View Full Version : Extending User Profile

02-12-2001, 12:51 PM
I'm evaluating VB and need to do a couple things...

1) I want to extend the data I collect about a user, hide some of it, show some of it etc. - is this easily done?

2) I want to control what name gets dispalyed in postings...e.g. their real name and some additional info.
again....difficulty factor?

My underlying question, is can I modify these things and still have an OK upgrade path to new versions of VB?


02-12-2001, 01:06 PM
1 - you would have to add fields to the user table and just insert the data, no prob

2 - if you want the real name to appear the easiest way is to just ask them to put their real name in as the username - if they are not willing to do that they will not put there real name in the name slots anyway so it will not matter

3 - I would before an upgrade just copy over your hacked forum with the basic forum and then it should upgrade with out a prob - then you would have to be in the hacks again.