View Full Version : Auto close bad threads via thread rating?

05-31-2005, 06:54 PM
I think it would be an awesome idea if someone could code a hack that automatically closed bad threads after a minimum thread rating threshhold and minimum number of votes is reached.

For instance, set it so that if a thread gets a 2 star rating and has 10 votes, the thread is closed.

The mods at my forum can't always be there, this seems to be a cool way to fix that. Any takers???

05-31-2005, 07:39 PM
how would you know if a 'grade' is legit?
what would stop members in giving a thread a rating of 0 just for the hell of it?

05-31-2005, 10:11 PM
how would you know if a 'grade' is legit?
what would stop members in giving a thread a rating of 0 just for the hell of it?
I'd think a large enough base (based on your forum) would prevent that from happening...

The likelyhood of 10 or 100 people doing that, based on the size of your site, seems unlikely to me. Besides, it would also encourage people to rate every thread, including threads they like, lest they be closed...