002, 03:30 AM
you didn't do much

just removed that top bar..

Tony G
08-17-2002, 03:32 AM
I think all thats done is the WOL list on the main page has been removed. Not much of a hack but ahh well.

08-17-2002, 03:46 AM
why all the discouraging words? everytime someone comes out with a new template, it's criticized. no wonder the number of templates being released has lapsed.

08-17-2002, 03:55 AM
]Sorry,Ill try to make a hack to make everyone happy :(
All I did was fool around and made that,I thought it looked pretty neat and thought someone else would too.And theres some peeps here with little knowledge about scripting(even me-no offence).

Besides,It's my first one......
You should be encouraging the Newbs to make more and better hacks,teaching them,and helping them,thus your community would grow and become better :)

Tony G
08-17-2002, 06:32 AM
No I didn't mean to be discouraging at all. But you can't keep making extremely simple mods all the time. But it's exceptable for a first one or so. Good work Wizzard and I hope to see more mods from you in the future. :)

Sorry if I discouraged you in any way.

08-18-2002, 02:37 PM
]Np :)

I got some ideas,but just getting them to work :P

Yesterday i made the Who's Online look like Ubb's....
If nobody has made that yet,maybe i could back track and cme up with a tut :)

Tony G
08-19-2002, 05:46 AM
Can I have a link to your forum? Just so I can see it..

08-20-2002, 04:12 PM
Nice work. Keep it up!

08-26-2002, 11:11 PM
Hey anything worth doing is worth doing well and you just keep on tryin you hear!? I did your mod and I well the thing is that top line is needed because I sue it all the time so that I can click to go to whose online and view it. Now ify ou could get rid of that useless BOTTOM where it repeats a line of forum home posts etc.. I would be much obliged!


08-27-2002, 01:39 PM
I'm using it and it works fine :D

10-21-2002, 11:02 PM
]RavenBeauty, If you have Online Image installed, then the image should be the link to go to the Whos Online. :)