View Full Version : SonicTheHedgehog

06-12-2005, 09:46 PM
We have moved our forum from phpbb to vbulletin.


What do you think ?

Looking forward to your critique :nervous:


06-13-2005, 08:39 AM
I'm no expert in this but you could be heading for a whole heap of trouble from Sega, becasue Sonic the hedgehog is their registered trademark, unless of cause they have give you permission to use it?

06-13-2005, 09:14 AM
It shouldnt be a problem. Ive put a disclaimer on all the pages plus sega even have a section on their website where you can send them your sonic fansites and they put the best ones in their sonic central every month or so.

I have emailed sega now for confirmation that they do not mind (maybe I should have done this sooner and will see what they say).. If they mind ill follow any directions they give.

Thanks for telling me so I can get this sorted before I do get into trouble :)


Ive spoken to the Admin on the official sega forum (so he works for sega im guessing) and he said so long as you put a disclaimer on the site and dont claim to be sega there have never been any problems.

Still waiting for an official email from sega but for the moment it seems there shouldnt be a problem.

06-13-2005, 07:43 PM
Your site looks really really nice! Did you design the style yourself?

06-13-2005, 08:34 PM
The style was put together by me and a friend (as id never configured a vb before) - with him coding most of it and I doing the design for the site... Its fully custom made and unique :)

06-13-2005, 09:32 PM
The style was put together by me and a friend (as id never configured a vb before) - with him coding most of it and I doing the design for the site... Its fully custom made and unique :)good job! very professional looking.

06-14-2005, 06:23 AM
I love sonic the hedgehog, probably 3rd favorite character after mario and master chief.

06-14-2005, 12:17 PM
great style!!
one of the best

1)__ remove the splash page -- it can hurt with search engine placement
2)__ your login block (column) can be confusing to some -- you should clearly state the username/password input (WHICH IS WHICH)
3)__ you have 2 blocks with similar content: register block / welcome block -- I recommend removing the one found on top of the forums table
4)__ the HOME and FORUM link on navigation needs more contrast
5)__ add a site map
6)__ remove your email found in description of "Under 13 years old and want to post on the forum - READ HERE FIRST" forum -- I recommend that you post a link to your CONTACT page

06-15-2005, 01:14 AM
Thanks alot for your tips princeton. Ill definatly try and do most of the things on that list best I can.

I have actually today renamed the forum to TalkSonic and am going to make the SonicThehedgehog.net site into a portal and news page to link to the other sites. So it wont just be a splash as it is now.

For the login box would putting password in the password box (like username is in the username box) be all I would need to do to that?

The Home and Forum link I will try to develop to stand out more but at the moment they both link to the same place heh. Ill make sure that its done for the portal launch.

Thanks again for your help. I want to make the forum be the best it can be.. So any tips people give are really appreciated :)

06-15-2005, 01:18 AM

The site POPS out at you...very nice and I like how you organize your forums.

06-15-2005, 11:39 PM
I have made the following additional changes from princetons advice:

- Removed the welcome box leaving just the register box with identical info.

- Made the username and password box and which is which more evident.

Can anyone see any other things you think should be altered ?

Kindest Regards

Oblivion Knight
06-16-2005, 06:38 AM
Your forum design is a refreshing change from the usual, congratulations.. :)

One of the things I'd change is the "Last Post" icon

It's rather big, and takes some of the focus away from the design. I think a small arrow, similiar to what you've used in the navbar for the Search button would be much more effective.

06-16-2005, 08:56 AM
ill look into doing something about that :)

Thanks for your kind words