View Full Version : ..playing soon on Radio -with subscription

05-17-2005, 10:37 AM

I´m looking for a method where i could post upcoming radio shows with a chron. sorting (date of the show) on the CMPS. The calendar doesn´t work for this as it works only per date, and not the exact time.

So i searched on rss hacks to feed them. But i couldn´t see one that could do the job.

This be a nice addition to vB Radio 1.0.

If this ended up as a new hack, there would be nice additions thinkable, such as subscribe to a radio show and send a PM/Email to notify about it when it will start in XY minutes. Users could submit their own shows, in their own category, or post some into other categories, such as "blues", f. ex.

Can somebody point me to the right direction so i could use this already?

I just noticed that the calendar can be fed with exact timelines in the day, so i think there can be found a workaround if there´s no hack for this.