View Full Version : Non-subscriber only see Binary encoded Posts

05-29-2005, 05:20 PM
would it be possible to do the following, and if so, would it be easy?

1. i would like all posts to be encoded or turned into Binary for guests and regular users. in otherwords, they could only view posts in binary numbers. they would then have to go to a separate place on the website to copy and paste the post to decode it. This would be a page provided in the attachment to the post.

2. paid usergroups or subscribers would have their posts automatically decoded and it would look normal.

in otherwords, when someone replies, they would reply in regular ascii, but the post would automatically encrypt. certain usergroups would only see the binary and others would see the actual post.

i would then provide the link to a decoder (is there one i can embed out there?) for the users that default to binary. hopefully, this would make them subscribe ... but if they don't, they can still read the posts.

i would greatly appreciate any help or suggestions.

i've attached a Binary/Encoder courtesy of Shawn McEwan of DarkModule.com. As per darkmodule, this program is free software and can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 2) as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Is there a way to use this attachment to automatically encrypt posts for non-subscribers viewing and decode for subscribers viewing?



05-30-2005, 11:28 AM
This sounds like it would be pretty funny. :p

No promises, but I'll probably work on this if I have some free time.

EDIT: I have some free time now, I'll get to work on this. I'll give you the option of specifying which usergroups see the posts in which ways.

Hmm. Well, this was an interesting first test.

Check out this thread (http://www.tasteslikespam.com/showthread.php?t=5272) on my boards (yes, I use my live boards for coding and testing. Sue me). I had had the hack on for all usergroups, not just guests at the time I made that, because I was testing it in the first place. As you can see, it cached the converted posts.

I've got a good idea what I'm doing now though.

06-29-2005, 09:05 PM
i had something similar to this on my forum acctually, it was a crude easter egg, by adding &leet=1337 onto the end of a url it converted the psots into 'leet' it wasn't great as it totally messed up the bb tags but it gave us a laugh for a few mins :p

i could have done something similar for binary i suppose... if i was going to acctually release taht as a hack i'd have to tidy up its parsing through bb tags which requires me to mess with the regex gah...

06-29-2005, 10:03 PM
it'd be great carnage. but it'll have to be usergroup permissionable. i only want non-subscribers to have to go to a page and decode manually. subscribers would have their posts regular.