View Full Version : Mod PhPBB ~> VBB ??

05-08-2005, 12:09 AM
I have MOD in phpBB.How to change it to VBB ??

Marco van Herwaarden
05-08-2005, 08:40 AM
You would get more responses if you told us what you want. Not many people will just go read phpBB files to guess what you want to have in vB.

05-09-2005, 12:17 AM
Is so kool!!
maybe it's supposedly VB ucash & ushop addon.Everyday,this Mod random for us many number (about 26),we can called them : X .We can choose a few number which have 2 digits and bet points for them.At 7 o'clock dayly , every number which we chose will compare with 2 digits end of X,and if we choose right,we can get more points.
we have 2 kinds to pay for each number we chose right:
- lo : we will compare with every randomized digits,amount points we bet will multiply 4 times for every numbers chose right.Ex:we chose 57 ,we bet 100 points.2 number in randomized number :23457 , 98657 ~> we win 1000*2*4=8000 points (are you understand??)
- de :we will compare one of randomized digits,amount points we bet will multiply 70 times numbers chose right.
This hack demo (phpBB) in here:
user: test
pass: 123456

Marco van Herwaarden
05-09-2005, 07:15 AM
Still don't really get it, but i figure you are looking for some kinda lottery hack?

05-09-2005, 01:39 PM
maybe it is