View Full Version : Did Noppid leave us?

05-13-2005, 01:17 AM
The newest version is no longer available?

05-13-2005, 01:18 AM
Unfortunately, it would seem so : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=81359

Rick Sample
05-13-2005, 01:20 AM
Unfortunetly, so sorry to see 4.1 go, I still say he should of givin a warning so all of us could of downloaded the 4.1 version instead of just taking it off the shelf with no warning

Edit, just found all of the 4.1 files I had deleted months back!!!!!

05-19-2005, 07:52 PM
That sucks. Just when i was ready to install this hack on my site too.

05-19-2005, 10:14 PM
Wow how childish. Thats really a blow to the community.

James T Brock
05-19-2005, 10:35 PM
I agree that it was pretty childish, but after reading the link to that thread posted he does have a legitimate reason to be pissed off. I'm about 99.99% sure that vBulletin had nothing to do with it but I can understand why he's so pissed.

05-20-2005, 01:38 AM
You can still find him over here (http://www.vbwebmaster.com/forums/) where he still provides support, I believe.

06-17-2005, 10:48 PM
what a joke. oh well, i have pretty much rewritten it anyway cause the code was kinda bad.
before u had to have a garage for each car, now u have one garage that holds many cars.

06-18-2005, 04:12 PM
what a joke. oh well, i have pretty much rewritten it anyway cause the code was kinda bad.
before u had to have a garage for each car, now u have one garage that holds many cars.

Kinda of joke? It was poor, period. It was under attack and that was not being addressed. I watched for weeks as people begged for help.

This is what I got got the effort.

As for copyrigth. There is no one here or anywhere that can claim copyright till a formal copyright is applied for in the US. Then a complaint filed by an attorney. None of the above has happened here.

Of course this place can choose not to allow the code posted or talked about though.

Furthermore, anyone that claims, or has claimed, I made a copyrigth violation is slandering me and commiting libel.

I'm tired of this treament.

I find the rightousness here ironic. The interview of the Jelsoft founder states the product is a copy of another bulletin board and yet you are all on some high horse.