View Full Version : [PetzVB v2] Custom PETZ!!

05-25-2005, 10:00 PM
Does anybody has created CUSTOM Pets? (new types of petz)

If you have the hack: PetzVB v2 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=64058)
you can create your own petz,
share with others or download new ones from here...


Update: Read the Photoshop Tutorial HERE (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=731523&postcount=16)

- You must create 100 gif images (one per each pet level)
However, you can create just 10 new images
and repeat the same image and use it with 10 levels...

for example: use the baby-pet image from level 1 to level 10
use the teen-pet image from level 11 to level 20 ,
use the stronger-pet image from level 81 to 90 etc...

- the files must be named 1.gif, 2.gif, 3.gif,......88.gif, 89.gif, ... etc

About the images...

1- The image must be a GIF of 64x64 pixels
2- The image must have a white background and transparency
in the body of the pet (to show the user color there)
3- The image should have just the body (without including the eyes,
nose or mouth since they're set by the happiness image)
4- The body should be calculated to fit with the default eyes/mouth images


5- that's it. Upload the files in your forum in a new folder,
for example: FORUM/images/petz/petz/6/*.gif

About the database
If you want to make available the new type of pets,
you must insert a new row in the database table: petz_default
entering the info of the new pet:
ID: you can leave it empty
NAME: Name of the new type of pets (monkey, rabbit, snake, etc)
DCRP: Description of the new pet
TYPE: an unique number to identify this type of pet... it should be the same number that you used to save the new pet files...
MHP: max. HP-> health points to begin with
STR: Strength (a number between 1-100) *
DEF: Defence (a number between 1-100) *
AGI: Agility (a number between 1-100) *
SPECIAL: Special atack name

*Note: if you want to make balanced petz, you should make
that STR + DEF + AGI = 100
For Example:
Dog-> (STR:40) + (DEF:30) + (AGI:30) = 100
Cat-> (STR:40) + (DEF:20) + (AGI:40) = 100
Monkey-> (STR:35) + (DEF:30) + (AGI:35) = 100

That's All... :)

Good Luck, i hope that many users can help
sharing their new type of pets, pet images, php file installers
or suggestions here...

Pets Availables So Far...
- A Cock (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=658679&postcount=2)
- Improved cats (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=663784&postcount=11)
- A Monkey (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=731082&postcount=14)
- A Snake (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=736693&postcount=17)
- A Frog (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=741075&postcount=25)

Don't forget to Click Install if you find these pets usefull
to create and share more...


05-26-2005, 06:46 PM
I just posted the idea, but i hope that many users can create
and share new types of petz....

It would be nice to have new petz like monkeys, rabbits, etc

Here's my contribution... (my first try) : A Cock

- Download the zip file
- Upload the images to the directory:
- Run the Sql Query in your forum database:
INSERT INTO `petz_default` ( `ID` , `NAME` , `DCRP` , `TYPE` , `MHP` , `STR` , `DEF` , `AGI` , `SPECIAL`)
'', 'Cock', 'The cock is a tough pet', '6', '100', '35', '30', '35', 'Deadly Peck');

05-26-2005, 07:08 PM
awesome idea! however I'm really bad when it comes to graphics... so I dont think I can contribute much to this :(

05-26-2005, 07:28 PM
hum, btw, this is not a hack but a tutorial...

05-26-2005, 07:37 PM
hum, btw, this is not a hack but a tutorial...
indeed it is.....

05-27-2005, 02:18 AM
a new pet uploaded..... (in the first post) -->THE COCK

i hope you like it

if somebody can create a php installer or make another pet
it would be very nice...

05-27-2005, 12:23 PM
wow xmorpher, your first pet is pretty cool!!!
/me runs and installs it...

05-27-2005, 08:18 PM
Indeed, very nice bud!

05-29-2005, 01:24 PM
nice :) Though from my experience people would rather criticise the existing images, which where never supposed to be permanent, rather than help create new ones... Anyhow nice to see the hack is going in a direction :)

06-06-2005, 01:06 AM
This is sweet....Gonna see if I come up with some funky "alien Petz.

06-09-2005, 04:55 AM
Since the cats did not changed almost nothing
after level 30, i made some new pcitures for this pet...

Just replace the images in the dir:

Enjoy it

06-10-2005, 05:41 PM
Since the cats did not changed almost nothing
after level 30, i made some new pcitures for this pet...

Just replace the images in the dir:

Enjoy it
this is awesome xmorpher... i wish I had the talent you have to do this things...

06-12-2005, 07:01 PM
keep up the good work xmorpher, I'm a fan, ^_~; *installs on his board*

07-05-2005, 08:46 PM
New Type of Pet: A MONKEY

- Download the zip file
- Upload the images to the directory:
- Run the Sql Query in your forum database:
INSERT INTO `petz_default` ( `ID` , `NAME` , `DCRP` , `TYPE` , `MHP` , `STR` , `DEF` , `AGI` , `SPECIAL`)
'', 'Monkey', 'Cute but strong in battle', '7', '100', '35', '30', '35', 'Mega Punch');

Enjoy it!

07-05-2005, 11:15 PM
I someone wanted to use the cat images to make give their members 2 forms of cats (the standard and this cooler cat) would they need to run a quiery to get them to show properly like the quiery for the monkey?

EDIT: Never mind i figured it out all by myself. *acts like it is a major accomplishment*

07-06-2005, 03:31 PM
This is sweet....Gonna see if I come up with some funky "alien Petz.
TUTORIAL: CREATING NEW PETS.... (using photoshop)
- Open a file from the directory: \images\petz\happiness
for example 80.gif to use as template
- Change the file mode to RGB: in the menu Image > Mode > RGB
- Create a new Layer (transparent) to use as background
- Create a blank layer (white) to draw the pet
- Arrange the layers this way: On top-> Smile Template, In the middle->White layer , On Background: Transparent layer
- Lock the top and bottom layers to draw only in the white layer
- Using the smile as reference, start drawing the head of the pet

NEW: CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE PHOTOSHOP TEMPLATE... (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=32196)

- You can draw 5 or 10 stages of the pet: (baby, teen, middle, adult-weak, adult-strong, ...etc and level-100)
* Use the pencil tool in the smaller size to draw
* Use a strong color (as green) to fill the areas that will be transparent
and that will be replaced with the user custom color
* Select the green zones and press Del (delete) to make that zone transparent
* You can switch the smile layer visible/non-visible as you want
* You can test the result image making visible the smile layer
and filling the backgroung layer with any color (try with black and/or blue)
then make it transparent again
- When you finish and you're satisfied with the image,
hide the smile layer (turn it no-visible) and save the gif file with the menu:
File > Save for the Web...
- Repeat the procedure for the different stages of the pet

- Rename the files this way: baby->1.gif , teen->10.gif, middle->20.gif, etc
that way the pet will grow/evolve each 10 levels
- Fill the missing levels by copying the main stage, for example,
copy the baby stage "1.gif" and create the files 2.gif, 3.gif, 4.gif,....up to 9.gif
Copy the middle stage "50.gif" and create the files 51.gif, 52.gif,...up to 59.gif
- Upload the files in a new folder (increase the number) and remember this number since it will be the TYPE number of your pet
- Create the installation Query using the template:
INSERT INTO `petz_default` ( `ID` , `NAME` , `DCRP` , `TYPE` , `MHP` , `STR` , `DEF` , `AGI` , `SPECIAL`)
'', 'Monkey', 'Cute but strong in battle', 'TYPE_Number', '100', '35', '30', '35', 'Mega Punch');
and replace the red values as you want

You're done!...

i hope to see your tests soon...
Try with a snake, donkey, another type of dog, cat, mouse, lion, frog,
wasp, bee, alien, bat, bear, scorpion, a fish.... ;)

07-15-2005, 11:44 PM
i just finished the Snake pet, but it seems that only 5
people are installing these things :tired:
Don't forget to click Install to know if somebody
finds usefull these custom pets, to create and share more...

- Download the zip file
- Upload the images to the directory:
- Run the Sql Query in your forum database:
INSERT INTO `petz_default` ( `ID` , `NAME` , `DCRP` , `TYPE` , `MHP` , `STR` , `DEF` , `AGI` , `SPECIAL`)
'', 'Snake', 'A dangerous pet..., '8', '100', '45', '20', '35', 'Lethal Fang');


07-15-2005, 11:53 PM
Oh a new pet. Very cool. :) my members love this hack. It has become the reason for posting for some members. lol. They will be tickeled pink to see a new pet. :)

EDIT: um am I the only one not seeing the zip file with the images?

07-16-2005, 11:19 AM
i just finished the Snake pet, but it seems that only 5
people are installing these things :tired:

Sorry, i'd forgot to click insall. >.< Make that at least 6. :)

These new pets are muchly appreciated by me and my community. :)

If and when I get time i'll finish and add the one which i've been working on myself, which is a dragon.

Is there a zip file for the snake images?

07-17-2005, 06:19 PM
Preview of the next pet... ;)

07-18-2005, 12:13 AM
Oh the froggy looks very cool. Can't wait till you have it ready. :)

07-19-2005, 04:45 PM
Preview of the next pet... ;)

That's just teasing. :P

Looks very good, don't know how you get this done so quick though, it's taking me an age just to get the image in the right place and all that sort of thing.

Can't wait. :D

07-19-2005, 06:05 PM
don't know how you get this done so quick though, it's taking me an age just to get the image in the right place and all that sort of things
Do you have photoshop?... Read the tutorial i posted
and/or download the petz templates in the zip file
to create your own pets...

07-24-2005, 03:51 PM
Do you have photoshop?... Read the tutorial i posted
and/or download the petz templates in the zip file
to create your own pets...

:D That should help speed things up a little for me. :)

Yeah, like most of us, I'd be lost without Photoshop.

07-24-2005, 04:27 PM
New Type of Pet: A FROG

- Download the zip file
- Upload the images to the directory:
- Run the Sql Query in your forum database:
INSERT INTO `petz_default` ( `ID` , `NAME` , `DCRP` , `TYPE` , `MHP` , `STR` , `DEF` , `AGI` , `SPECIAL`)
'', 'Frog', 'A Fast and Loyal pet', '9', '100', '35', '25', '40', 'Super Tongue');

Enjoy it!

07-24-2005, 08:14 PM
I just added the snake and the frog. Highly cute. Love them both. Great job.

There is an error in the sql queiry for the snake. I have edited it below, it is highlighted in yellow.

INSERT INTO `petz_default` ( `ID` , `NAME` , `DCRP` , `TYPE` , `MHP` , `STR` , `DEF` , `AGI` , `SPECIAL`)
'', 'Snake', 'A dangerous pet...', '8', '100', '45', '20', '35', 'Lethal Fang');

07-24-2005, 09:59 PM
how can you get to another level?

07-24-2005, 11:40 PM
Enjoy it!

Superb, thank you very much for the fantastic work. :)

08-03-2005, 05:06 PM
is there anyway to alter this so that you use sprites instead of these kinds of pets?

08-03-2005, 10:37 PM
i have successfully made many inuyasha sprite pets.

i'm going to upload them for others but the only thing is with these pets you have to change your images in the happiness folder with the ones i'll supply. Otherwise your anime pets will look way to goofy.

i have them set so that when you pick the colors it changes their skin color. ^_^

i'll post these with screenshots soon

08-04-2005, 03:43 AM
i don't understand what a "sprite pet" is....
(english is not my primal language)


08-04-2005, 07:19 PM
sorry, didn't mean to confuse you. you know sprites that you use in pc games and such. well i've made a few of those..

the attatchment has images of the inuyasha pets i made using sprites.

09-03-2005, 07:46 AM
can u share those japanese animante charcater with us plz?

09-28-2005, 03:37 PM
if you'd like a copy of those pets just message me @ webmistress@anime-extreme.net or on msn at animeextreme@hotmail.com

02-16-2006, 06:10 AM
For anyone still using this version of petz and wanting those anime petz, i'm attaching them in a file! ^_^

the sprite skins are each labeled acording to each character, and the eyes for them are in the happiness folder
