View Full Version : phpMyChat & vB -- same usernames?

02-10-2001, 09:07 PM
I'm sure there is a way -- it's just beyond me. How could I have the user names and passwords for phpMyChat pull from my vB user database? I would like for someone to have access to both the chats and the forums by registering one time.


02-10-2001, 11:54 PM
A here goes link for a hack for version 1.1.x:

02-11-2001, 12:05 AM
Thanks --

I tried this earlier but couldn't figure out how to make it work with phpMyChat. Looks like it was designed for VoiceChat. I did try, but finally gave up. Did I miss something?

02-11-2001, 12:13 AM
How about this then: :D

Chat hack

Chat Hack 0.3

02-11-2001, 12:28 AM
Thank you! I could have sworn I saw those before, but I spent an hour looking today and couldn't find them! I'll give it a try tomorrow. I appreciate it!

06-26-2001, 09:38 AM
i have successfully gotten phpmychat (v0.14.4) and vbulletin (v2.0.1) fully integrated.

first off, i have implemented the md5 hashed passwords in vb, per a hack which is available on this board. then, i made modifications to the phpmychat script to use the 'user' table of vbulletin, and added the required rows (such as rooms and reg_time) to that same table, while modifying similar rows such as 'ip' and 'website'.

a little bit of code in the phpinclude template determines if a user is using 'encryptedpass' or not, and assigns the appropriate value to a variable that completes the url to automatically log a user into a chat room.

i have made a very dynamic drop-down menu system, so bear that in mind as you look at the code.

here are the relevant portions of my phpinclude template:

if ($bbuserinfo[userid]) {
if ($bbuserinfo[encryptedpass] == "1") {
$chatpass = "PWD_Hash=$bbuserinfo[password]";
} else {
$chatpass = "PASSWORD=$bbuserinfo[password]";
if ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == "6") {
$adminmenu = "<a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'adminMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'adminMenu');\">Administrator</a> |";
} else {
$adminmenu = "";
if ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid] == "7") {
$modmenu = "<a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'modMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'modMenu');\">Moderator</a> |";
} else {
$modmenu = "";
$navbar_menu = "$bbuserinfo[username] ($bbuserinfo[usertitle]) | <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'userMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'userMenu');\">User</a> | <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'generalMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'generalMenu');\">General</a> | $adminmenu $modmenu <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'toysMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'toysMenu');\">Toys</a> | <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'chatMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'chatMenu');\">Chat</a> | <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'helpMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'helpMenu');\">Help</a>";
} else {
$navbar_menu = "Guest (Unregistered) | <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"register.php?s=$session[sessionhash]\">Why Not Register?</a> | <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=lostpw\">Lost Your Password?</a> | <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'generalMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'generalMenu');\">General</a> | <a class=\"menuButton\" href=\"\" onclick=\"return buttonClick(this, 'helpMenu');\" onmouseover=\"buttonMouseover(this, 'helpMenu');\">Help</a>";

$chatname = (str_replace(" ", "_", $bbuserinfo[username]));

note that phpmychat does not handle usernames that have spaces in them, as it sends the username as a part of the URL.

here is the relevant portion of my header template:

<div id="chatMenu" class="menu">
<a class="menuItem" href="javascript:popUp('/chat/index.php3?Ver=H&L=english&U=$chatname&$chatpass&R0=General+Chat&T=1&D=10&N=200&EN=1')">General Chat</a>
<a class="menuItem" href="javascript:popUp('/chat/index.php3?Ver=H&L=english&U=$chatname&$chatpass&R0=Poetry+Slam&T=1&D=10&N=200&EN=1')">Poetry Slam</a>

if you want to see this in action, take a look at my staging site username/password: test

07-04-2001, 01:59 PM
Quick question...

I am in the process of integrating the phpMyChat & VB.
When installing the phpMyChat do I use the save mysql database that VBulletin board uses or a separate one?

I believe that I would use the same, but I am not sure and there is no mention of this anywhere in the documentation (to use the same db as vBulletin).


07-04-2001, 02:05 PM
i use the same database. when you set up phpmychat, it gives you the chance to rename the tables to anything you wish. i use "chat_{tablename}".

if you want to be completely integrated, theres only a few rows you add to the vb 'user' table, and a little bit of searching and replacing in the phpmychat code to replace similar tablerows like 'ipaddress' and 'website'.

if i ever find the time, i'll put together some instructions on how to do this properly.

07-04-2001, 02:09 PM
Thank you for the quick reply.

When you get a chance, please post those instructions, to fully integrate the chat.

Thank you

09-10-2001, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by jmcneese
i have successfully gotten phpmychat (v0.14.4) and vbulletin (v2.0.1) fully integrated.

I really like this hack. Great work.

I have two databases running for vb and phymychat. Is it a good idea to use vb for users and the second db for chatmessages?

Can anyone please post the complete hack with all the changes to do?

Thanks, dbdb

09-12-2001, 09:45 AM
What about v2.0.3 of vBB ? Does it also work with your code ?


09-12-2001, 03:10 PM
check my signature

09-12-2001, 10:48 PM
I believe Bane of Talkloud.net (http://www.talkloud.net) has done this successfully. You'll have to join his site but he did a great job. Link below only if your a registered member to his site.

Talkloud.net - Chat (http://www.talkloud.net/chat.php)

09-29-2001, 02:58 PM
Yep, please post a description about all the things which have to be done. :) This would be great!


09-09-2002, 08:20 PM
BUMP!! Anyone have a HACk that will allow the usernames with spaces to get into phpMyCHAT???


09-10-2002, 07:58 AM
There is YAPHPMyChat Hack. It is a fully integrated version of phpmychat.

It allows spaces.