View Full Version : Report posts to only go to Super Moderators, not "regular Moderators"...?

05-19-2005, 12:01 AM
This is the last one :-) I'm sorry to bombard the board all at once.

At the moment I understand that Reporting Posts sends an email to all the Moderators.

The thing is, our board has 50 moderators, and this makes attending to "bad posts" rather confusing.

Could the code could be changed so that the reports only go to Super Moderators?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Thanks everyone!

05-19-2005, 12:02 AM
Might want to try either Erwins or Xenons reported post to forum hacks :)

05-19-2005, 08:49 PM
Thanks Zachery - Erwin's hack is a great fix!


12-04-2005, 03:51 PM
so sorry, I do not understand the reply here .... note: I am not a programmer but am the admin for a forum where I want the programer to do code so that both my super mods and I will get the "report bad posts" emails.

It makes it easer for my programmer if I can just point him here to the code we need ... so if you could please either provide a link to what you are speaking of here or if you could point me in the direction I need for the information on how to do this I would greatly appreciate it.

thank you!