05-01-2005, 05:10 PM
I want to change the show thread page to look like this
Link (http://lebanese-forces.org/vbullet/showthread.php?t=10343)
So what I mean is that I want my thread display to be 80% (or anything else)and I want to create a new table next to show thread table with 20% width so I put some adds in it.
I just want this in the show thread pages not in all the forum pages
Link (http://lebanese-forces.org/vbullet/showthread.php?t=10343)
So what I mean is that I want my thread display to be 80% (or anything else)and I want to create a new table next to show thread table with 20% width so I put some adds in it.
I just want this in the show thread pages not in all the forum pages