View Full Version : tachy goes to coventry user cp option

05-23-2005, 12:20 AM
I have this problem occasionally, where a user pm's me frantically, saying:

"OMG!! My boyfriend/mother/father/girlfriend/boss/ ect just found this site and is reading all my posts and is invading my privacy and I don't want them to see what I wrote - please delete all my posts and my username now!!"

Of course I have in the TOS and in newbie FAQ's and everything else that they shoud consider that fact that on the Internet, ANYONE can concievably find a board they have joined, and find and read their posts, and that they shouldnt post anything they wouldn't want their boyfriend/mother/father/girlfriend/boss/ ect to read. But, well, you know the drill - they do anyway.. At my board we don't mass delete posts from the backend, because:

A - there isnt a way to do it without also deleting threads the user started, which unfairly deletes other people's posts in the threads

B - I've mass deleted before then 24 or 48 hours after the emergency, things calm down and then the member is mad because their 4000 posts are now irrevocably gone.

So what I'd like is a "tachy goes to coventry" option in the user CP, where a user could choose to hide all their posts in such an 'emergency', and then unhide them once the crisis is resolved, and the other person either loses interest or they have worked it out with the other person.

I would call it 'emergency posts hide' or something like that..