View Full Version : vBouncer: reduce server load by unsubscribing bouncing members from threads
06-20-2005, 10:00 PM
vBouncer is a handy tool for busy forums (or those that do not require email verification) to control the amounts of bogus emails sent from and to your server.
What vBouncer does: vBouncer monitors your mail spool file, and identifies members responsible for large amounts of bounced emails. It then issues a PM warning, and when the unsubscribe threshold is met, it will will unsubscribe them for all threads, and sets them to the "no email" subscription level.
After a couple of runs, this should significantly reduce your server load.
o Manual or auto processing option
o Collect logs via IMAP/POP or mail spool file
o Custom filters to match patterns in bounced emails
o Uses vB's cron files (Scheduled tasks)
o Uses encrypted header for authentication (suggested by Paul M).
o Stats on members with bouncing emails, and error codes
o Tuning options
o Verbose cron logs for diagnostics
o Option to send PM warning prior to reaching the limit
o Option to send PM notifications after reaching the limit
o Option to change the member's subscription default
o Option to all thread subscriptions to "no email"
o Option to all forum subscriptions to "no email"
o Option to move offenders to a different primary usergroup
o Option to process 5.0.0/550 errors (email unknown) upon a single email, isntead of observing the bounce limit
1. Extract the files into the corresponding directories (admincp => admincp, includes => includes)
2. Run the installation script in the admincp
3. Fill out the settings menu in the vBouncer section of the admin panel (see the how-to post below)
4. Import and activate the plugin file through the plugin manager.
5. Once ready, add the cron scripts to your scheduled tasks: vbouncer-collect.php (should be run daily, or more frequently) and vbouncer-clean.php (weekly, equal to Bounce limit period)
6. If you are using vB's SMTP email option, make sure to also enable the "-f" option.
Change log:
- August 12, 2005 v1.3 Update to the cron files to match new changes in vB's cron/tasks. To upgrade, just re-upload the contents of includes/cron.
- July 11, 2005 v1.2 Bug fix for some server/PHP setups; resolve aliases for return keys, otherwise some aliases would be considered forged.
- July 5, 2005 v1.1 Bug fix in standard report pattern matching
- July 4, 2005 v1.0 Added encrypted header for authentication (suggested by Paul M).
- July 3, 2005 v0.9.1 fixed a bug preventing IMAP/POP log collection.
- July 2, 2005 v0.9 added IMAP/POP option and custom filters file vbouncer.ini
- June 27, 2005 v0.5 Added custom header setting option, for re-written headers.
- June 26, 2005 v0.4 Found a way to make it work as a plugin, without code edits (thanks to Paul M)
- June 26, 2005 v0.3 No changes, just removed the plugin
- June 25, 2005 v0.2 Added NDR/Reply code errors to stats, and option to act upon 5.0.0/550 (user unknown)
- June 21, 2005: v 0.1 Initial release. Marked beta, but it's working fine on PostFix and SendMail. Need to hear from those who tried on QMail and Exim :)
06-21-2005, 03:03 PM
This post will be used for an updated FAQ and How-To's
How it works
1. vBouncer makes your forum send emails with a modified "Return-Path" header including the vBouncer emaila ddress, so most ISP's will send bounce notices to that email (instead of the webmaster email).
2. When ISP's send the bounced notices, those notice emails are stored in the mail spool of vBouncer. Most will tag those notices with a "Final-Destination" header stating the email address that bounced.
3. The vBouncer cron task (vBouncer-collect.php) checks the spool file and extracts all email adresses that are bouncing, and store them into a database table, if they belong to a forum member. It wil then empty the spool file.
4. If you selected auto processing, the vBouncer cron task (vBouncer-clean.php) reads the table and stats, and executes the options you chose to apply in your vBouncer settings. The database table will pruned from any old data.
Email setup: For vBouncer to work, you need to:
1. Create a new email account on your server, and that email account has to be unique, and only used for this purpose, collecting bounced emails.
2. This account should not be POP'ed or deleted by any user, only vBouncer should delete them.
3. The vBouncer emails should be in a regular spool file (text file). This is standard on SendMail and PostFix. Not sure about Qmail, Exim or Windows, but they should able to do it. (Anyone with experience in those systems, please let me know)
Please check with your server admin how to accomplish this.
If you can't make your mail server spool to a single text file, you may want to try the (dot)forward file method:
See post #3 below for further details on mail servers.
IMAP settings
You may need to add "notls" in the IMAP string, if you encounter problems:Originally Posted by TraumTeam
A short help from me for users with the problems of imap/pop access:
I the access does not work and all settings are correct try:
There could be a certificate failure with the internal IMAP Access on the server.
Perhaps its interesting for the FAQ ...
vBouncer Settings The comments on the vBouncer settings page are verbose, but here are the important ones with additional comments.
Post notification sender email
This is the email vBouncer will use to send new reply notification. You need to create a unique email address for this. Bounced emails will be returned to this email address on your site/server domain. This email account should not be downloaded, and must be left waiting, vBouncer will pick it up.
Full path to email spool file
This is the full path to where the mail spool file resides. This is where bounced email notifications are sent back to the post notification email.
Example: /var/spool/mail/subscriber_notify
(Use the diagnostics option to sure the file is readable and writable)
Maximum unique members to process per run
Processing the mail log file will stop when this limit is reached. If your logs repeatedly excede this number, it is better to run the scheduled vBouncer collect task more frequently, instead of making this limit too high, for performance reasons. Example 100
Auto processing mode?
You have the option to either let vBouncer automaticly change subscription levels for members with bouncing emails, or choose no if you prefer to simply decide based on the stats of bouncing emails.
Yes No
(Choose no, if you just want to monitor the stats)
Bounce limit
If you selected auto-processing, how many bounced email notices should be acted upon?. (Only works in auto mode) Example: 50
Bounce limit period
Enter the number of days in which the bounce limit set above will be applied. (Only works in auto mode) Example: 7
The above two options results in setting a limit of X email bouncer per Y days period.
Send Notification PM
PM Sender ID
PM Sender Username
Send PM warning
Warning Limit
Change default subscription level to no email
Change subscribed threads to no emails
Change subscribed forums to no emails
Change usergroup for bouncing members?
Destination usergroup
Protected usergroups
Untouchable usergroups
These options control what actions to do with members who excede the set limits.
06-21-2005, 03:04 PM
Note: If you use vBouncer's IMAP/POP method, you do not need to follow the instructions here. This is only for those who prefer to use mail spool files.
Spool files How-To
This post addresses the location and setup of spool files on different mail server software. You will only need it if you can't find your mail spool file, or don't have one.
Sendmail: Sendmail by default spools the emails for each email address into a text file. Usually found in /var/spool/mail/account_name (account_name is the account in the email address, like subscriber_notify, for example)
Postfix: Postfix, like Sendmail, spools the emails for each email address into a text file. Usually found in /var/spool/mail/account_name (account_name is the account in the email address, like subscriber_notify, for example)
QMail: (Thanks to Merk for testing and providing the information) QMail, by default stores emails in Maildir format, new file for each email. In order to spool emails to a single file, you need to do the following steps:
In the home directory of the user account (subscriber_notify), create a file called .qmail the content of that file should be a single line indicating the file path where you want the emails to be stored:
Or any path you choose. The file needs to exist, so we can first create it by using the touch command:
touch /var/spool/mail/subscriber_notify
And it needs be readable and writable by PHP, so use the chmod command:
chmod 666 /var/spool/mail/subscriber_notify
Vpopmail+QMail: (Thanks to Merk for testing and providing the information) For vpopmail, a user doesnt have a home directory, and it dosent go into the users virtual mail directory either, it sits just below that in the domain's "root" directory. /home/vpopmail may be different for some users.
/home/vpopmail/domains/ for (contents as above)
The contents of the .qmail file are still the same described above for QMail. You just need to follow the same steps to create .qmail file and the file to spool the emails too.
Exim+cPanel: (thanks to Paul M for this tip)
Note, before you do this, check this post:
It may be best to avoid changing the config of Exim, and just use the IMAP/POP option in vBouncer.
In the exim config file ( /etc/exim.conf ), near the bottom is a section that begins with virtual_userdelivery: - in that section is a line which says mode = 0660 - change this to mode = 0666
In your cpanel account, for address
The path needs to be " /home/<cpaccount>/mail/ "
The mail, & rejects folders all need chmod'ing to 755.
The mailbox file can then be set to 666, and it will work.
Windows Mail Servers: Still waiting for testers and information
If your server is running Exim or a Windows mail server, please post here:
Once the information is provided (in that thread), and we get you up and running, the instructions for those specific mail servers will be posted here.
Note that it may actually work out of the box even if you don't have SendMail or PostFix. If you have a text file on your server that can store the emails for a specific account, then you're all set. It's just that I have no experience with those systems, so I don't know.
Paul M
06-21-2005, 04:00 PM
This looks quite interesting, I might put this on our test server, we run exim, but I'm not sure how it works ....
06-21-2005, 05:15 PM
A new zip has been uploaded, there was a bug in the user group demotion option (hardcoded 1, instead of the chosen destination groupid)
Paul, I look forward to some good news :) It would be nice to know how to setup Exim, Qmail or Windows, so this would work for all.
06-21-2005, 05:51 PM
coool :D - just what i mod requested for ;)
I will be using this on a live system when a qmail system has been tested.
I am willing to provide a server to test it on, if needs be.
06-22-2005, 07:47 AM
I will be using this on a live system when a qmail system has been tested.
I am willing to provide a server to test it on, if needs be.
Great work. :D
06-22-2005, 08:14 AM
Good idea.
06-22-2005, 10:09 AM
Seems like this saves on resources like bandwidth and storage, rather than server load...
Also this does not seem too applicable to users who are in a shared hosting enviroment...
06-22-2005, 10:10 AM
will give it a shot. Nice hack
06-22-2005, 12:12 PM
I will be using this on a live system when a qmail system has been tested.
I am willing to provide a server to test it on, if needs be.
We need a QMail system with someone who knows how to admin it :) Check this thread for more details:
06-22-2005, 12:24 PM
Seems like this saves on resources like bandwidth and storage, rather than server load...
Both actually. But server load problems are harder to solve than bandwidth. Consider having many threads with thousands of subscribers in the instant email mode. This will spike your server on new replies. But it doesn't hurt that it also saves bandwidth :)
Also this does not seem too applicable to users who are in a shared hosting enviroment...
Correct. As stated, it is for busy forums. However, it can run in a shared/virtual environment, if the host can move your mail storage to your space (some control panels do that). For Sendmail and PostFix, this is as easy as a symlink.
06-22-2005, 12:36 PM
Both actually. But server load problems are harder to solve than bandwidth. Consider having many threads with thousands of subscribers in the instant email mode. This will spike your server on new replies. But it doesn't hurt that it also saves bandwidth :)
Correct. As stated, it is for busy forums. However, it can run in a shared/virtual environment, if the host can move your mail storage to your space (some control panels do that). For Sendmail and PostFix, this is as easy as a symlink.
Hmm, thats what I thought, I'll be checking into it for cpanel, as I already got a request from one of my custers for it :p
06-22-2005, 09:06 PM
Hmm, thats what I thought, I'll be checking into it for cpanel, as I already got a request from one of my custers for it :p
Please post any tips and hints from your experience here:
My plan is to compile a list of steps on the various setups to spool emails of one account to a file, and update post #3 with it.
06-22-2005, 09:16 PM
could I use this so if I send out emails to users awaiting confirmation any bounces would go to the same account so they can be moved deleted etc with vBouncer.
06-22-2005, 09:31 PM
Well done tamarian - it's on the way to answering the request in this thread
May I suggest the possibility of analysing the emails to determine those with permanent errors so those members can be moved to the 'awaiting email activation' group after just 1 bounced email?
06-22-2005, 09:34 PM
could I use this so if I send out emails to users awaiting confirmation any bounces would go to the same account so they can be moved deleted etc with vBouncer.
You mean from the admin panel email form? That email form asks you to enter the "From" field, and it fills it with the webmaster email by default. If you enter the vBouncer email instead, then it should work, as this will automatically form the "Return-Path" with the vBouncer email address.
So it seems to work by accedent :) as I have not thought of this when I wrote it.
06-22-2005, 09:46 PM
Well done tamarian - it's on the way to answering the request in this thread
May I suggest the possibility of analysing the emails to determine those with permanent errors so those members can be moved to the 'awaiting email activation' group after just 1 bounced email?
You mean:
1. identify and store the error codes/status of the bounces
2. Allow specific actions to be taken against emails generating specific error codes, regardless of not reaching the allowed bounce tolerance limit
I like your ideas :D
06-22-2005, 11:07 PM
yes thats what I mean! I guess thats a extra free feature.
Because some users register thinking they don't have to confirm, so they never validate the account. This could solve the issue where much.
You mean from the admin panel email form? That email form asks you to enter the "From" field, and it fills it with the webmaster email by default. If you enter the vBouncer email instead, then it should work, as this will automatically form the "Return-Path" with the vBouncer email address.
So it seems to work by accedent :) as I have not thought of this when I wrote it.
06-23-2005, 07:55 AM
tamarian, yes, that sounds great provided the error codes can be 100% identified for emails which have bounced. A '550 Invalid recipient' would require the user to be moved to requiring email activation (with ideally a PM sent to the person but email notification of that PM not) whereas a '552 5.2.2 Over quota' would need to be processed as per your quota system.
The big problem I have is when we send out an email to all our users (40,000 ish recipients). We get something like 1,000 or 2,000 bounced emails, with a lot of those being from AOL (it must detect a lot of emails from a single source and block them all), and maybe 300 or 400 which require the user's account to be deactivated.
This plugin could potentially save me 2 or 3 hours every time we send out the mailshot.
[Edit - just had a thought. What about people who mistakenly reply to thread notifications, as they sometimes do? They think they are replying to the thread. It's usually less experienced users doing it.
Ideally they need an email back saying that they have mistakenly replied to the forum mailer.
06-24-2005, 12:45 PM
Looks like we now have QMail covered, thanks to Merc. I've updated post #3 with the details. We've already had Sendmail and Postfix covered. So only Exim information is missing (I'm assuming Windows servers use Sendmail).
06-24-2005, 07:38 PM
[Edit - just had a thought. What about people who mistakenly reply to thread notifications, as they sometimes do? They think they are replying to the thread. It's usually less experienced users doing it.
Ideally they need an email back saying that they have mistakenly replied to the forum mailer.
This should not affect them, and they will not be considered bouncers. vBouncer only processes emails coming from MTA's directly, with a Final-Recipent header tag. A normal email would not have that tag.
In your instructions above, you mention
touch /var/spool/subscriber_notify
while, the path you mention before that is /var/spool/mail/subscriber_notify :)
Hopefully I will install and use vBouncer sooner rather than later, its definatly a feature I need!!
06-26-2005, 05:01 PM
Thanks for the correction Tim :up:
I have just released a 3.0.7 version, similar in features to this one. For those who don't plan to upgrade soon, you can use it instead:
Paul M
06-26-2005, 06:02 PM
Looks like we now have QMail covered, thanks to Merc. I've updated post #3 with the details. We've already had Sendmail and Postfix covered. So only Exim information is missing (I'm assuming Windows servers use Sendmail).I have this installed on our test (cpanel) server - which uses exim.
Problems so far ;
1. The mail spool file is located at /home/<cp account>/mail/<mail domain>/<mail account>/inbox - however, we have a php security setting which prevents apache from breaking out of the /home/<account>/html_docs/ to read it. I got round this by writing a little cron job to copy the inbox file to a folder within html_docs once a day.
2. The problem I haven't got round yet is that something (probably exim) appears to be rewriting the Return-Path to "nobody@<server-domain>" before sending the mails. I'm not sure how to stop this yet, but there must be a way because our live server doesn't do it.
06-26-2005, 07:40 PM
1. The mail spool file is located at /home/<cp account>/mail/<mail domain>/<mail account>/inbox - however, we have a php security setting which prevents apache from breaking out of the /home/<account>/html_docs/ to read it. I got round this by writing a little cron job to copy the inbox file to a folder within html_docs once a day.
But doesn't vbouncer either 0 out the file or delete it when it's done with? they way you are doing it, would you not get dupes since the real file is not getting truncated?
06-26-2005, 07:43 PM
1. The mail spool file is located at /home/<cp account>/mail/<mail domain>/<mail account>/inbox - however, we have a php security setting which prevents apache from breaking out of the /home/<account>/html_docs/ to read it. I got round this by writing a little cron job to copy the inbox file to a folder within html_docs once a day.
Would a sym link bypass this restriction?
2. The problem I haven't got round yet is that something (probably exim) appears to be rewriting the Return-Path to "nobody@<server-domain>" before sending the mails. I'm not sure how to stop this yet, but there must be a way because our live server doesn't do it.
Yes, some settings seem to re-write soem headers. Are you using PHP mail or SMTP? This is usually SMTP. Did you apply the seconf file edit? (It was just added today)
06-26-2005, 07:55 PM
But doesn't vbouncer either 0 out the file or delete it when it's done with? they way you are doing it, would you not get dupes since the real file is not getting truncated?
Good point. Yes, vBouncer needs write access to the file, to act like it has downloaded the emails, so they won't be recorded more than once.
Maybe Paul wrote a script to copy it first, then empty it.
But I think a sym link should work. I don't have a control panel, so I can't test this case. Give th sym link a try, and let m know how it goes.
Paul M
06-26-2005, 08:01 PM
But doesn't vbouncer either 0 out the file or delete it when it's done with? they way you are doing it, would you not get dupes since the real file is not getting truncated?Okay, to be more accurate - I do this once every 24 hours ;
1. Delete the old inbox file from the temp location
2. Move the proper inbox file to the temp location.
3. Process the temp file (I disabled the code that emptied the file).
Any mails after the move simply create a new "proper" inbox, ready to be moved 24 hours later.
Would a sym link bypass this restriction?I have no idea what a sym link is.
Yes, some settings seem to re-write soem headers. Are you using PHP mail or SMTP? This is usually SMTP. Did you apply the seconf file edit? (It was just added today)PHP Mail, I have not downloaded it since the beginning of the week. However, I got round the problem with a couple of extra lines in the plugin. No file edit needed.
06-26-2005, 08:12 PM
I have no idea what a sym link is.
ln -fs /home/example/mail/ /path/to/admincp/subscriber_notify
Now you should be able to use /path/to/admincp/subscriber_notify as the file location (also make it chmod 666
PHP Mail, I have not downloaded it since the beginning of the week. However, I got round the problem with a couple of extra lines in the plugin. No file edit needed.
It's not in the zip file. There are file edits in class_mail.php ( vBouncer is no longer a plugin) due to code needed for the header re-writes.
06-26-2005, 08:37 PM
sym link no work either.
also, I added a clearstatscache() before the diagnostics happen
You should also note that PHP doesn't cache information about non-existent files. So, if you call file_exists() on a file that doesn't exist, it will return FALSE until you create the file. If you create the file, it will return TRUE even if you then delete the file.
can you post the cron job you have that copies the file etc?
06-26-2005, 08:51 PM
2. The problem I haven't got round yet is that something (probably exim) appears to be rewriting the Return-Path to "nobody@<server-domain>" before sending the mails. I'm not sure how to stop this yet, but there must be a way because our live server doesn't do it.
Use the -f flag within PHP mail function to declare the sender address.
06-26-2005, 08:52 PM
sym link no work either.
What didn't work? The diagnostic, or the log collection cron task? Was the link and the target both 666?
06-26-2005, 08:54 PM
Use the -f flag within PHP mail function to declare the sender address.
The "-f " is added by the code edit, so it's on regardless of the vB settings :)
Paul M
06-26-2005, 09:01 PM
Now you should be able to use /path/to/admincp/subscriber_notify as the file location (also make it chmod 666)Nope - the shortcut is created correctly, but it doesn't bypass the security, php still cannot read it.
It's not in the zip file. There are file edits in class_mail.php ( vBouncer is no longer a plugin) due to code needed for the header re-writes.So I see, but as I said - I got round it by changing the plugin to this ;
if (empty($from) AND is_valid_email($vbulletin->options['vbouncer_spool_account']))
$this->registry->options['needfromemail'] = 1;
$fromemail = $vbulletin->options['vbouncer_spool_account'];
$headers = preg_replace('/Return-Path.*/', 'Return-Path: ' . $vbulletin->options['vbouncer_spool_account'], $headers, 1);
The pregreplace is not actually required by myself, but I left it in.
can you post the cron job you have that copies the file etc?
rm /home/<cpname>/public_html/zmail/inbox
mv /home/<cpname>/mail/<emaildomain>/<emailname>/inbox /home/<cpname>/public_html/zmail
zmail is a folder I created just for this system. I put the above in a file which is run via cron once a day.
Paul M
06-26-2005, 09:10 PM
My next problem is that it's failed to detect the bounced e-mail message.
06-26-2005, 09:14 PM
My next problem is that it's failed to detect the bounced e-mail message.
Was there any bounced emails in the file? Check the scheduled tasks log to see the output summary. Once you have bounced emails in the box, save me a copy and send it, so I can check the headers. :)
As to why the symlink doesn't work, I'm not sure, as I don't use cpanel. Check the apache error log, there might be some clues.
06-26-2005, 09:27 PM
Paul, buro9 and 7thgen:
Are you guys on similar setups? CPanel+Exim?
If so, there might be an alternative solution. Exim allows forwarding through .forward file and can use pipe the emails to the shell. So if the symlink for some reason doesn't work, you might be able to capture the emails to an alternative file within your public_html space.
Paul M
06-26-2005, 09:37 PM
If so, there might be an alternative solution. Exim allows forwarding through .forward file and can use pipe the emails to the shell. So if the symlink for some reason doesn't work, you might be able to capture the emails to an alternative file within your public_html space.Well that's basically what I'm doing anyway by moving the spool once per day. I'm quite happy to process the rejects daily. That bit works now.
To answer your other question - yes, the file had exactly one rejected e-mail in it that i did as a test.
The reject headers are ;
From MAILER-DAEMON Sun Jun 26 22:13:31 2005
Return-path: <>
Delivery-date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 22:13:31 +0100
Received: from mailnull by with local (Exim 4.43)
id 1DmeRW-0002OX-Eq
for; Sun, 26 Jun 2005 22:13:30 +0100
Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
From: Mail Delivery System <>
Subject: Mail delivery failed: returning message to sender
Message-Id: <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2005 22:13:30 +0100
This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:
SMTP error from remote mailer after RCPT TO:<>:
host [81.xx.xx.xx]: 550 Invalid recipient:
------ This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. ------
(Some addresses changed obviously)
06-26-2005, 09:38 PM
Paul, buro9 and 7thgen:
Are you guys on similar setups? CPanel+Exim?
If so, there might be an alternative solution. Exim allows forwarding through .forward file and can use pipe the emails to the shell. So if the symlink for some reason doesn't work, you might be able to capture the emails to an alternative file within your public_html space.
Yeah, Cpanel + Exim here :)
06-26-2005, 09:46 PM
The reject headers are ;
Paul, I'd like you to do a little test for me. Send several test emails from the vB diagnostics in the admin panel. Send them to bogus83y4ds (something not likely to be a real email) @ aol, comcast and hotmail, and show me the full content of the bounce file afterward, including the attachments (by PM if you prefer).
The header you showed will not be picked up by vBouncer since it's not RFC compliant, I think. Exim maybe re-writing them. If AOL, Comcast and hotmail result are in the same format, then Exim on your server might be intefering, since those ISP's do send (most of the time) RFC compliant non-delivery.
Paul M
06-26-2005, 09:53 PM
Sure - I'll PM you the results.
06-26-2005, 10:27 PM
vBouncer 0.4 now works as a plugin, without code changes. (Thanks to Paul M)
To upgrade from 0.2 or 0.3, simply delete the old plugin and replace with the new one.
06-27-2005, 12:37 AM
Thanks tamarian!
I am also on cPanel/Exim. Will be upgrading my server to a new box this month, but I anticipate that will be the same as I believe this is core cPanel behaviour on mail handling -- I don't think it is an option?
I will gladly help with testing as well. Just let me know what you would like done.
Paul M
06-27-2005, 01:02 AM
Well, with a few bits of suitably placed sticky tape - I have a working system on cpanel / exim. I think tamarian will be producing an update later.
06-27-2005, 01:07 AM
Thanks tamarian!
I am also on cPanel/Exim. Will be upgrading my server to a new box this month, but I anticipate that will be the same as I believe this is core cPanel behaviour on mail handling -- I don't think it is an option?
I will gladly help with testing as well. Just let me know what you would like done.
For now, there's a temporary solution to access the mail spool file, which Paul has posted. A cron script to copy the file to the public_html area, then reset the original.
A better solution, IMHO, is to use the dot-forward file method (a feature available on all these mail packages, including Exim) to directly pipe the file to another in the public_html area. I'm still looking for the correct format, but if anyone knows, please share.
Another problem with Exim, is re-writing the headers for the bounced files, which will be missed by the current log collector. I'll release an updated version to capture those.
Does the CPanel/Exim show an option to forward to a file?
The PHP restriction you speak of, would it happen to be open_basedir?
I use this extensivly across my enviroment.
All you have to do is add a single path to the directory block of the vBouncer files that allows php to access the path to the spool file.
If it isnt open_basedir, im not sure :)
06-27-2005, 02:17 AM
The PHP restriction you speak of, would it happen to be open_basedir?
I use this extensivly across my enviroment.
All you have to do is add a single path to the directory block of the vBouncer files that allows php to access the path to the spool file.
If it isnt open_basedir, im not sure :)
What do you mean by "add a single path to the directory block"?
I suspect CPanel might be chrooting the seperate systems, but I'm not sure, since I don't use it. But I can try to override the php.ini to see if that helps.
What do you mean by "add a single path to the directory block"?
I suspect CPanel might be chrooting the seperate systems, but I'm not sure, since I don't use it. But I can try to override the php.ini to see if that helps.
PHP has a "safe mode" system called open_basedir, it restricts PHP from going areas it isnt allowed to go into. It is controlled via php.ini, httpd.conf or .htaccess.
I do my modifications for each virtual site on my system in httpd.conf (using php_admin_value so that it cant be overridden by .htaccess).
Something like the following will allow PHP scripts to access /www/sitename, /tmp and /var/spool/mail (and outside of these paths will result in an error):
<Directory /www/sitename>
php_admin_value open_basedir "/www/sitename:/tmp:/var/spool/mail/"
Now, you'd have to be careful, and probably put subscriber_notify in its own directory.
Oh, and this wont help you if you're in a chroot enviroment :)
06-27-2005, 02:26 AM
PHP has a "safe mode" system called open_basedir, it restricts PHP from going areas it isnt allowed to go into. It is controlled via php.ini, httpd.conf or .htaccess.
I do my modifications for each virtual site on my system in httpd.conf (using php_admin_value so that it cant be overridden by .htaccess).
Something like the following will allow PHP scripts to access /www/sitename, /tmp and /var/spool/mail (and outside of these paths will result in an error):
<Directory /www/sitename>
php_admin_value open_basedir "/www/sitename:/tmp:/var/spool/mail/"
Now, you'd have to be careful, and probably put subscriber_notify in its own directory.
Oh, and this wont help you if you're in a chroot enviroment :)
Good tip, Tim. Let's see if any of our CPanel+Exim users can test it. Should be fine security-wise since the spool has it's own directory:
Good tip, Tim. Let's see if any of our CPanel+Exim users can test it. Should be fine security-wise since the spool has it's own directory:
The only issue is if cpanel is adding its own directories to the variable. Youll need /tmp or your equivilant temp directory otherwise attachments/avatars wont work.
06-27-2005, 06:19 AM
The only issue is if cpanel is adding its own directories to the variable. Youll need /tmp or your equivilant temp directory otherwise attachments/avatars wont work.
I'd already disabled open_basedir so I don't think this is the problem.
I had disabled it ages ago because I needed a Wiki to use the system DIFF utility.
I'll give it a whirl and let you know though (the htaccess segment that is).
06-27-2005, 06:23 AM
The default open_basedir on cpanel is roughly:
php_admin_value open_basedir "/home/EXAMPLE:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp"
It's applied per domain within the httpd.conf file.
I've added /home/EXAMPLE/mail to the value and will shortly check it :)
06-27-2005, 06:24 AM
The default open_basedir on cpanel is roughly:
php_admin_value open_basedir "/home/EXAMPLE:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php:/tmp"
It's applied per domain within the httpd.conf file.
I've added /home/EXAMPLE/mail to the value and will shortly check it :)
Nope... diagnostics still fail all three file tests.
It's not open_basedir :)
06-27-2005, 12:30 PM
version 0.5 released: Option to use custom header strings to identify bouncers. (Example, some Exim users may need to enter 'X-Failed-Recipients:'.
To upgrade: uninstall, then re-install :)
06-27-2005, 12:43 PM
I would like someone using Exim+Cpanel to test the .forward (dot-forward) file method :)
Here's how it works:
1. Create a file somewhere in your public_html directory /path/to/forum/admincp/subscriber_notify
this file should be readable/writable (666)
2.In your (subscriebr_notify) user home directory, create a .forward file. The .forward file should have one line in it:
The theory is that Exim will start forwarding emails to that file.
Not sure what Exim considers "home" directory, so you may need to try creating it in different directories for that user account (subscriber_notify) to test which directory is the right place for .forward
Send an email to subscriber_notify, and check if it was copied to that file. Exim manual states that this should work, so let's keep our fingers crossed. :)
06-27-2005, 04:27 PM
Another request for Cpanel+Exim users. I'm writing a POP maodule as an option instead of reading files. I'll need to test my code (from my home server) with your bouncer email box. If you'd like to volunteer :) please PM me the new account's (subscriber_notify) POP username and password.
06-27-2005, 09:54 PM
The next version will have a POP/IMAP option. This will be useful to those in chroot environments, or those on multiple servers, or using external mail servers.
I have it working, but I need some test volunteers. If you have a POP account for the subscriber_notify account, send me the POP access info by PM. (The worst I can do is delete a couple of bounced emails!) :)
I can't install Exim on my system, since I never used it, and would be time consuming for me.
The next version will have a POP/IMAP option. This will be useful to those in chroot environments, or those on multiple servers, or using external mail servers.
I have it working, but I need some test volunteers. If you have a POP account for the subscriber_notify account, send me the POP access info by PM. (The worst I can do is delete a couple of bounced emails!) :)
I can't install Exim on my system, since I never used it, and would be time consuming for me.
Great :)
Does PHP need to be compiled with some extra support to connect to POP mailboxes?
06-28-2005, 12:12 AM
Great :)
Does PHP need to be compiled with some extra support to connect to POP mailboxes?
Yes, it needs "--with-IMAP". The good news is that control panel configurations (who mostly would need the POP method) usually compile a lot of stuff into PHP.
For those who need to check: See vB's control panel under the phpinfo part in the maintenance/diagnostic section. If you have IMAP compiled, it would have a section titled IMAP and show status as "enabled".
06-28-2005, 06:37 PM
I like the idea, but there might be some kind of security problem: How do you make sure that the bounce is valid? I think this system could be abused to annoy users by selectively sending fake bounces resulting in account deactivation.
06-28-2005, 06:45 PM
I like the idea, but there might be some kind of security problem: How do you make sure that the bounce is valid? I think this system could be abused to annoy users by selectively sending fake bounces resulting in account deactivation.
That is true.
What I do is enabple a PM warning first, which means the member has 7 days to contact me if these are not really bounced emails.
I don't use the option to change user group, it was only added by request (I also made a warning under that option in the setting :) )
On my forums, the worst that can happen is to change subscription from instant email to "no email". Which means they can still see subscribed threads from the userCP.
A random number/hash could be generated for each email sent and stored so that the system knows its a legimitate email?
Im much worse about bounced email, if it bounces once they get moved to awaiting email confirmation (and a big red warning appears on every page in that group).
06-29-2005, 02:42 PM
A random number/hash could be generated for each email sent and stored so that the system knows its a legimitate email?
I gave this some thought, and concluded that it's best not to do that. Here's why: vBouncer is optimized not to do anything unless a bounced email is found. To implement a hash method, vBouncer will need to run an insert query for every email sent. The hash number will need to be stored in the database for every single thread notification sent. vBulletin will send multiple thread notifications for each new post, relative to the number of members subscribed to that thread, plus an extra qury when a bounced email is received, to match with the hash number sent. This is a huge number of queries, and will defeat the purpose of reducing the server load.
Im much worse about bounced email, if it bounces once they get moved to awaiting email confirmation (and a big red warning appears on every page in that group).
That's why I don't like that option :) I much prefer to let vBouncer run it's course. Send a warning on the first run, and take action on the second run (defult run period is 7 days).
Fair enough, though the system is open to abuse if you think about it. I wonder if there is another solution to either make it harder or impossible to abuse.
06-30-2005, 01:40 AM
Fair enough, though the system is open to abuse if you think about it. I wonder if there is another solution to either make it harder or impossible to abuse.
I think the abuse would require all the following conditions:
1. Enabling auto processing option
2. And enabling usergroupid change option
3. And allowing members to see other members email addressess (or them finding out the email addresses from the members themselves)
4. And being able to forge emails with correct bounce syntax.
But an alternative would be to ignore forged email headers. I may write some pre-checks, and/or allow the option to call user-defined scripts, like SpamAssasin and the like, to allow returning a true or false answer, and ignore emails based on that answer.
I think the abuse would require all the following conditions:
1. Enabling auto processing option
2. And enabling usergroupid change option
3. And allowing members to see other members email addressess (or them finding out the email addresses from the members themselves)
4. And being able to forge emails with correct bounce syntax.
But an alternative would be to ignore forged email headers. I may write some pre-checks, and/or allow the option to call user-defined scripts, like SpamAssasin and the like, to allow returning a true or false answer, and ignore emails based on that answer.
Good point. I dont allow users to see other users email addresses, so that should be enough to make sure its okay?
Paul M
07-02-2005, 03:37 AM
I am actually testing what seems a very simple answer to the above, which also gives me something consistant to look for in the returned mails.
I use the following code to add two headers to every outgoing e-mail
$mycode = "qwertyuiop"; // change this to something unique //
$headers .= "X-Tracker-Dst: " . $toemail . $delimiter;
$headers .= "X-Tracker-Chk: ". MD5($toemail . $mycode) . $delimiter;
Every system that bounces mail should return the original headers (all that I have tested do) so you get these headers back with all failures.
The bouncer code then scans the inbox looking for all the X-Tracker-Dst headers to get the original destination, and pulls the X-Tracker-chk for each one. It then does the same MD5 calculation and if it's a match it knows it was a genuine bounce. To spoof this - the spoofer would need to know your unique code in order to get the MD5 correct. It also means that all I need to look for in the rejects inbox is these two headers. :)
Paul M
07-02-2005, 03:39 AM
On a seperate note - I'm going to see if I can figure out why the forum cannot see the mail box - since my vB can see my attachments folder, which is at the same level as the mail folder - it maybe nothing more than permissions.
Edit, okay, it's not permissions. A deeper look required over the weekend.
good idea, solves the query problem :)
07-02-2005, 04:42 AM
I am actually testing what seems a very simple answer to the above, which also gives me something consistant to look for in the returned mails.
I use the following code to add two headers to every outgoing e-mail
$mycode = "qwertyuiop"; // change this to something unique //
$headers .= "X-Tracker-Dst: " . $toemail . $delimiter;
$headers .= "X-Tracker-Chk: ". MD5($toemail . $mycode) . $delimiter;
Every system that bounces mail should return the original headers (all that I have tested do) so you get these headers back with all failures.
The bouncer code then scans the inbox looking for all the X-Tracker-Dst headers to get the original destination, and pulls the X-Tracker-chk for each one. It then does the same MD5 calculation and if it's a match it knows it was a genuine bounce. To spoof this - the spoofer would need to know your unique code in order to get the MD5 correct. It also means that all I need to look for in the rejects inbox is these two headers. :)
I like the idea. But I'm not sure you will get all your headers back, I think it will depend on the ISP. I think AOL would be one of the ISP's that won't give you back all the headers, and some would give it back depending on the bounce type.
But I will test it out, and see if the percentage of those who do return it. If it's reasonably high enough (50+%), I think it would be worth it. An option can be added to see if the admin want to to rely on it, or ignore it.
I like the idea. But I'm not sure you will get all your headers back, I think it will depend on the ISP. I think AOL would be one of the ISP's that won't give you back all the headers, and some would give it back depending on the bounce type.
But I will test it out, and see if the percentage of those who do return it. If it's reasonably high enough (50+%), I think it would be worth it. An option can be added to see if the admin want to to rely on it, or ignore it.
Maybe a 3rd option, process automatically any email that has the headers to confirm it, and if it doesnt have them, put them in a "manual processing queue"?
07-02-2005, 01:31 PM
On a seperate note - I'm going to see if I can figure out why the forum cannot see the mail box - since my vB can see my attachments folder, which is at the same level as the mail folder - it maybe nothing more than permissions.
Edit, okay, it's not permissions. A deeper look required over the weekend.
I strongly suspect it is due to a (chroot)ed environment. chhroot setup will cause different users to have a distorted view of the system directories. If I login as superuser, my /home /etc /var directories are "real", and mapped to the main directories. If I login as a regular user, my directories are mapped. So when as a regular user I look for /var/spool/mail, in reality it's /home/users/chroot/var/spool/mail. So the path name to the file is not identical to both users.
07-02-2005, 01:44 PM
Maybe a 3rd option, process automatically any email that has the headers to confirm it, and if it doesnt have them, put them in a "manual processing queue"?
That's doable. Maybe give it a status/error code of 'no sure', and let the admin decide from the stats page.
I plan to test these headers on a live system, just to see if I really get back a decent percentage of the original headers, this may take a couple of runs to calculate.
To give you guys some heads up, I may release 0.9 tonight for the 3.0.7 version. It has two new features:
1. IMAP/POP support, so those on control panels, or sites with external email servers, or those who just prefer not to deal with mail spools can use it.
2. Custom bounce filters. This is an optional config file that allows you to insert multiple custom regular expressions to match the patterns on bounce emails on your server that vBouncer couldn't catch. There's just too many special cases for each server MTA setup, that I though t's best to allow custom regex, rather than hardcode them. Plus, it will not require me to keep on releasing a new version for each pattern :)
07-02-2005, 04:09 PM
Hi tamarian,
Sorry to offer late, but just getting back to this. Do you still need cPanel access and/or a POP account?
07-02-2005, 04:50 PM
Hi tamarian,
Sorry to offer late, but just getting back to this. Do you still need cPanel access and/or a POP account?
cPanel access is not needed, but would love to test the POP module on an Exim. So if you have a POP account that has bounced emails (or empty and not being used), please PM me the access info :)
Paul M
07-02-2005, 05:44 PM
On a seperate note - I'm going to see if I can figure out why the forum cannot see the mail box - since my vB can see my attachments folder, which is at the same level as the mail folder - it maybe nothing more than permissions.Well after further testing - it is a permission problem.
In your cpanel account, for address
The path needs to be " /home/<cpaccount>/mail/ "
The mail, & rejects folders all need chmod'ing to 755.
The mailbox file can then be set to 666, and it will work - except - that as soon as another mail is received, exim chmod's the inbox file back to 660, cutting off php's read/write access. I now need to see if I can stop exim doing this.
07-02-2005, 05:53 PM
Well after further testing - it is a permission problem.
In your cpanel account, for address
The path needs to be " /home/<cpaccount>/mail/ "
The mail, & rejects folders all need chmod'ing to 755.
The mailbox file can then be set to 666, and it will work - except - that as soon as another mail is received, exim chmod's the inbox file back to 660, cutting off php's read/write access. I now need to see if I can stop exim doing this.
How about changing the owner (chown) as well? If exim is no longer the owner of the file (but still has write permission) it should not be able to chmod it.
Paul M
07-02-2005, 07:10 PM
How about changing the owner (chown) as well? If exim is no longer the owner of the file (but still has write permission) it should not be able to chmod it.What or who would I set the owner to ? I have fixed it on my test server by changing one line in the exim.conf file - but this may not be possible if you are not on a dedicated server.
07-02-2005, 07:23 PM
What or who would I set the owner to ? I have fixed it on my test server by changing one line in the exim.conf file - but this may not be possible if you are not on a dedicated server.
Change it to the apache user apache:apache (or if apache runs as nobody, then nobody:nobody).
Note that I'm not recommending people do this :) But it's worth it just to see if that's the culprit.
07-02-2005, 07:37 PM
Version 0.9 is out. New features added:
o Collect logs via IMAP/POP or mail spool file
o Custom filters to match patterns in bounced emails
To upgrade, uninstall, then reinstall through the installation script.
Paul M
07-02-2005, 07:58 PM
Change it to the apache user apache:apache (or if apache runs as nobody, then nobody:nobody).
Note that I'm not recommending people do this :) But it's worth it just to see if that's the culprit.Nope, exim still manages to change it back to 666 - but with the exim config change, it works for me - so I'm happy.
There is always the pop method if people cannot do this. :)
Btw, there is an error in the vbouncer-clean.php ;
elseif ($DemoteUg) $db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user
set usergroupid = " . $vbulletin->options['vbouncer_auto_ug_destination'] . " where userid='$stats[uid]");
There is a stray quote after where userid=
07-02-2005, 08:08 PM
There is a stray quote after where userid=
Thanks, fixed and uploaded.
Can you write a summary for what cPanel+Exim config needs to be changed, so the spool becomes readable/writable? I'll just add it to the how-to with your name, for those who can (and want to) change their Exim config.
07-02-2005, 08:24 PM
cPanel access is not needed, but would love to test the POP module on an Exim. So if you have a POP account that has bounced emails (or empty and not being used), please PM me the access info :) Will do.
I have not installed this on my new server that is now serving as my test site (as of Sunday) and I am still getting it set up.
What all do I need to do to set this up -- just apply the hack, or do I need to do any of Paul's addons?
Paul M
07-02-2005, 08:25 PM
Can you write a summary for what cPanel+Exim config needs to be changed, so the spool becomes readable/writable? I'll just add it to the how-to with your name, for those who can (and want to) change their Exim config.In the exim config file ( /etc/exim.conf ), near the bottom is a section that begins with virtual_userdelivery: - in that section is a line which says mode = 0660 - change this to mode = 0666 . Then chmod the inbox file to 666 as I previously mentioned (and the directory structure leading to it as previously described).
07-02-2005, 08:25 PM
Are you running exiscan-clamav or clamav connector or anything similar?
Paul M
07-02-2005, 08:28 PM
Are you running exiscan-clamav or clamav connector or anything similar?
Thanks!Never heard of it, so I guess not. :)
07-02-2005, 08:31 PM
Will do.
I have not installed this on my new server that is now serving as my test site (as of Sunday) and I am still getting it set up.
What all do I need to do to set this up -- just apply the hack, or do I need to do any of Paul's addons?
Yes, just install the new vBouncer (0.9), and wait it for it to collect some bounced emails. You can test the POP yourself first. If there are problems with th ePOP method, I'll take a look.
07-02-2005, 08:39 PM
In the exim config file ( /etc/exim.conf ), near the bottom is a section that begins with virtual_userdelivery: - in that section is a line which says mode = 0660 - change this to mode = 0666 . Then chmod the inbox file to 666 as I previously mentioned (and the directory structure leading to it as previously described).
Cool, the how-to is updated. Let me know if I messed it up :)
07-02-2005, 09:01 PM
Never heard of it, so I guess not. :) They are Exim filters for viruses.
Tamarian -- will get that set up for you tonight when the guys at my host finish with the kernel upgrade (that should have been done when it was configured :speechless: ).
If my results differ from Paul's, please note that I am running ClamAV, so we may need to document that.
07-02-2005, 09:10 PM
They are Exim filters for viruses.
Tamarian -- will get that set up for you tonight when the guys at my host finish with the kernel upgrade (that should have been done when it was configured :speechless: ).
If my results differ from Paul's, please note that I am running ClamAV, so we may need to document that.
If you use the POP/IMAP method, the Exim config edit is not required, since you will not need to access the spool file directly.
I'll write up any Exim hints and tips you guys give me, since you have the cPanel+Exim setup. :)
07-03-2005, 03:20 PM
Sent you a PM with some setup thoughts.
Do have a question on this though -- what does it do with bounced emails from new registrations? We delete registrations whose emails bounce and I don't want those to be included in the same tracking/warning as the ones who are subscribing to threads.
Second question -- does this (or will it plan to) address those who have email notifications on PMs in that it will remove this flag from their profile? I would even go as far as to say that if their email is bad, I would like ALL subscriptions and email notifications to be disabled.
07-03-2005, 04:02 PM
Do have a question on this though -- what does it do with bounced emails from new registrations? We delete registrations whose emails bounce and I don't want those to be included in the same tracking/warning as the ones who are subscribing to threads.
You can exclude usergroups from the settings menu under "Protected usergroups" (to prevent usergroup changes" Or under "Untouchable usergroups" to prevent any actions such unsubscribing or PM's.
But if they register with a wrong email, you'd only get 1 or two bounces. If your bounce limit is 25 or 50, they wouldn't be affected.
Second question -- does this (or will it plan to) address those who have email notifications on PMs in that it will remove this flag from their profile? I would even go as far as to say that if their email is bad, I would like ALL subscriptions and email notifications to be disabled.
It's doable if you guys really want it.
But the main purpose for vBouncer is to prevent server spikes due to the volume of emails generated during busy hours for new replies and subsequent notifications of new replies. Reducing this volume through unsubscribing bouncing members is the main purpose.
An occasional email to notify about a PM doesn't have that impact on the server
07-03-2005, 09:51 PM
Update on the MD5 idea to check for forged bounced emails:
So far it seems most bounced emails will return the full original headers. The only exception I've seen so far is AOL, and only in the case when the AOL member in question rejects emails from your forum (i.e they are blocking your email from getting into their mail box.
So currently my upcoming version does the following:
1. Adds a new setting to enter your MD5 encryption string. If you leave it empty, it will not send the new header, and will process bounced emails as authentic. So it acts like an enable/disable option.
2. If you enter an MD5 encryption string, it will send the header out with outgoing email, but it will only check for them depending on the rules you set in pattern config file. This is done to allow the check to be turned on and off based on each pattern defined. If you define a pattern for AOL-sender-block (already defined in, you can set the check to no, so it will not ignore tham due to lack of the header.
3. If an MD5 header is defined, and the pattern requires the MD5 header, then it will ignore/skip bounced emails that do not have the header, or have the header but it did not match the MD5 key.
4. No additional manual queue to seperate which is which, since it's quite controllable by the settings, and only a small percentage (less than 1%) of bounced emails (in my logs at least) fall under this case.
So this is tested and running right now and ready for release as 1.0, let me know what you think.
Paul M
07-04-2005, 12:42 AM
I think I should read you post more carefully next time, I just re-installed it expecting to see this :(
07-04-2005, 12:51 AM
I think I should read you post more carefully next time, I just re-installed it expecting to see this :(
LOL, c'mon, you don't even need to wait, I expect you already have a separate branch with a working version :) I plan to release it tomorrow, just wanted to confirm the stats with a decent sample of bounces.
Paul M
07-04-2005, 12:51 AM
I also get the following in my ACP
Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream in /admincp/vbouncer.php on line 143
I'm not using the POP/IMAP option.
07-04-2005, 12:53 AM
I also get the following in my ACP
Warning: imap_open(): Couldn't open stream in /admincp/vbouncer.php on line 143
I'm not using the POP/IMAP option.
You mean in the diagnostics page? That should be fine, I just thought I'll let it show everything that can work or not work, regardless of chosen option, for fiagnostic purposes.
Paul M
07-04-2005, 12:57 AM
Um, okay - it's a bit distracting getting an error message for something I don't use.
Anyway, the diagnostics show this ;
vbouncer.ini file exists = Passed
vbouncer.ini file is readable = Passed
But the cron log shows this : vbounce.ini not found, or empty. Only processing standard reports.
The file in the zip, which I uploaded appears to be called (not ini)
use a @ before the function :p
07-04-2005, 01:16 AM
Um, okay - it's a bit distracting getting an error message for something I don't use.
Anyway, the diagnostics show this ;
vbouncer.ini file exists = Passed
vbouncer.ini file is readable = Passed
But the cron log shows this : vbounce.ini not found, or empty. Only processing standard reports.
The file in the zip, which I uploaded appears to be called (not ini)
Ah, just the text is wrong, but the code reads and looks for The file should be in includes/cron, and readable. Did the task run from the admincp task manager, or via regular cron?
07-04-2005, 01:17 AM
use a @ before the function :p
Yes, I just thought since the script is being run by admins, it's best not to hide any errors, since it might help explain problems if/when they occure. :)
Paul M
07-04-2005, 01:35 AM
Ah, just the text is wrong, but the code reads and looks for The file should be in includes/cron, and readable. Did the task run from the admincp task manager, or via regular cron?From the task manager. I can't repeat it though, strange.
07-04-2005, 09:04 PM
- July 4, 2005 v1.0 Added encrypted header for authentication (suggested by Paul M).
To upgrade, uninstall, then re-install and re-upload all files.
Also, delete the existing plugin, and then re-import it, if you want to use the encrypted header.
This is really a neat idea! Well, I download the package and installed it to an 3.5.0 RC2 board. Everything went fine except when running the cron jobs. I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /forums/includes/functions.php on line 4240
08-12-2005, 02:48 PM
This is really a neat idea! Well, I download the package and installed it to an 3.5.0 RC2 board. Everything went fine except when running the cron jobs. I get this error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /forums/includes/functions.php on line 4240
Do you also get this error when running other vB cron tasks? This error seem to occur whenever I run any task from the task manager.
Hmm... yes, I get this error when I run other vB cron tasks. What could be wrong?
08-12-2005, 03:03 PM
It seems to be a vb bug, from what I have seen on the com. ;)
08-12-2005, 03:15 PM
Hmm... yes, I get this error when I run other vB cron tasks. What could be wrong?
It's a vB bug, and here's the fix:
Also, I will need to make a change to the vBouncer cron files to mach the new vB cron changes, I'll upload them shortly as v1.3 :)
08-12-2005, 03:26 PM
- August 12, 2005 v1.3 Update to the cron files to match new changes in vB's cron/tasks in 3.5 RC2. To upgrade, just re-upload the contents of includes/cron in the vBouncer zip file.
08-12-2005, 04:18 PM
It's a vB bug, and here's the fix:
Also, I will need to make a change to the vBouncer cron files to mach the new vB cron changes, I'll upload them shortly as v1.3 :)
You're welcome. )
- August 12, 2005 v1.3 Update to the cron files to match new changes in vB's cron/tasks in 3.5 RC2. To upgrade, just re-upload the contents of includes/cron in the vBouncer zip file.
Wow! Thanks for the quick update. BTW, what instances would the header change to the vBouncer e-mail address? Outgoing e-mails from my server is still www@fqdn.
08-13-2005, 12:46 AM
Wow! Thanks for the quick update. BTW, what instances would the header change to the vBouncer e-mail address? Outgoing e-mails from my server is still www@fqdn.
vBouncer will NOT change the "From:" header. It only changes/adds a "Return-To:" header.
Strange... I tried sending a test e-mail but I couldn't find "Return-To:" anywhere in the header.
08-14-2005, 11:29 PM
Strange... I tried sending a test e-mail but I couldn't find "Return-To:" anywhere in the header.
Did you view the full headers, and what was there? Was the plugin activated?
Here's the full headers.
Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830);
Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:21:18 +0800
Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 95F33198432
for <>; Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:19:57 +0800 (PHT)
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 80)
id A3A7472DF1; Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:20:18 +0800 (PHT)
Subject: vBulletin Email Test
From: "" <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP
Date: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:20:18 +0800 (PHT)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 14 Aug 2005 22:21:18.0781 (UTC) FILETIME=[7E2BAED0:01C5A11E]
08-15-2005, 12:15 AM
Here's the full headers.
Yes, that's the one :) Just make sure it only used for bounced emails (i.e. different than the webmaster email)
Not quite -- I've defined vbouncer-notify[at] for the return path, not www[at]
08-15-2005, 02:13 AM
Not quite -- I've defined vbouncer-notify[at] for the return path, not www[at]
Is the plugin active?
Yes, the plugin is active.
08-15-2005, 05:43 PM
Yes, the plugin is active.
What are your vBulletin email settings? Are you using SMTP? Do you use the -f option?
I just enabled the -f option and this is what I received when I tested it again:
Microsoft Mail Internet Headers Version 2.0
Received: from ([]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.1830);
Tue, 16 Aug 2005 06:24:46 +0800
Received: from ( [])
by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 94AAD198429
for <>; Tue, 16 Aug 2005 06:23:22 +0800 (PHT)
Received: by (Postfix, from userid 80)
id 52D0872DF1; Tue, 16 Aug 2005 06:23:45 +0800 (PHT)
Subject: vBulletin Email Test (With -f Parameter)
From: "" <>
Message-ID: <>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ISO-8859-1"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-Priority: 3
X-Mailer: vBulletin Mail via PHP
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 06:23:45 +0800 (PHT)
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 15 Aug 2005 22:24:46.0437 (UTC) FILETIME=[245B3950:01C5A1E8]
08-15-2005, 11:42 PM
I just enabled the -f option and this is what I received when I tested it again:
Looks good, So it seems SMTP users need to enable -f. I'll add that to the instructions.
Not quite, remember that my desired "Reply-To:" value should be and not (this is the webmaster e-mail).
08-16-2005, 01:54 AM
Not quite, remember that my desired "Reply-To:" value should be and not (this is the webmaster e-mail).
Hmm, so we now have had two different return paths and none of them is the one you set up? I can only think of wrong settings to cause this.
Double check all your settings, make sure the plugin is there, and activated, let me know your vB email settings and you vBouncer settings, then generate a subscription notifications (a reply to a thread) and let's check the headers.
Hmm... for some reason, it's now sending as the vBouncer e-mail. However, I'm getting this in the logs: not found, or not readable. Only processing standard reports.
08-23-2005, 01:36 AM
Hmm... for some reason, it's now sending as the vBouncer e-mail. However, I'm getting this in the logs: not found, or not readable. Only processing standard reports.
Have you uploaded all the files?
Yes, is in the same directory as the cron files.
08-23-2005, 02:08 AM
Yes, is in the same directory as the cron files.
And it has read permission set?
Are you running on a Windows server?
Yes, it has the read permission set:
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 4567 Jul 4 17:26 vbouncer.incThis is on a FreeBSD server.
08-23-2005, 02:37 AM
Yes, it has the read permission set:
-rw-r--r-- 1 www www 4567 Jul 4 17:26 vbouncer.incThis is on a FreeBSD server.
Try this. Open vbouncer-collect.php
if (file_exists('./includes/cron/') AND is_readable('./includes/cron/')) {
$REContext = parse_ini_file('./includes/cron/', TRUE);
Replace with:
if (file_exists(DIR . '/includes/cron/') AND is_readable(DIR . '/includes/cron/')) {
$REContext = parse_ini_file(DIR . '/includes/cron/', TRUE);
09-16-2005, 11:04 PM
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_close() in /home/musicban/public_html/includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 162
09-17-2005, 12:07 AM
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_close() in /home/musicban/public_html/includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 162
This means your PHP was not compiled with IMAP. You might need to recompile, or use the file spool method.
10-05-2005, 02:27 AM
thanksman.. your an uberhax0r
/me installs
10-06-2005, 01:50 AM
After upgrading to 3.5 my vbouncer went dead and my emails started goign out with the plain return addresses for some reason. I downloaded the updated files, but upon trying to install them the database was erroring out saying the table data was already there. Should I delete what is there and reinstall it?
10-06-2005, 02:05 AM
After upgrading to 3.5 my vbouncer went dead and my emails started goign out with the plain return addresses for some reason. I downloaded the updated files, but upon trying to install them the database was erroring out saying the table data was already there. Should I delete what is there and reinstall it?
Not sure why that would happen. But no need to delete, just run the installation script, and click uninstall, then run it agin to einstall. Write down any previous settings like the encryption phrase, and the email, etc. (and click install :) )
10-06-2005, 02:08 AM
Thanks for the quick reply. I just did that but the emails are still going out with the as the return address. Strange...
10-06-2005, 02:12 AM
Thanks for the quick reply. I just did that but the emails are still going out with the as the return address. Strange...
Have you activated the plugins?
10-06-2005, 10:49 AM
Thanks very much, appears to be working great, and deprecates the need for me to run my PERL script to do it :) Lovely.
10-06-2005, 02:26 PM
New problem now. I got the return email addy to change by using the -f command in the control panel but now all the emails going out are sent with the webmaster email and not the vbouncer email. I think the hook fell out that engaged the vbouncer email. How can I get it back in?
10-06-2005, 02:29 PM
OMG it works!! I imported the plugin and it works.... Thanks
10-08-2005, 03:46 PM
No bounce collection method defined, exiting. Bounce collection failed, exiting.
What to do?
10-08-2005, 04:01 PM
I spoke too soon. When Cron runs vBouncer it errors out and I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_close() in /home/djchat/public_html/boards/includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 162
10-08-2005, 04:04 PM
What to do?
You need to setup your vBouncer options in vBulletin Options -> vBouncer.
10-08-2005, 04:05 PM
I spoke too soon. When Cron runs vBouncer it errors out and I get:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_close() in /home/djchat/public_html/boards/includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 162
This means your PHP does not have IMAP functions. You need to either recompile with IMAP support, or use the file spool method instead.
10-08-2005, 04:08 PM
You need to setup your vBouncer options in vBulletin Options -> vBouncer.
Hm I did that. Maybe I forgot something. Some options I don't even understand so it wouldn't surprise me.
But there is no "collection method" option or something like that.
10-08-2005, 04:11 PM
Hm I did that. Maybe I forgot something. Some options I don't even understand so it wouldn't surprise me.
But there is no "collection method" option or something like that.
Collection method mehod is either IMAP or a spool file. Make sure you check the diagnostics option in the vBouncer menu, to see if there are any errors.
10-08-2005, 04:16 PM
Collection method mehod is either IMAP or a spool file. Make sure you check the diagnostics option in the vBouncer menu, to see if there are any errors.
Ok "IMAP/POP connection"
To be honest, I'm not sure what to fill in there.
Here are a few examples, replace the domain name with your own:
For local IMAP: {localhost:143}INBOX
For local POP: {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX
For remote POP: {}INBOX
{localhost:110/pop3}INBOX didnt work
do i need to change the numbers or something?
Sorry if these are dumb questions...
10-08-2005, 05:20 PM
{localhost:110/pop3}INBOX didnt work
do i need to change the numbers or something?
Sorry if these are dumb questions...
These values are based on your email account setup. Think of them like any new account you setup for your server. Instead of local host, put the URL of the domain used for the email, and make sure you put the email username and password in the rest of the fields.
10-08-2005, 06:11 PM
This isn going to work, too bad :(
{}INBOX didnt work password is there...
10-08-2005, 06:13 PM
didnt work
What is the output of the diagnostic menu option?
10-08-2005, 06:16 PM
not sure what menu
but this comes out after the task:
vbouncer Collect
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_close() in /home/xch1295/domains/ on line 162
10-08-2005, 06:25 PM
I have recompiled Apache with the imap setting on for php but am still getting the error. Here is a snip from the compiles:
configure php-4.3.11...(--prefix=/usr --with-xml --enable-bcmath --enable-calendar --enable-ftp --with-gd --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/local --with-png-dir=/usr --with-xpm-dir=/usr/X11R6 --with-imap --with-imap-ssl --with-kerberos --enable-magic-quotes --with-mysql=/usr --enable-discard-path --with-pear --enable-sockets --enable-track-vars --enable-versioning --with-zlib).... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done
Do I need to turn something on in php.ini?
10-08-2005, 06:31 PM
I have recompiled Apache with the imap setting on for php but am still getting the error. Here is a snip from the compiles:
I don't think php.ini needs any modifications. What is the output if you click on the vBouncer menu -> Diagnostics ?
10-08-2005, 06:32 PM
not sure what menu
From the admincp -> vBounder menu -> Diagnostics
10-09-2005, 11:48 AM
* Valid vBouncer email account ( Passed
* vBouncer email account ( differs from webmaster account Passed
*vBouncer email spool file () exists Failed
*vBouncer email spool file () is writable Failed
*vBouncer email spool file () is readable Failed
* file exists Passed
* file is readable Passed
*Your PHP installation supports IMAP/POP Failed
10-09-2005, 12:23 PM
* Valid vBouncer email account ( Passed
* vBouncer email account ( differs from webmaster account Passed
*vBouncer email spool file () exists Failed
*vBouncer email spool file () is writable Failed
*vBouncer email spool file () is readable Failed
* file exists Passed
* file is readable Passed
*Your PHP installation supports IMAP/POP Failed
O.k., so this diagnostic indicate that your server PHP was no configured with IMAP. You will need to recompile it with IMAP support (or have your host do it), or use the file spool method, as described in the first 3 posts.
10-13-2005, 04:00 AM
I am upgrading from the 3.0 version. Since I already have it installed, I assume I don't have to go through that again?
So I went to add the plugin and it says Invalid File Specified.
Any ideas?
Edit: thats for the CPNav one.
10-13-2005, 04:09 AM
I am upgrading from the 3.0 version. Since I already have it installed, I assume I don't have to go through that again?
So I went to add the plugin and it says Invalid File Specified.
Any ideas?
Edit: thats for the CPNav one.
For the cpnav xml file, you just upload it to /includes/xml directory. You just need to import one plugin file, from the plugin diretory.
Let me know if this works smoothly without the install script, so I can add a note to those upgrading :)
10-13-2005, 04:17 AM
ya, i just figured it out. :o
Seems to be ok. only one issue, the path to the image for the bars is off
I'll chk it out.
10-13-2005, 04:23 AM
ok, i fixed it. i changed this
$imgpath = '../' . $stylevars['imgdir_poll'];
to this
$imgpath = $stylevars['imgdir_poll'];
I have the full path to my images in that var anyway.
10-19-2005, 04:44 PM
Installed fine, seems to be ok, however I'm having issues setting up the email....I don't see any spooling options. I'm using Plesk, is anyone familiar with it?
10-22-2005, 02:56 PM
A short help from me for users with the problems of imap/pop access:
I the access does not work and all settings are correct try:
There could be a certificate failure with the internal IMAP Access on the server.
Perhaps its interesting for the FAQ ...
10-22-2005, 03:15 PM
the pop/imap access is working now, but he do not found any mails in it, although there are mails on the account :(
What could be the problem with the collect ?
running postfix
10-23-2005, 10:56 PM
A short help from me for users with the problems of imap/pop access:
I the access does not work and all settings are correct try:
There could be a certificate failure with the internal IMAP Access on the server.
Perhaps its interesting for the FAQ ...
10-24-2005, 10:27 AM
my problem ist solved ...
best regards
10-24-2005, 08:12 PM
next Problem:
the auto mode does not work ...
The script is not sending "pm" messages although the bounce limit is reached :(
I just test it with manual cron start. The script scans the mails, found bounce mails, but does not send the pm when the limit is reached ....
How to check the problem ?
10-24-2005, 08:25 PM
next Problem:
the auto mode does not work ...
The script is not sending "pm" messages although the bounce limit is reached :(
I just test it with manual cron start. The script scans the mails, found bounce mails, but does not send the pm when the limit is reached ....
How to check the problem ?
Verify the paameters you entered, the count, tolerance, period, usergroups, excluded user groups etc.
10-27-2005, 02:15 PM
i checked them ...
Is there an entry when "private messages" are sent in the log ?
I have a member with 40 bounces but nothing changed until now for him, although i activate automatic mode , Bounce limit 30, 7 days, pm activated ...
10-27-2005, 03:07 PM
i checked them ...
Is there an entry when "private messages" are sent in the log ?
I have a member with 40 bounces but nothing changed until now for him, although i activate automatic mode , Bounce limit 30, 7 days, pm activated ...
What does the vbouncer_clean cron log show?
10-27-2005, 03:53 PM
oh thats works ...
I did not know, that these sending runs with the clean ...
So that pm sending just runs every week ... right ?
Would that be good to also run it every day, but check befor if someone got an warning pm before ?
thanks for your help
10-27-2005, 04:05 PM
oh thats works ...
I did not know, that these sending runs with the clean ...
So that pm sending just runs every week ... right ?
Would that be good to also run it every day, but check befor if someone got an warning pm before ?
It's best to make it run at intervals equal to the warning period interval. Otherwise, it may send more PM's than it should, where each time it will send a PM, and next day another, even if the member has not bounced any more emails.
10-27-2005, 04:22 PM
thats why i though of the poss. to make an entry to the database when pm is sent.
And check it @every cleanup run ...
So the cleanup can run every day, but pms are sent not more than they have to been sent ;)
But very nice plugin so ...
I love it ;)
best regards
11-18-2005, 09:43 PM
thats why i though of the poss. to make an entry to the database when pm is sent.
And check it @every cleanup run ...
So the cleanup can run every day, but pms are sent not more than they have to been sent ;)
But very nice plugin so ...
I love it ;)
best regards
Hola! When I try to import the product I get:
"Invalid File Specified"
11-19-2005, 12:40 AM
Hola! When I try to import the product I get:
"Invalid File Specified"
vBouncer was released before product manager became avaialable, so the plugin file need to be imported from the plugin manager, not the product manager. This will change in a future release to a product file.
11-19-2005, 01:05 AM
vBouncer was released before product manager became avaialable, so the plugin file need to be imported from the plugin manager, not the product manager. This will change in a future release to a product file.
I still get a "Invalid File Specified" when using the 'Download / Upload Plugin' option.
11-19-2005, 07:55 AM
This isn't working. It says i've got had one bounced email but i'm still getting emails sent to my main email account webmaster "at" I'm sure they should be going to vbounce "at"!!! I just don't know what the problem is.
11-20-2005, 12:09 AM
I still get a "Invalid File Specified" when using the 'Download / Upload Plugin' option.
Not sure, you may havetried to import the wrong file? It's the vbulletin-vbouncer-plugins.xml file. I just tried it, and it imports without errors.
11-20-2005, 12:10 AM
This isn't working. It says i've got had one bounced email but i'm still getting emails sent to my main email account webmaster "at" I'm sure they should be going to vbounce "at"!!! I just don't know what the problem is.
Make sure the plugins are activated.
12-02-2005, 08:47 PM
I don't think this works with PHP5? Anyone have it running on PHP5?
This is what I get when I try to run Collect.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_close() in /home/******/forums/includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 162
Paul M
12-02-2005, 09:00 PM
Did you install apache with the imap module ?
12-02-2005, 09:56 PM
ahh crap, forgot that one again. thx.
12-02-2005, 10:39 PM
It seems to have stopped working on 3.5.1
12-02-2005, 11:11 PM
It seems to have stopped working on 3.5.1
Just tested it on 3.5.1 and it seems to be working fine. What errors are you getting and how?
12-02-2005, 11:14 PM
I must just have no bouncing emails then. Its not giving any errors. I had 20 something bouncing emails but now I have none and no history of any either.
12-02-2005, 11:21 PM
I must just have no bouncing emails then. Its not giving any errors. I had 20 something bouncing emails but now I have none and no history of any either.
Make sure you enable logging on the cron jobs to see details of last run, or run manually just to make sure.
Paul M
12-03-2005, 08:59 PM
Any chance of this being made a product yet ?
12-03-2005, 09:22 PM
Any chance of this being made a product yet ?
Yes, should be easy to make it a product. But I'm trying to find the easiest way to do it without screwing things up for those who already have it installed.
Any thoughts on this? :)
Paul M
12-03-2005, 09:44 PM
What do you expect will get screwed ?
12-03-2005, 09:52 PM
What do you expect will get screwed ?
If you try to do it the vanilla vB way for a product, the product file won't import due to duplicate keys in settings, and the install code will need to check for pre-existing tables, since pre product installations have no version defined.
Paul M
12-03-2005, 10:03 PM
The table bit is easy - you simply run the create query with error reporting turned off. If the table exists it will silently fail, otherwise it will work. However, people who already have it installed don't need to import the product anyway ?
12-03-2005, 10:35 PM
The table bit is easy - you simply run the create query with error reporting turned off. If the table exists it will silently fail, otherwise it will work.
That's true, or just add IF NOT EXISTS. But for settings and templates, it would leave the product id as vbulletin, so it may require some code to alter them if already there.
However, people who already have it installed don't need to import the product anyway ?
Not right now, but eventually they'll need to for any future upgrades.
12-06-2005, 07:33 AM
is this working with the "send user email" function of vbulletin ? im also using VB as a mailing list replacement ;), but im unable to get the return path added. Works for PM notifications though..
12-16-2005, 11:41 PM
A short help from me for users with the problems of imap/pop access:
I the access does not work and all settings are correct try:
There could be a certificate failure with the internal IMAP Access on the server.
Perhaps its interesting for the FAQ ...
THANKS! That was exactly my problem.
12-28-2005, 07:51 AM
It would be rather nice to see a version of this hack, but expanded to include bouncing Happy Birthday Emails, Bouncing Activaton Emails.
12-31-2005, 06:54 AM
i have installed this hack but it seems it doens't pick the right e-mail account out for sending e-mails. In my settings i have but he still uses my old e-mail adres where i receive those bounced e-mails.
I have upgrade from 3.0.7 to 3.5.2, in 3.0.7 worked perfect. I have activated the plugin.
01-08-2006, 06:27 PM
any way to expand this to other emails sent out by the forums?
as suggested in this thread
willing to pay for a solution that will work on my server, vbouncer is already working without a problem - PM me if you can help
01-11-2006, 10:42 PM
i have installed this hack but it seems it doens't pick the right e-mail account out for sending e-mails. In my settings i have but he still uses my old e-mail adres where i receive those bounced e-mails.
I have upgrade from 3.0.7 to 3.5.2, in 3.0.7 worked perfect. I have activated the plugin.
Same here. I've read the entire thread and the problem was addressed but not fixed.
Subscription emails are still being sent by the webmaster email address.
vBouncer sender email
Test Result
Valid vBouncer email account ( Passed
vBouncer email account ( differs from webmaster account Passed
vBouncer Spool File Diagnostics (ignore if using IMAP/POP)
Test Result
vBouncer email spool file () exists Failed
vBouncer email spool file () is writable Failed
vBouncer email spool file () is readable Failed
vBouncer pattern config file diagnostics
Test Result file exists Passed file is readable Passed
vBouncer IMAP/POP Diagnostics (ignore if not using IMAP/POP)
Test Result
Your PHP installation supports IMAP/POP Passed
Your IMAP/POP settings can connect Passed
I was using SMTP before attempting to use this, and subscriptions stopped working. Switched to php and emails are being sent, but from the webmaster address.
01-12-2006, 06:42 AM
I see that you also are running 3.5.2. Are there more people who run 3.5.2 or 3.5.3 who experiance this problem?
01-25-2006, 05:49 PM
I am running vb3.5.3 and have the problem of empty Return Path which has popped up before in this thread. I am using the spool file method and my bounce emails are being collected correctly in the bouce mailbox. However, all mails end up with an empty Return-Path setting:
Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Return-Path: <>
Even if manually modify the Return-Path value in the mailbox file, the vbouncer Stats still does not pick up these emails.
Any idea what is going wrong? I am using postfix as mail system by the way.
01-26-2006, 03:36 PM
I am running vb3.5.3 and have the problem of empty Return Path which has popped up before in this thread. I am using the spool file method and my bounce emails are being collected correctly in the bouce mailbox. However, all mails end up with an empty Return-Path setting:
Subject: Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender
Return-Path: <>
Even if manually modify the Return-Path value in the mailbox file, the vbouncer Stats still does not pick up these emails.
Any idea what is going wrong? I am using postfix as mail system by the way.
What does the diagnoastics results show? Make sure you enter the bouncer email in the settings. If you use smtp, switch to PHP and see if this makes a difference.
01-27-2006, 09:45 AM
Hi Tamarian,
The diagnostics screen show all PASSED except for the IMAP/POP settings which I do intend to use. The bouncer email address is filled in. I am also using PHP's mail() function rather than SMTP.
01-28-2006, 05:09 AM
Just wanted to say everything worked just fine for me... 3.5.3 windows installation with remote POP mailbox. No hiccups at all! Fantastic!
01-28-2006, 04:15 PM
The diagnostics screen show all PASSED except for the IMAP/POP settings which I do intend to use. The bouncer email address is filled in. I am also using PHP's mail() function rather than SMTP.
Make sure the plugin is active. When testing, make sure to test with a thread notification, and inspect the header.
01-29-2006, 06:38 AM
Hi tamarian - great idea, nice hack and thanks for the effort !
Mine's installed on 3.5 (patched to 3.52) and all seems fine - but for some reason I now get a parse error when emails are sent:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected '<' in /home/XXXXX/public_html/community/includes/class_mail.php(254) : eval()'d code on line 10
The emails go through OK - I'm using IMAP/POP and get green lights on the diagnostics: file exists Passed file is readable Passed
Your PHP installation supports IMAP/POP Passed
Your IMAP/POP settings can connect Passed
If I disable the plugin the error stops - any ideas?
Thanks - Mike :)
I run PLESK and can't get this to work. I get:
Warning: imap_close(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in /includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 162
A short help from me for users with the problems of imap/pop access:
I the access does not work and all settings are correct try:
There could be a certificate failure with the internal IMAP Access on the server.
Perhaps its interesting for the FAQ ...
Thanks This did it :rolleyes:
02-16-2006, 02:46 AM
This sounds like a cool hack and much needed on my site. Has this been verified for vb 3.5.3 or will it be updated to work on that version?
This sounds like a cool hack and much needed on my site. Has this been verified for vb 3.5.3 or will it be updated to work on that version?
I just installed it on my 3.5.3 and it seems to run perfectly, now I'm just waiting to see some ++++ing rats fall into the trap :)
02-16-2006, 02:16 PM
I get 50-100 bounced subscription emails per day now that I have entered a correct webmaster email.
I will try and install this hack but I'n only a novice. The instructions look fairly simple (extracting files, running installer, uploading plugin, creating a blank text file (what is a spool file?) because I use qmail. I'm not sure about the task part...hopefully it can be done by the admincp?
Anything I should watch out for?
I get 50-100 bounced subscription emails per day now that I have entered a correct webmaster email.
I will try and install this hack but I'n only a novice. The instructions look fairly simple (extracting files, running installer, uploading plugin, creating a blank text file (what is a spool file?) because I use qmail. I'm not sure about the task part...hopefully it can be done by the admincp?
Anything I should watch out for?
This is a simple add-on, I'm a complete idiot at php and I made it run in minuttes on a qmail (Look a few post earlier for a little mod to the default script about pop3 access) And made it connect thrugh pop3 and it's working fine for me.
My hosting provide run on plesk / unix freebsd 4.9 whit qmail. And yes this is simple and easy to setup. Go and enjoy the your forum and not your mailbox after this mod :)
02-20-2006, 06:19 PM
when I try to import the xml file it is telling me it is an invalid file. What am I doing wrong?
02-21-2006, 04:39 PM
Its not working. The bounced email keep getting sent to my old address. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I have Qmail and I followed the exact steps outlined in post #2 (remmeber I'm a dummy so if you left out something I didn't do it).
I made an email account and put in the login info into the vbouncer settings (not in the post 1 installation instructions btw).
My forums are on a different server and accessed with a subdomain. Could this be an issue? My server admin wanted to setup an email called but we couldn't get EV1 Servers to give us the correct mx or something so he told me jsut to use and it woudl work.
I'm lost and I might have to punch my comp if I get another bounced email. :disappointed:
02-23-2006, 01:08 AM
Its not working. The bounced email keep getting sent to my old address. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
I have Qmail and I followed the exact steps outlined in post #2 (remmeber I'm a dummy so if you left out something I didn't do it).
I made an email account and put in the login info into the vbouncer settings (not in the post 1 installation instructions btw).
My forums are on a different server and accessed with a subdomain. Could this be an issue? My server admin wanted to setup an email called but we couldn't get EV1 Servers to give us the correct mx or something so he told me jsut to use and it woudl work.
I'm lost and I might have to punch my comp if I get another bounced email. :disappointed:
if your mail server is located on another server than vBulletin, then you have to use the IMAP method, to retreive the emails through POP.
to make sure it's working, run the diagnostics, and bounce an email from a thread notification email, and check the headers of that email.
02-23-2006, 03:01 AM
when I try to import the xml file it is telling me it is an invalid file. What am I doing wrong?
hi wolfyman! What are you doing in this thread?!
02-23-2006, 03:42 AM
if your mail server is located on another server than vBulletin, then you have to use the IMAP method, to retreive the emails through POP.
to make sure it's working, run the diagnostics, and bounce an email from a thread notification email, and check the headers of that email.
ok in the vbouncer settings where it says IMAP/POP connection I entered this:
Then just below I entered the normal login info for my email account for the login and pw and it still didn't work. The email gets sent to my old addy.
If this isn't how you setup IMAP/POP then can I have a detailed explanation on how to do it? I logged in as a test user to bounce the email and he didn't recieve a PM either and I have it set to 1 infraction in the settings.
02-23-2006, 02:17 PM
Works with VB 3.54?
Works with VB 3.54?
looks like it to me
02-27-2006, 02:22 PM
help :(
02-27-2006, 04:05 PM
hi wolfyman! What are you doing in this thread?!
hoping somebody will show me the way! Thanks for noticing, can I get you something? Beer? Wine? Some cheese, perhaps?
Kihon Kata
03-01-2006, 08:29 PM
*Waits for a detailed reply to DannyITR. I have the same server setup as Danny with qmail.
03-01-2006, 08:41 PM
Not to worry. I sent tamarian the email headers so hopefully he will be able to diagnose the problem ;)
Kihon Kata
03-01-2006, 08:55 PM
Not to worry. I sent tamarian the email headers so hopefully he will be able to diagnose the problem ;)
03-04-2006, 04:11 AM
ok I just realized that I never installled and activated the plugin. Man I'm stupid.
I did a test and the bounced emails stopped however the test user I used didn't recieve a PM telling him to change his email and he is still subscribed to threads.
How do I test the program? I have limits set to one offence only.
03-04-2006, 05:00 AM
when I try to import the xml file it is telling me it is an invalid file. What am I doing wrong?
Please for the love of all that is spam compliant READ MY QUOTE. I have no idea what I am doing wrong, and apparently neither do you. None of you have ever experienced this in your life. I am all alone in this small tiny internet, and - is this really happening?
Will somebody please help me here?!!!
03-04-2006, 05:36 PM
wolfyman, what file are you trying to import, and where are you trying to import it from?
03-04-2006, 05:38 PM
I did a test and the bounced emails stopped however the test user I used didn't recieve a PM telling him to change his email and he is still subscribed to threads.
How do I test the program? I have limits set to one offence only.
Check the statistics, to see if they were caught. Then check the cron times when the task will be run, or run it from the cron manager.
03-04-2006, 07:35 PM
wolfyman, what file are you trying to import, and where are you trying to import it from?
Thank you for your response :)
I am trying to import the xml file attached in this thread from my desktop.
03-04-2006, 09:15 PM
Thank you for your response :)
I am trying to import the xml file attached in this thread from my desktop.
The attached file should be copied to the includes/xml directory.
The file that needs importing in step 4 is the plugin xml file included in the package.
03-07-2006, 04:00 PM
Check the statistics, to see if they were caught. Then check the cron times when the task will be run, or run it from the cron manager.
My stats are completely empty:
Total bounced emails currently logged
Top bouncer [] - -
Last run with results 19:00, 31st Dec 1969
Your IMAP/POP settings can connect Failed
I just hooked it up in outlook and I was able to access it fine. I had 500 emails to download. Why wont vbouncer do this?
03-07-2006, 05:01 PM
I'm sure the problem lies here:
Leave empty if your prefer using the file method below. This setting allows you to define an IMAP or POP connection for vBouncer to access the bounced emails account for processing. Here are a few examples, replace the domain name with your own:
For local IMAP: {localhost:143}INBOX
For local POP: {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX
For remote POP: {}INBOX
I have this in my box but I have no idea if its correct.
03-07-2006, 10:56 PM
how do I uninstall this asap?
My members don't receive any mails at all now. I just want to get rid of it asap please :s
Why is there no uninstall option anyway?
03-08-2006, 01:05 AM
I'm sure the problem lies here:
Leave empty if your prefer using the file method below. This setting allows you to define an IMAP or POP connection for vBouncer to access the bounced emails account for processing. Here are a few examples, replace the domain name with your own:
For local IMAP: {localhost:143}INBOX
For local POP: {localhost:110/pop3}INBOX
For remote POP: {}INBOX
I have this in my box but I have no idea if its correct.
Make sure it's the same settings as your POP account, correct login and password. Might want to try with the notls option as someone tried a few posts above.
03-08-2006, 01:09 AM
how do I uninstall this asap?
My members don't receive any mails at all now. I just want to get rid of it asap please :s
Why is there no uninstall option anyway?
Run the install script, it has an uninstall option, and remove the plugin and cron tasks.
03-08-2006, 01:44 AM
Make sure it's the same settings as your POP account, correct login and password. Might want to try with the notls option as someone tried a few posts above.
It is and I tried this as you suggested
but the connect still fails.
03-11-2006, 05:03 PM
anyone can help?
03-11-2006, 11:49 PM
Danny, you must use your email's connection information. 127.0 IP may not be the right one, if you say you use an external email server.
03-13-2006, 12:37 PM
Hey looks like its working!
03-15-2006, 08:08 PM
Apparently if I send a user a normal email using the admincp and it bounces then it is not caught by vbouncer. I was going to use it as a way of getting anyone with a faulty email to change it.
03-24-2006, 08:27 PM
IS there a way of catching bouncing emails that were sent via admincp? I have about 700 sitting in my inbox right now and I'm really not looking forward to taking care of them manually. Is there a similar hack that would support these bounces as well?
03-24-2006, 11:37 PM
I'm stuck in the install at step 4.
4. Import and activate the plugin file through the plugin manager.
Can someone be more specific as to the exact steps? I'm not understanding what to do? what plug in file? How do you active it, what are the steps? Thanks
03-26-2006, 08:40 AM
How do I activate the plugin file through the plugin manager? I've installed hundreds of hacks in the past without much problem, but this line has me confused, can anybody give me more specific info on this?
4. Import and activate the plugin file through the plugin manager.
I really would like to get this hack installed and running properly. Thanks again!
03-26-2006, 10:22 AM
The plugin manager is part of vB's adminCP, use the plugin import menu option, and import the file located in the import directory of the zip file.
03-30-2006, 03:59 PM
Took a little playing, and a lot of reading this thread, but it works, and works great!!!! Thanks.
Dennis B
04-01-2006, 03:39 PM
Excelent hack, thanks for sharing. :up:
04-05-2006, 04:30 PM
vBouncer Collect
Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 317
Warning: fopen(/var/spool/mail/forum_notify): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 319
Warning: ftruncate(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /includes/cron/vbouncer-collect.php on line 321
How to fix it?
04-07-2006, 05:37 AM
Could someone help me? I'm trying to get this running on a server where IMAP's running on port 993 but it's not working for reasons that I don't get.
Test Result
Valid vBouncer email account (subscriber-notify) Failed
vBouncer email account (subscriber-notify) differs from webmaster account Failed
vBouncer Spool File Diagnostics (ignore if using IMAP/POP)
Test Result
vBouncer email spool file (/var/mail/subscriber_notify) exists Failed
vBouncer email spool file (/var/mail/subscriber_notify) is writable Failed
vBouncer email spool file (/var/mail/subscriber_notify) is readable Failed
vBouncer pattern config file diagnostics
Test Result file exists Passed file is readable Passed
vBouncer IMAP/POP Diagnostics (ignore if not using IMAP/POP)
Test Result
Your PHP installation supports IMAP/POP Passed
Your IMAP/POP settings can connect Failed
04-07-2006, 02:06 PM
I'm assuming this works for mass mails as well?
04-17-2006, 03:59 AM
I've found that the sender email address isn't changed if vB to configured to use the Mailqueue System. Not sure if this is a problem with this mod or the server setup.
Any ideas?
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