View Full Version : Hexedimal Forums Open!

07-26-2002, 05:03 PM
But not completely done!

I know you think I have like 3 forums, well, see here is how it works, you have your vB licensed to one site per license, right? Anyway, the following link is the site my vB is on. I had Design Speek, and it was on ds.bluecalx.org and so I now have taken those down and made new ones still on ds.bluecalx.org so I CAN DO THIS! I talked to SaintDog about it!

I am still working on stuff for them, but now once I think of it, the postbit looks like vBT's postbit :D I will change that sometime if SaintDog thinks it looks like vBT's.

I went for a darker theme this time, but not blackness. Please tell me what you think. I know there is 1 forum. I am adding some more. Take a look at the postbit also.

The Hexedimal Forums (http://ds.bluecalx.org/forums)

Cassandra Cain
07-26-2002, 05:21 PM
I like it a lot! :)

The only thing I would change (and I am not at all competent in design so you probably will want to disregard my opinion), is the avatar-user stats box combination. I don't know, it just looks off to me having two so different sized boxes together. Maybe the stats box could be narrower? Or maybe center the avatar? Like I said, I don't really know what I'm talking about, though - just my 11 cents.

07-26-2002, 06:34 PM
colours look fine but perhaps you may want to choose a lighter font colour than black for post text

07-26-2002, 06:36 PM
What about white?

07-28-2002, 04:04 AM
well because it's basically the same design as your other site with only a darker theme i have no real comment :\

07-28-2002, 05:34 AM
Nice blue colors. :)
Since they don't look web safe (211 color palette) I would suggest a off white color, as opposed to pure FFFFFF
You have a lot of options actually, because the tables are blue as well, so a nice contast color can be used for links as well.

I have done a theme for PHP-Nuke, called Rama, with a very similar color scheme, lots of nice blues etc. My color codes, after a lot of experiment are these...

#E2E2E2 for the main links (bolded, but I didn't use underlines in this particular style))
#CCCCCC for the text color (regular text)
#FF9900 for the hover color, though you can use this as the actual link (nice orange)

I also use #000066 as well, as a accent text color with very light blue (used very sparingly) and also for my input boxes, as the light grey shows up very well in there.

The reason the colors are set to that is they are cooler colors, like the main theme design, and since your forum uses cooler colors as well, they may fit better, without the "glare" from the white text.

I think the white text shows up to strong, it immediately caused my eyes to move to that text as soon as your page loaded, and since the text just said "forum", I figured you wanted the first thing a viewer see's to be something else.