View Full Version : A Possible Way Around Ad Blockers

05-26-2005, 07:58 PM
Right now, I have a backlog of things to do but wanted to toss this idea out there.

Firefox blocks ads two ways:
1. They allow you to block all images from a specific server
2. They allow you to block specific banner images and iframes and flash ads.

What if we could put together a redirect script that makes it seem like the ads are coming from our server and all have a random image name?

This way, people wouldn't want to use the first method because it would block smilies, avatars and attachments. And, they wouldn't be able to use the second because it would be a different name each time.

Would this work in theory? And if so, does anybody want to take it on? A lot of forum owners are hobbyists who need the few pennies the banners bring in.


Reeve of shinra
05-26-2005, 08:31 PM
Chances are, if they are blocking the ad they probably wont click on it anyway.

If your want to increase your site revenue, you may want to explore more selective kinds of advertisements that catering to what your site offers.

Paul M
05-26-2005, 08:49 PM
Personally I think anyone who forces adverts on people should be taken out and shot so they can then rot in hell. Ad blockers are there for a reason. PEOPLE HATE ADVERTS. :)

05-26-2005, 08:54 PM
Personally I think anyone who forces adverts on people should be taken out and shot so they can then rot in hell. Ad blockers are there for a reason. PEOPLE HATE ADVERTS. :)

Administrator: Cable Forum - Moderator: Forum Tools : View all my hacks (all tested on vB 3.0.7).
Generally I only provide support if you are showing as having my hack installed - so remember to click on install.

Are u not advertising your hack in your post . Shot yourself in the foot I see. :rolleyes:
It is better than paying for subscription in a forum unless u have alot of money to blow. :ermm:

And yes thier is away around ad blockers , I will post your solution next week. :surprised:

Paul M
05-26-2005, 08:57 PM
Are u not advertising your hack in your post . Shot yourself in the foot I see. :rolleyes:Nope.

05-26-2005, 09:41 PM
Personally I think anyone who forces adverts on people should be taken out and shot so they can then rot in hell. Ad blockers are there for a reason. PEOPLE HATE ADVERTS. :)

Totally agree with you Paul.
I HATE ads being forced on me. And before anyone says it - I don't ever visit a site again that does this.
As regards sites making pennies..... there is begging, and there is mugging :)

05-26-2005, 11:29 PM
Don't anger users. Those who don't like ads and block them wouldn't click on them anyway.

05-26-2005, 11:29 PM
And there is also taking for free what it costs somebody to provide. My regular members have no ads whatsoever. I'm just going after the teenie boppers who can't figure out that we're not an EA Games support site :D

05-27-2005, 12:58 AM
Smth. I implemented some time ago:

A JavaScript that checks if Ads are blocked. If this is the case, it sets a cookie telling the server that the users blocks ads.

But of course it is quite easy to get around this, and I don't have a clue for an adblock-detection-system that can't cheated.