View Full Version : Word censor usergroup setting? Or ideas?

05-06-2005, 05:08 PM
I have members in a certain usergoup that are allowed to post links to video clips, and in a certain forum.

The problem is, regular members post the links in other areas of the forum.

I was thinking of ways to prevent members on my forum from posting links to video clips, unless they are in a certain usergroup. The way I thought of was, to censor the file extensions for regular users. There are only a few popular ones, like .mov, .wmp, .avi, etc. So by censoring, it would make the link not work.

How would I go about censoring those by usergroup, or do you have any other ideas about limiting the links to usergoups or certain forums?


Chris M
05-06-2005, 10:30 PM
You could do a check when the user submits a post whether it contains any links, and if the link contains a certain extension you could check their usergroup - It should be a simple enough modification...

PM me with the extensions you want to block and I'll see what I can come up with over the weekend in between work :p


05-09-2005, 06:27 PM
User never got back to me.

Any ideas?
