View Full Version : GD Counter

05-03-2005, 12:24 AM
I am needing to raise some money to keep my forum running and have noticed that a number of Forums are using a GD counter to keep their members appraised of the progress of the fundraising.

I would like to include such a counter on my forum but am not sure how to implement it.

If anyone knows how I would love to have the code etc.

05-03-2005, 02:54 PM

I would just keep the money value in a file and go from there! It's better than doing a query to get that value....


create a file called 'whatever', my example uses 'funds.php', I use php file so people can not look at what is the value by just calling the file!

Follow me....

create a file called 'funds.php'

Inside that file put....

the money you have collected so far...


$raised_money = 23.85;


Now create a script called 'fundraising.php'

Put that in your './includes/ directory

Inside that file put this....

define ( 'SYS_EOL', ( strtolower ( substr ( PHP_OS, 0, 3 ) ) == 'win' ? chr ( 13 ) . chr ( 10 ) : chr ( 10 ) ) );

/* define the path to the font to use */

define ( 'SYS_FSP', './fonts/gooddogcool.ttf' );

function update_funds ( $file, $value )
$io = fopen ( $file, 'w' );
fputs ( $io, '<?' . SYS_EOL . SYS_EOL . '$raised_money = ' . $value . ';' . SYS_EOL . SYS_EOL . '?>' );
fclose ( $io );

function display_value ()
global $raised_money;

$text = '$' . $raised_money;

$image = imagecreate ( 164, 40 );
$backg = imagecolorallocate ( $image, 255, 255, 255 );
$textc = imagecolorallocate ( $image, 51, 102, 153 );
$fsize = 36;
$angle = 0;
$horzp = 28;
$vertp = 32;
imagerectangle ( $image, 0, 0, 163, 36, $textc );
imagettftext ( $image, $fsize, $angle, $horzp, $vertp, $textc, SYS_FSP, $text );
header ( 'Content-type: image/gif;' );
imagegif ( $image );
imagedestroy ( $image );

You will have to change the path to the font and the font type used!

Now create another file that will be used to call the IMAGE....

I will use 'show.php'....

in that file put this....


include_once ( './funds.php' );
include_once ( './includes/fundraising.php' );

display_value ();


Now to show the image!

In any template on your forum you would do this....

<img border='0' src='http://site.com/show.php' height='40' width='160' alt='' />

The result would be...

To update the value of money raised you would do this....


include_once ( './includes/fundraising.php' );
update_funds ( '.funds.php', '56.50' );


where as './funds' would be the file you are using to hold the money raised value!
and '56.50' would be replaced with the new real money raised value!


Dennis Olson
05-04-2005, 12:25 AM
Here is EXACTLY what you want - already written and released:


05-04-2005, 12:27 AM
Here is EXACTLY what you want - already written and released:

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=67425That is the one I use.

05-04-2005, 07:42 AM
Here is EXACTLY what you want - already written and released:

Thanks guys. That is just what I am after. I really need to learn how to search better, I did quickly run a search for this mod but could not find it.

Thanks for your help.