View Full Version : [RELEASE] vBulletin => Links SQL integration.

02-12-2001, 02:59 PM

I'm happy to announce that we've finished our vBulletin => Links SQL plugin that allows Links SQL users to integrate their user database into vBulletin. What this means is with the plugin you will be able to:

1. User who is logged into vBulletin can move into Links SQL and stay logged in, no need to relogin. Same works the other way too (user logged into Links SQL, can move into vBulletin).

2. Users can log in from either Links SQL or vBulletin, although a central entry point is recommended.

3. If you remove a user in Links SQL, their vBulletin account is automatically removed.

4. When a user signs up at vBulletin, their account in Links SQL is automatically created.

This has been written for vBulletin 115, but I don't imagine 2.0 will require any significant changes. If so, I'll update the plugin once 2.0 is out.

For those not familiar, Links SQL lets you build and run a complex directory, ranging from a Yahoo style links directory, to a press release database to an image gallery. You can find more info about it at:


If you have any questions, or troubles about the plugin, please don't hesitate to ask.



Gossamer Threads Inc.

02-12-2001, 05:14 PM
hmmm.....perl based script and it is also very expensive. Wouldn't it have been better with a php style script like I have on my site here (http://www.islandncs.com/ad/links.php)?

02-12-2001, 05:22 PM
Thanks Alex, I was gonna do this myself eventually!! Good 2cu here!

02-12-2001, 05:31 PM
Dark_Wizard, just because it's perl does not make it any worse than a links application implemented in php. In fact, when written to support mod_perl, in many ways it will be superior to perl due to the maturity of the language.

As for the script on your site, first impressions indicate that it is not even in the same class as Links SQL! (or even the free Links 2 for that matter).

But as always, that is just my opinion.


02-12-2001, 05:45 PM
I hope this thread doesn't turn into a fighting match.

Alex's links script is very mature and works great. There are also thousands of webmasters using his stuff, so there is definitely a market for his plug in.

Someone will create a great links script for php I'm sure. I haven't looked at the one mentioned by Dark_Wizard, and it wasn't the most classy way to post that you got a script there. Let's leave this post to Alex, who by the way is a very classy guy.

I've seen some people try to knock his product in a dirty way (a LOOONG Time AGO) and the way he responded was top notch. You can't go wrong with Alex.

02-12-2001, 05:45 PM
I didn't say anything was wrong with the script but the expense is very high. The hack is an excellent idea but most people wouldn't want to shell out the bucks for this and would probably prefer to go with a less costly approach. If you feel I was wrong with my reply than I will apologize, I was just stating my opinion. BTW the script on my site is almost Identical and is MySQL based but hasn't been fully implemented yet.

02-12-2001, 06:04 PM
Excellent work Alex - great to see two superb products integrated in this way.

A word on the costs - I would wholeheartedly recommend Alex and his products to anyone. I have been using them since Links 1.1 and I have to say they are simply awesome - so configurable and so, so versatile. I too was put off by the price in the past, but having seen v2 of SQL, I have to say i'm a convert.

Yes, it's expensive, but it's designed purely as an industrial strength solution. If you cannot afford this for your site (no shame) then I can still heartily recommend Links 2.0 which is another Perl script on offer from Alex. It uses flat files, but the feature list is still very impressive. The price is a fair bit lower, and the license is free if you're a non-profit.

Keep up the good work, Alex!

02-12-2001, 06:07 PM
First off I didn't know this was Alex from Gossamer Threads and yes his products are excellent. I have used his products extensively in the past and would highly recommend them to anyone.

02-13-2001, 03:42 AM
No problem Dark Wizard. I wasn't trying to bust your B***s. I just wanted to show some support for Alex because he runs a class act, and always stayed above the fray even though he was given the chance to make some blows below the belt.

Peace out.

02-13-2001, 09:30 AM

02-14-2001, 12:13 AM

now for the vb2.0 version please Alex.