View Full Version : Classified adverts hack

05-01-2005, 08:15 PM
Hi folks, I've seen the other request for a classifieds hack and a suggestion to use photopost classifieds.
I would prefer to use something completely integrated with vb so that the threads are searchable etc.
The problem with classifieds forums is that in a successful forum, posts shoot off the first page quickly.
Splitting them up seems an obvious solution.
I have already implemented Erwin's form to thread hack for our classifieds (screen capture attached) which works well to encourage people to read our trading rules.
I think, however, that adverts need to be splittable into ad type (For Sale, For Trade and Wanted) and ad category (Amplifiers, Speakers, TVs etc in the case of our forums).
I could probably add a couple of fields to the post table (a drop-downlist for each) for the ad type and category and have the form to thread hack populate these in the thread (or post?) table.
But having a specific search for the classifieds forum which produces the correct results is beyond me.
Can anyone help? I suggest that if programmed properly with a nice admin interface, this could be a significant and popular hack.

05-02-2005, 03:52 AM
I did this but out of the forum ( ie. ads are not forum threads/posts )

05-02-2005, 07:18 AM
Do you not think it would be ideal to have the adverts as threads?
1) they will show up in searches
2) they will add to the post count of your forums and of your forum members
3) the trader ratings hack will integrate better

Our AV hardware classifieds forum is, according to vB, the busiest forum. And we have some very busy forums. I don't think separating that from the vB software is the right approach - for us at least.
Could your hack not be altered to used threads & posts instead?

05-02-2005, 07:51 AM
1) Adding a search feature that is on the ads section that will only throw up ads is more efficient for the end user, don't you think ?
2) Adding to a member's post count can be easily done with a single query, from anywhere outside the forums.
3) Yep, but what if the seperate ads section also has its own trader rating system.

Well, I just have a personal preference to keep most things out of forum threads/post, you could always do a classifieds adverts hack such that adverts are posts in the forums too of course :)

05-02-2005, 08:52 AM
1) :)

i was searching for Classified and not sure cinq if u have released it somewhere :nervous:

05-02-2005, 10:13 AM
1) Adding a search feature that is on the ads section that will only throw up ads is more efficient for the end user, don't you think ?
2) Adding to a member's post count can be easily done with a single query, from anywhere outside the forums.
3) Yep, but what if the seperate ads section also has its own trader rating system.

Well, I just have a personal preference to keep most things out of forum threads/post, you could always do a classifieds adverts hack such that adverts are posts in the forums too of course :)

Having the classifieds as threads
1) You can do this using a forum-specific search
2) Yeah but things get more complicated when you want to
a) search for all posts by the user (in forums or as admin),
b) check their IP address using the 'real IP' and 'other users using the same IP' hacks
c) have the spam killer 3000 hack work with the classifieds
d) etc
3) that would mean having to switch from the current trader ratings system. Don't want to do that unless there is an import system with roll-back option.

I would do it all myself but I don't really have the time to get into coding complex hacks. Let's face it, it's all about time. Anyone could write hacks if they had the time to learn the coding. You guys are already experienced coders. I'm suggesting that you could maybe add another string to your bow by writing a good, well integrated classifieds hack.

05-07-2005, 05:59 PM
Any takers?

05-10-2005, 04:02 AM
I would definately be intere$ted in $eeing a cla$$ified$ hack...

05-10-2005, 04:12 AM
If you guys are willing and able to give me some help I/we can do it... I also need a better classifieds option for one of my sites and I have some design requirements started. I am new to vBulletin and php and mysql for that matter but I am trying to start with a simple hack below:


But after I finish this I will be working on some classifieds...

Give me a couple more days and I will try to get started on at least the logic of how a Classifeds Script should be written as all the ones I have seen are really quite poor...