View Full Version : Active Link security

05-20-2005, 04:21 PM
Hi guys, there's a way to porting this hack for Vb2 ?


Thanks in advance !

The M.I.P.
05-20-2005, 04:47 PM
Hi guys, there's a way to porting this hack for Vb2 ?


Thanks in advance !
See checkurl() function in admin/functions.php. It is pretty much the same as explained for vbb3.
Search through the messages, there might already be a completed modification.

05-22-2005, 10:57 AM
..Search through the messages, there might already be a completed modification..
..unfortunately I've not found anything.. and I have tried to modify myself an already done mod.

In admin/functions.php replacing this :// ###################### Start checkurl #######################
function checkurl($url, $hyperlink="") {
$righturl = $url;
if(!preg_match("![a-z]://!si", $url)) {
$righturl = "http://$righturl";
// remove threat of users including javascript in url
/*$righturl = preg_replace("/javascript:/si", "java script:", $righturl);
$righturl = preg_replace("/about:/si", "about :", $righturl);*/
$hyperlink = iif(trim($hyperlink)=="" or $hyperlink==$url, iif(strlen($url)>55,substr($url,0,35)."...".substr($url,-15),$url) ,$hyperlink);
return "<a href=\"$righturl\" target=\"_blank\">".str_replace('\"', '"', $hyperlink)."</a>";

with this : // ###################### Start checkurl #######################
function checkurl($url, $hyperlink="") {
$righturl = $url;
if(!preg_match("![a-z]://!si", $url)) {
$righturl = "http://$righturl";
if (stristr($righturl,$bburl))
$urlprefix = '';
$target = "_self";
$urlprefix = "http://anonym.to/?";
$target = "_blank";

// remove threat of users including javascript in url
/*$righturl = preg_replace("/javascript:/si", "java script:", $righturl);
$righturl = preg_replace("/about:/si", "about :", $righturl);*/
$hyperlink = iif(trim($hyperlink)=="" or $hyperlink==$url, iif(strlen($url)>55,substr($url,0,35)."...".substr($url,-15),$url) ,$hyperlink);
return "<a href=\"{$urlprefix}{$righturl}\" target=\"{$target}\">".str_replace('\"', '"', $hyperlink)."</a>";

but it doesent work properly ,the first condition if (stristr($righturl,$bburl)) is never verified and I don't know why , the prefix http://anonym.to/? is added even if the primary url is the same of $bburl.

Any suggestions ?
Logician , do you want try to me help me too?

05-22-2005, 03:39 PM

return "<a href=\"$righturl\" target=\"_blank\">".str_replace('\"', '"', $hyperlink)."</a>";

replace it as:

return "<a href=\"http://anonym.to/?$righturl\" target=\"_blank\">".str_replace('\"', '"', $hyperlink)."</a>";

05-22-2005, 06:57 PM
Thanks for your support Logician , but you don't understood me ..I want to un-referer by anonym.to only if the hyperlink point outside the $bburl , otherwise the href call must normally work .

05-22-2005, 07:28 PM
I see..

In YOUR hack above, add

global $bburl;


$righturl = $url;

05-23-2005, 04:23 PM
It works !
Thanks for your support Logician.
