05-27-2005, 10:00 PM
Please, excuse my poor English.
This hack allows to assign to paid subscriptions a special price for selected primary usergroups.
This hack has been requested several times, included me, and I was tired to wait that somebody writes it. Thanks very much to amykhar for her help with the pay system files.
This hack is totally compatible with another hack of mine: Paid subscriptions only available for some usergroups, at
ATENTION: It?s only tested with paypal but I think all this files are similar and they must work.
The hack works OK for me but I don?t accept any liability; use at your own risk.
2 queries to run
2 new phrases
3 files to edit (or 6 if you use all paysystems)
/subscriptions/paypal.php (wordpay.php - nochex.php - authorize.php)
As always, first, backup of files and database :)
This hack allows to assign to paid subscriptions a special price for selected primary usergroups.
This hack has been requested several times, included me, and I was tired to wait that somebody writes it. Thanks very much to amykhar for her help with the pay system files.
This hack is totally compatible with another hack of mine: Paid subscriptions only available for some usergroups, at
ATENTION: It?s only tested with paypal but I think all this files are similar and they must work.
The hack works OK for me but I don?t accept any liability; use at your own risk.
2 queries to run
2 new phrases
3 files to edit (or 6 if you use all paysystems)
/subscriptions/paypal.php (wordpay.php - nochex.php - authorize.php)
As always, first, backup of files and database :)