View Full Version : My Idol forums...how can I do it too :(?

07-10-2002, 08:56 PM
There is this cool site called Xelation, its kind of like a graphics communuity, I like it alot, and well I would like to know how they do this cool thing.

I have attatched 2 images :) Please help if possible.
Thanks in very very advance :)

Please excuse my english :(

Arunan has attatched the image below (He didn't attatch it really):

07-10-2002, 09:28 PM
What is it about the forums that you like? Is it the picture posting? If so, I think that's a hack for that particular forum. I'm afraid that I'm not that familar with the hack he's using. Sorry. :(

07-11-2002, 12:34 AM
I love the whole thing, thread view, postbit, attatchment...how it makes a different style thing at the top :)
and the overall style..

If it is a hack...then I better get searching :)

07-11-2002, 10:41 AM
The photo gallery is definitely a hack. The rest of it is probably a combination of things.

The best way to learn what he did and how he did it, is to read this forum from front to back and begin implementing some of the template mods that appear to match what is on his forum.

It's almost like a scavenger hunt! :D You may also want to check out this thread (http://www.vbulletintemplates.com/mods/showthread.php?s=&threadid=284) which details all the hacks and mods used on my new board. Hopefully it can serve as a tutorial for you.