View Full Version : Add a page into the registration process?

05-03-2005, 10:47 PM
Has anyone developed code to add a page into the registration process? I'd like to have a "special offers" page which is given as the second page to signing up for an account before they are sent to the final page telling them to active their account.

n/m, I figured out a way. I added an Aptimus page after clicking Submit Registration to give users some promotional offers.

02-02-2006, 09:25 PM
Has anyone developed code to add a page into the registration process? I'd like to have a "special offers" page which is given as the second page to signing up for an account before they are sent to the final page telling them to active their account.

n/m, I figured out a way. I added an Aptimus page after clicking Submit Registration to give users some promotional offers.

Can you give some more info on how you did this? I'd like to do the same thing.

~ Mark