View Full Version : Inferno Quiz v2.1

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Zero Tolerance
04-29-2005, 10:00 PM
Hey all, heres a system i decided to make for a couple of reasons, mainly because i had some spare time and had nothing better to do, but also because it will benefit my forums and probably yours too.

So, what is Inferno Quiz?
Basically it's a quiz system, allowing administrators to add quiz's and questions, and for users to take part in them, in generic anyway, but the full feature list is provided below.

Note: Support will only be given if you voted Inferno Quiz Hack Of The Month .... just kidding, but you know you wanna :p

Forum Features

View All Open Quiz's - Name/End Date/Take Quiz/View Stats
Confirmation Take Quiz Page (Also displays information on quiz time limit (if any)
Take Quiz Page - Shows all answer type formats + timer in window status bar (if time limit activated)
View stats shows all users who have participated in the quiz and an average score.
View user stats for a quiz, showing what a user answered for each question, and their overall score (user must have already taken part to view)
After taking part in a quiz, the results are PM'ed to you automatically giving all the details, scores and overall score.

Admin Features

Add/Edit/Delete A Quiz

Quiz Name
Quiz State (Open/Closed)
Usergroups Which Can Participate In This Quiz (Easy Selection System)
Usergroups Which Can View User Results In This Quiz (Easy Selection System)
Auto Close Quiz Option (Yes/No)
Quiz End Date (Only applies if auto close is set to Yes) [Day/Month/Year]
Quiz Time Limit (Specify a number of minutes a user has to complete the quiz - or 0 to disable the time limit)
Allow users who have finished the quiz to view the correct answers (Yes/No)

Add/Edit/Delete A Quiz Question

Select which quiz the question is for
Input Question
Answer Format Type

Single-Line Text Box
Answer (none-case sensitive)

Single-Selection Radio Buttons
Input all selectable answers
Answer (none-case sensitive)

Multiple-Selection Checkbox
Input all selectable answers
Input all correct answers

New Design ACP Confirmation Page

System Message
Available Actions (Shows several links to make administration faster for the quiz)

Installation Features

Fast easy installation
Includes uninstaller
Adds templates automatically to ALL styles
Only 2 file edits and 1 template edit required!

v1.1 Updates:
To upgrade, download the file again and follow the upgrade instructions provided

FireFox compatability for usergroup permissions in add/edit quiz
Score % rounded to full number (ie: 13.3333% becomes 13%)
Shows user in quiz on users online page

V2 Feature List: (in addition to the above ^)

v2.1 Update:
- " to " fixed
- ' Chokes add question in submit quiz fixed
- Quote's in allow submission resulted in DB error fixed
- Templates now only added to "master" styles (styles without parents) to stop duplication of un-required templates

Now for the previews, what everyone likes to see..


Preview 1 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/1.gif)
Preview 2 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/2.gif)
Preview 3 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/3.gif)
Preview 4 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/4.gif)
Preview 5 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/5.gif)
Preview 6 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/6.gif)
Preview 7 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/7.gif)
Preview 8 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/8.gif)
Preview 9 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/9.gif)
Preview 10 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/10.gif)
Preview 11 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/11.gif)
Preview 12 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/12.gif)
Preview 13 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/13.gif)
Preview 14 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/14.gif)
Preview 15 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/15.gif)
Preview 16 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/16.gif)
Preview 17 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/17.gif)
Preview 18 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/18.gif)
Preview 19 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/19.gif)
Preview 20 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/20.gif)
Preview 21 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/21.gif)
Preview 22 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/22.gif)
Preview 23 (http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/v2/23.gif)

I guess that's all there is to say, apart from enjoy and post any comments below :)

- Zero Tolerance

04-30-2005, 03:44 AM
Kewl mod! :cool:

Zero Tolerance
04-30-2005, 03:52 AM
Updated - I forgot to add quiz.xml into the zip *feels stupid*

- Zero Tolerance

Reeve of shinra
04-30-2005, 03:56 AM
Looks cool. I'll prob install this in the next few days.

Blam Forumz
04-30-2005, 05:39 AM
Looks good, ive been wanting one of these for a while now :D

04-30-2005, 05:46 AM
ZT Rulessss

running to install it right away

Clicked install :)

04-30-2005, 05:57 AM
Awesome man work man.

you must have alot of free time :lol:

Zero Tolerance
04-30-2005, 06:07 AM
Awesome man work man.

you must have alot of free time :lol:
Not really, only took me about half a day to make, i just spread it over a few days :)

- Zero Tolerance

04-30-2005, 06:20 AM
Competition's great :D looks great, can't wait to see if it develops further. :)

04-30-2005, 06:36 AM
Hehehe ZT your a "Master Coder" Good job I was using your survey hack like a quiz before but this seems much better :p

04-30-2005, 07:31 AM
Brilliant :) Been waiting for a quiz mod for quite a long time. Good work!

The Wolverine :D

04-30-2005, 09:18 AM
I keep getting this message when I try to take part in a quiz:

An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Your usergroup does not have access to participate in this particular quiz.

Any ideas why? Yes i have set the allow user groups in the quiz cp

04-30-2005, 09:42 AM
/me drools

04-30-2005, 11:14 AM
* JimpsEd drools
This looks really good...thanks a lot!!

will there be an option for users to submit their own quizzes in future releases??

04-30-2005, 11:37 AM
Suggestion: Option to create new thread in a particular forum with the results :)

Zero Tolerance
04-30-2005, 01:11 PM
*Adds 2 suggestions to v2 feature list* :)

- Zero Tolerance

04-30-2005, 01:27 PM
another sugg: if we have shop, give points for perfect scores... (a simple query though!)

04-30-2005, 02:38 PM
yet again...ZT comes up with the goods.

with the greatest of respect for the other coders on here, your hacks are the most stable, easy to install, and functional on here m8....seriously.

Zero Tolerance
04-30-2005, 03:09 PM
another sugg: if we have shop, give points for perfect scores... (a simple query though!)
Yeah i was planning on adding this option to v2, along with compatability for uShop/RPG Inferno.

yet again...ZT comes up with the goods.

with the greatest of respect for the other coders on here, your hacks are the most stable, easy to install, and functional on here m8....seriously.

Thanks, that means a lot to me, nice to know that my effort is not a waste of time :)

- Zero Tolerance

04-30-2005, 04:27 PM
Damn Zero Tolerance. You saved me a whole load of time with this :) I need a similar system for a clan approval question form :)

All I need to change is to have it change the usergroups at the end of the quiz and to have the questions in a random order :)

Zero Tolerance :pwnz: (that should really be a smilie :))

04-30-2005, 04:41 PM
Super cool hack dude :)
Fantastic work ^_^

DR?@M W?@V?R
04-30-2005, 04:56 PM
I keep getting this message when I try to take part in a quiz:
Any ideas why? Yes i have set the allow user groups in the quiz cp

Are you useing Firefox? I got the same error with Firefox, I tryed IE and it worked fine, I reckon its cause the way Firefox handels javascript ?

04-30-2005, 07:04 PM
Suggestion: Option to have x usergroup OR "SuperMod" to EDIT / Add A New Quiz & Question from the MODCP page or maybe a new page within your forums!

04-30-2005, 07:22 PM
I keep getting this message when I try to take part in a quiz:

Any ideas why? Yes i have set the allow user groups in the quiz cp

I have that problem too...I set all the permissions but if I go back to edit again it reverts back to no permissions

04-30-2005, 07:24 PM
Are you useing Firefox? I got the same error with Firefox, I tryed IE and it worked fine, I reckon its cause the way Firefox handels javascript ?

thanks, that worked for me

04-30-2005, 08:07 PM
screen shots look fantastic

good work gonna try and install this..................................now

04-30-2005, 08:09 PM
Nice hack. Installed :)

04-30-2005, 08:32 PM
ZT, I'm excited about this hack!! I'm just curious when you think v2 will be done??

I'd love the add it, but I think the ucash part is what I'm gonna wait for.. :D

This hack has a bright future!! Just curious.. Before I install. If v2 is going to be released in a week or two, I'll wait.. :D

Good job! I like you hacks!

DR?@M W?@V?R
04-30-2005, 09:24 PM
Suggestion: Option to have x usergroup OR "SuperMod" to EDIT / Add A New Quiz & Question from the MODCP page or maybe a new page within your forums!

that would be great I would like to allow all registered user groups to post quizzes and for all registered user groups to take part and view stats.

Could there be a option to email the quiz results rather than pm them?

04-30-2005, 09:31 PM
Cool a free version of a quiz system for vbulletin, you rock Zero Tolerance!!

Thank you.. will definetly install it at my site..

04-30-2005, 09:45 PM
I test it on my local Server.
Great Hack! :)

But there is a way to cheat (Timelimit).
If you Start a Quiz, you can copy and past the text, gi back with the "Back" button from your Browser. Then you can start the quiz again.

04-30-2005, 09:56 PM
Thanks, a really great hack. I've installed it and the minor problem of having to go too and from FireFox and IE to set permissions could be looked at but i'm sure people can put up with this small problem for now.

Great hack, Keep up the good work.

04-30-2005, 10:34 PM
Suggestion: Can you implement a scheduled task feature (cron job). Where admins would preload the questions ahead of time for a designated schedule, and it automatically starts a quiz thread. Like the Thread of the Week hack.

04-30-2005, 11:56 PM
ive got a few probs ... can you help me please :) in admincp/index.php mine shows like this:

// *************************************************

$printhr = false;
if (can_administer('canadminsettings'))
$printhr = true;
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['vbulletin_options'], 'options.php?null=0', '<br />');
if ($debug == 1)
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['admin_help_manager'], 'help.php?do=manage&script=NOSCRIPT');
construct_nav_group($vbphrase['vbulletin_options'], '<hr />');
if ($printhr == true)

construct_nav_option("Settings", 'downloadadmin.php?do=settings', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Categories", 'downloadadmin.php?do=category', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("Downloads", '<hr />');

// *************************************************

can you tell me where to put :

$printhr = true ;
construct_nav_option("Control Inferno Quiz's", 'admin_quiz.php', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Control Quiz Questions", 'admin_quiz.php?do=questions', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("Inferno Quiz Control", '<hr />');
$printhr = false;

Also in my navbar i don't have what you have stated mine is like this:

<!-- / breadcrumb, login, pm info -->

<!-- bottom table setup -->
<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="60" align="left" valign="top"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/tren_z_front_btm_table_ls.gif" width="60" height="14" alt=" " border="0" /></td>
<td width="100%" style="background-image:url($stylevar[imgdir_misc]/tren_z_front_btm_table_back.gif)"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/clear.gif" width="100%" height="14" alt=" " border="0" /></td>
<td width="60" align="right" valign="top"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/tren_z_front_btm_table_rs.gif" width="60" height="14" alt=" " border="0" /></td>
<!-- End bottom table setup -->
<div style="padding: 7px 7px 7px 7px;"></div>

<if condition="$show['popups']">

where do i put :

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="quiz.php?$session[sessionurl]">Quiz</a></td>

Thanks in advance :) "Blonde" :o

05-01-2005, 12:01 AM
An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

Your usergroup does not have access to participate in this particular quiz.

i get that as well

Zero Tolerance
05-01-2005, 01:38 AM
$printhr = false;
if (can_administer('canadminsettings'))
$printhr = true;
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['vbulletin_options'], 'options.php?null=0', '<br />');
if ($debug == 1)
construct_nav_option($vbphrase['admin_help_manager'], 'help.php?do=manage&script=NOSCRIPT');
construct_nav_group($vbphrase['vbulletin_options'], '<hr />');
if ($printhr == true)
Underneath Place:
$printhr = true ;
construct_nav_option("Control Inferno Quiz's", 'admin_quiz.php', '<br />');
construct_nav_option("Control Quiz Questions", 'admin_quiz.php?do=questions', '<br />');
construct_nav_group("Inferno Quiz Control", '<hr />');
$printhr = false;

Thats for admincp/index.php, as for the template, it seems you are using a skin with a custom header, you will have to ask the author of the skin how to add more navigation buttons i'm afraid.

Not sure when i'll get v2 out, but i'll be releasing v1.1 soon which fixes a couple of bugs, such as the FireFox incompatability for permissions control :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-01-2005, 01:50 AM
Thankyou :)

Zero Tolerance
05-01-2005, 02:23 AM
v1.1 Has been released, the following updates were provided:

FireFox compatability for usergroup permissions in add/edit quiz
Score % rounded to full number (ie: 13.3333% becomes 13%)
Shows user in quiz on users online page

To upgrade, re-download Inferno Quiz, and follow the upgrade instructions :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-01-2005, 07:18 AM
Nice work ZT.

Are you planning to have a general quiz area where all quizzes can be viewed / taken along with a leaderboard stats?

Paul M
05-01-2005, 11:53 AM
Hi, I have installed this on our test system with a view to going live.

I have a few points & suggestions (some of which you may have covered already).

1. Add the ability for users to add quizes.

2. In the admin area, make the selecting of usergroups via tick boxes.

3. Add the ability in ACP to edit (moderate) peoples answers and re-submit.

4. Add the ability in ACP to delete a persons quiz submission.

5. Check if a person has previously submitted a quiz at the point of submission (I can backspace and re-submit a quiz as often as I want).

6. For timed quizes, check if a user has javascript enabled and prevent them taking part if not (otherwise they can bypass the timer simply by disabling JS).

7. For text answers, make the check more "fuzzy". For instance if the correct answer is "red" then if I enter "it's red" I will be marked as wrong, when in fact I'm correct.


05-01-2005, 12:28 PM
Heres a suggestion :)

In an open question have it check for words. Then you can make questions like "Name 2 countries" while at the answer list you can have a full list of countries and as long as someone sais

England, Netherlands
America and India

It'll still count as a full 100%

05-01-2005, 07:52 PM
i'm getting this with the upgrade when i run the installer :(

Database error in vBulletin 3.0.5:

Invalid SQL: CREATE TABLE `quiz` (
`q_name` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`q_state` TINYINT( 2 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`q_perms` text not null,
`q_start` int(15) not null default '0',
`q_end` int(15) not null default '0',
`q_autoend` tinyint(2) not null default '0',
`q_timelimit` int(8) not null default '0',
`q_viewanswer` tinyint(2) not null default '0',
PRIMARY KEY ( `qid` )
mysql error: Table 'quiz' already exists

mysql error number: 1050

05-01-2005, 08:34 PM
geeze blonde moment again ... didn't look at the dropdown bar on the installer to upgrade

Paul M
05-01-2005, 09:03 PM
i'm getting this with the upgrade when i run the installer :(Well this line is a bit of a givaway ...
mysql error: Table 'quiz' already exists
The installer is not taking into account the fact that the quiz table already exists. You could just drop (or rename) the table (as long as it has nothing in it you want).

05-01-2005, 11:34 PM
what are the mySQL queries to run for this hack if it is a fresh new installation?

Zero Tolerance
05-02-2005, 06:01 AM
what are the mySQL queries to run for this hack if it is a fresh new installation?
The installer provides an uninstallation aswell as installation, if you want to re-install, just run the uninstaller, then installer :)
If you want to look at the mySQL queries, open admincp/quiz_install.php

And yes, you need to select upgrade when upgrading, otherwise it will think you're trying to install it fresh.

I'll take into consideration those idea's guys, right now I just got a load of work to get done.

- Zero Tolerance

05-04-2005, 05:16 PM
This is awesome....are there any plans to add a poll option to this? I realize there is forum polls but I have to use an external app for the monthly polls that I do for my community. This add on is awesome and could replace my outside poll apps.

Great Job!

05-04-2005, 06:56 PM
is there any way of setting this up so you can providea few different answers? what i mean is i had a member who answered 3 questions corectly but spelled it wrong so the quiz said it was wrong, also one answer to a question was colorado river and he just put colorado so it said he again had it wrong

is this possible? so we could put a few different variations in

many thanks

and its a great hack btw :)

Paul M
05-05-2005, 01:26 AM
is there any way of setting this up so you can providea few different answers? what i mean is i had a member who answered 3 questions corectly but spelled it wrong so the quiz said it was wrong, also one answer to a question was colorado river and he just put colorado so it said he again had it wrongI highlighted the same problem earlier. I don't think there is much you can do about spelling errors, but what I need is for it to check if my 'proper' answer is contained in their answer. So in your case, you would make the answer "colorado", then as long as their answer contained your word, it would be marked correct.

What is also needed is an admin facility to correct peoples answers and marks, so if you can see they were right, but a spelling error caused it to be marked wrong, an admin can manually mark it as correct.

05-05-2005, 05:51 AM
yeh thats it paul

that would make this hack soo much better :)

05-05-2005, 09:00 AM
nice hack

05-05-2005, 10:15 AM
very cool hack,

it'd be great if the next verrsion will include these too :D

Hi, I have installed this on our test system with a view to going live.

I have a few points & suggestions (some of which you may have covered already).

1. Add the ability for users to add quizes.

2. In the admin area, make the selecting of usergroups via tick boxes.

3. Add the ability in ACP to edit (moderate) peoples answers and re-submit.

4. Add the ability in ACP to delete a persons quiz submission.

5. Check if a person has previously submitted a quiz at the point of submission (I can backspace and re-submit a quiz as often as I want).

6. For timed quizes, check if a user has javascript enabled and prevent them taking part if not (otherwise they can bypass the timer simply by disabling JS).

7. For text answers, make the check more "fuzzy". For instance if the correct answer is "red" then if I enter "it's red" I will be marked as wrong, when in fact I'm correct.


What is also needed is an admin facility to correct peoples answers and marks, so if you can see they were right, but a spelling error caused it to be marked wrong, an admin can manually mark it as correct.

05-05-2005, 12:46 PM
Zero Tolerance puts out yet another great hack. Deepest respect man. I think I've installed virtually everyone of your hacks on my board. This one took me I think 3 minutes to install. VBulletin should be hiring you.:)

05-05-2005, 12:48 PM
I dont know if this has been suggested, but the ability for users to submit quizes and then get approved by the administrator I think would be great :)

Zero Tolerance
05-05-2005, 12:49 PM
Zero Tolerance puts out yet another great hack. Deepest respect man. I think I've installed virtually everyone of your hacks on my board. This one took me I think 3 minutes to install. VBulletin should be hiring you.:)
Thanks, and I seriously doubt vBulletin would hire me, 2 main reasons really:
1) I'm 17 years old
2) I have no official grades to do with anything computer related

And thanks for the ideas people, i'll see what i can do - probably start on v2 in a few days, just need to finish work off for a client first.

- Zero Tolerance

05-05-2005, 05:07 PM
Thanks, and I seriously doubt vBulletin would hire me, 2 main reasons really:
1) I'm 17 years old
2) I have no official grades to do with anything computer related

And thanks for the ideas people, i'll see what i can do - probably start on v2 in a few days, just need to finish work off for a client first.

- Zero Tolerance

wow, you got some talent :)

another feature for you

ability to add some kind of "long/short essay answers", so that some "grader" can read and give point for the writing, adding to the automatic ones (same as summiting answers, then admin can fix the score)

05-06-2005, 03:03 PM
4. Add the ability in ACP to delete a persons quiz submission.

I need this one to "test" taking quiz and remove myself, so I can "take" the quiz again, so I add a quick add-on to the file, so that you can view who's taking a quiz, and be able to "view" their status or delete him from quiz (so he can re-take it. (see attachment, you just need to replace the admin_quiz.php in admincp (make backup of the file if you use it)

Zero, feel free to add to your hack, if you think it's good.

more suggestion. adding "submission date" to the result would be nice, so that you know when someone submit answers.

05-06-2005, 03:16 PM
Can it be only one question per page, then go to next page? Long quizzes produce long pages.

Paul M
05-06-2005, 03:19 PM
@ mtha - Thanks - I shall test this later. :)

05-07-2005, 07:21 AM

- adding Quiz/test description would be nice. the description will be displayed when start taking the test, and on top of the questions.

05-07-2005, 05:08 PM
3. Add the ability in ACP to edit (moderate) peoples answers and re-submit.

4. Add the ability in ACP to delete a persons quiz submission.

well, the code doesnt look very clean in vB standards to me, it might not be optimized much, but the function should work.

you are also able to set which groups (groupid) or users (userid) allowed to edit answers (set in top part of the admin_quiz.php file).

05-08-2005, 04:46 AM
more things to consider:

in ACP:
- display only questions for one quiz, if you have many quizes, and many questions in each, you dont want to display ALL questions for all quizes though.

- Add new question for THAT currently working quiz (preselect the current quiz)

I would also add a "start date" for a record, so people will know when some quiz start/end

05-09-2005, 08:41 PM
6. For timed quizes, check if a user has javascript enabled and prevent them taking part if not (otherwise they can bypass the timer simply by disabling JS).

or maybe adding two time stamp, one when you start the test, one when you finish the test. I'd like to keep this information for references

Paul M
05-10-2005, 06:41 PM
well, the code doesnt look very clean in vB standards to me, it might not be optimized much, but the function should work.It all seems to work fine here, Thanks.

05-10-2005, 10:05 PM
or maybe adding two time stamp, one when you start the test, one when you finish the test. I'd like to keep this information for references
i am adding the timestamps for my own need :D

demo ...

05-10-2005, 10:49 PM
$s_name = trim(addslashes($s_name));

$DB->query("update ".TABLE_PREFIX."quiz set s_name='{$s_name}',s_state={$s_state} where sid='{$quiz['sid']}'");

Zero, there's some part in admin_quiz.php using s_name, but this field doesnt exist in the table. need some clean up?

05-11-2005, 09:30 AM
Great Stuff!

One sugestion how bout like displaying a league table of users


like displaying it like a league table

Username Average score No of Quiz taken Total Score

Zero Tolerance
05-11-2005, 07:53 PM
Zero, there's some part in admin_quiz.php using s_name, but this field doesnt exist in the table. need some clean up?
Very true - that is obsolete code, as the engine redirect function is called first - which after execution calls exit, stopping any other php from being processed, i'll make sure it's removed from v2, since it's useless.

- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-12-2005, 04:12 AM
- Bump -

Okay, i've finally got back on track and am ontop of things at the current moment - with that in mind i have started creating v2 of this system.

Planned Features

Ability To Import/Export Quiz's Via ACP

The system will export data into .xml format, allowing distribution of the XML file to others to 'share' quiz's.
Current Status: Pending

Quiz Results Moderation

Ability to edit/delete any submissions from members. Upon modification - user is notified of this and is shown the new results.
Current Status: Pending

JS Detection

The system will attempt to detect if JS is activated before allowing a user to proceed to a timed quiz. (This will not be fool proof)
Current Status: Completed

Part-Answer System

Text input answers will allow you to enable/disable the part answer system, this is recommended for 'one' (1) word answers. An example would be:
Users Answer: it is london
Actual Answer: London
With 'Part-Answer' enabled on that question, the answer would be correct. This will allow more fluxuation, and correct a lot of answers which are not 'exact' but 'correct'.
Current Status: Completed

User Quiz Submissions

You may specify which usergroups can submit their own quiz's
Administrators have to allow submissions before they show
Current Status: Pending

Quiz Submission Spam Protection

Specify if a user can only submit 1 quiz every X hours, to prevent spam. (Only applies if usergroups are allowed to submit quiz's)
Current Status: Pending

Quiz Descriptions

Displayed on the page before starting the quiz
Current Status: Completed

Improved Visualization Of Questions Control

To cut down on long page displays - the system adds a expand/collapse system into all the quiz's, upon expanding the corresponding questions for that quiz appear, and vice versa.
Current Status: Completed

Overall Leader Board Statistics & Individual Leader Board Statistics

Overall Leader Board - Shows top X users with best average score (Username,# Of Quiz's Taken,Average Score)
Individual Leader Board - Shows top X users with the best score for a specific quiz (Username,Score)
Current Status: Pending

Use BBCode Within Quiz Questions

Enables admins to use bbcode formatting for quiz questions
Current Status: Completed

Hope to have this out very soon :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-12-2005, 05:35 AM
- Bump -
Okay, i've finally got back on track and am ontop of things at the current moment - with that in mind i have started creating v2 of this system.
wow, great, i am waiting for the new features.

Improved Visualization Of Questions Control

To cut down on long page displays - the system adds a expand/collapse system into all the quiz's, upon expanding the corresponding questions for that quiz appear, and vice versa.
Current Status: Completed

It'd be great if administrator can format quiz questions too, so some important words in the question can be underlined, bolded, or colored somehow

It'd be great if you could consider adding quiz start_time and end_time in the result table too, so you can know when someone is taking the quiz (and when he finish it)
it's also a tool for admin to check if someone do the test unreasonably long or short.

ALTER TABLE `quiz_results` ADD `r_start_time` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `quiz_results` ADD `r_end_time` INT( 10 ) NOT NULL;

my cumtomized version is attached, (if you dont mind)

Paul M
05-12-2005, 05:51 AM
Looking forward to v2 :)

I don't see any status for making the usergroup selections in the admin section tick boxes rather than the current left > right system. Is this not going to happen ?

Zero Tolerance
05-12-2005, 08:31 AM
@ mtha - It will be done, sorry i won't download your version or use it, nothing against you at all, it's just i prefer to do things solo.

So i'll enable BB Code for the question input, and add start time and end time for the results so that it shows time taken :)

@ Paul M - Well, i kinda spent a time creating the engine to output that visual look of usergroup controlling, a lot of systems use checkbox's, and i like things to be different, and on a plus side, for forums with a 'lot' of usergroups, the page won't be super long.
But, in order to improve control elements, i have added 'Add All' and 'Remove All' buttons so that you can click one button to allow/disallow all usergroups, which should ease up a few things :)

- Zero Tolerance

Paul M
05-12-2005, 04:05 PM
Sadly that doesn't really help me. Most of our quizes will need about 50% of our usergroups enabled. I'll have to look at hacking it so that some groups are pre-selected.

05-12-2005, 06:40 PM
@ mtha - It will be done, sorry i won't download your version or use it, nothing against you at all, it's just i prefer to do things solo.

So i'll enable BB Code for the question input, and add start time and end time for the results so that it shows time taken :)

sure, I just put there as reference. as long as it's functioning./

I already have the fields `r_start_time` and `r_end_time` as INT( 10 ), so hopefully it wouldnt be to hard to convert to your new system.

looking forward to seeing the new version coming out :D

Zero Tolerance
05-12-2005, 06:42 PM
sure, I just put there as reference. as long as it's functioning./

I already have the fields `r_start_time` and `r_end_time` as INT( 10 ), so hopefully it wouldnt be to hard to convert to your new system.

looking forward to seeing the new version coming out :D
Well unfortunatly my host is down, and since i'm fed up with my host, i am moving, which does mean there will be an added few days delay on this release unfortunatly.

- Zero Tolerance

05-12-2005, 08:29 PM
Well unfortunatly my host is down, and since i'm fed up with my host, i am moving, which does mean there will be an added few days delay on this release unfortunatly.

- Zero Tolerance

hope your server will be back soon :D

some more suggestions:

- option that admin can add someone to the quiz (quiz moderator), and he can receive the quiz result PM too (option to turn on/off PM).

- available for admin so that he can send PM to all users who take a quiz, about the final result, or any additional information, or thankyou email when the quiz end.

Zero Tolerance
05-12-2005, 08:46 PM
hope your server will be back soon :D

some more suggestions:

- option that admin can add someone to the quiz (quiz moderator), and he can receive the quiz result PM too (option to turn on/off PM).

- available for admin so that he can send PM to all users who take a quiz, about the final result, or any additional information, or thankyou email when the quiz end.
Server is up for now, i think i'll leave those for a future release though :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-12-2005, 10:09 PM
Server is up for now, i think i'll leave those for a future release though :)

- Zero Tolerance
:) more to come

i'd add user's IP_address to the result table too, for checking if someone is trying to take quiz many time, using different accounts.

05-13-2005, 04:54 AM
Overall Leader Board Statistics & Individual Leader Board Statistics

Individual Leader Board - Shows top X users with the best score for a specific quiz (Username,Score)

Current Status: Pending

- Zero Tolerance

- maybe a option sorting by score, quiz taken date (start/end), username (and reverse order) would be nice.

- setting how many user to be displayed (changeable) or all users (with limited users per page)

Lord Brar
05-13-2005, 04:56 AM
Awesome! Been wanting something like this for ages :)


05-16-2005, 04:33 AM
More suggestion:

- Quiz Category

many quizes can be in different categories,

05-16-2005, 08:37 PM
Nice looking hack.
Can I make a few suggestions (hope they haven't already been made)?

Have a couple of text entry boxes which you can put some HTML into. Header HTML is displayed before the competition questions and Footer HTML displayed afterwards.
This would allow the addition of information about competition sponsors, images of prizes, links to competition rules etc.

Set the number of winners. Sometimes we have 5 winners, for example.

Have an option to pick a winner/winners at random upon close of the competition.
ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT $number_of_winners, perhaps, if you want to do it from the database. And display the names of the winners instead of the entry form.

Have an option for confimation that the entree is of a minimum age. (Or could you use a normal question for this?)

Have a marketing opt-in. Text of what the entrees are signing up for and a tick box which they tick to opt in (or opt out) of a marketing list. Then an option to output the details of the opt-in-ees to a spreadsheet which you can then send to the competition sponsors.

Thank you for your consideration :)

05-17-2005, 06:57 AM
Nice looking hack.
Can I make a few suggestions (hope they haven't already been made)?

Have a couple of text entry boxes which you can put some HTML into. Header HTML is displayed before the competition questions and Footer HTML displayed afterwards.
This would allow the addition of information about competition sponsors, images of prizes, links to competition rules etc.

no comment, I would like to see functionality more than advertising :D. btw, you can always add these information in the templates, it doesnt require changing in the quiz.

Set the number of winners. Sometimes we have 5 winners, for example.

seems like the author will have a complicated statistic page.
I would call this "five top scores" rather than winner :D
then you can pick them out, and call them whatever you want later, for specific purpose, not for general puclic purpose.

Have a marketing opt-in. Text of what the entrees are signing up for and a tick box which they tick to opt in (or opt out) of a marketing list. Then an option to output the details of the opt-in-ees to a spreadsheet which you can then send to the competition sponsors.

:> advertising/sponsor problem again, I am not very much interested in this, but it's up to the author to decide.

I think, an add-on or optional for this (and html advertise above) would be better than including in the main script.

Zero Tolerance
05-18-2005, 05:58 AM
@ mtha - Yeah, i was thinking of categories, i'll most likely add them into v2 :)

@ SpinBall - Well in v2 you'll be able to use BBCode for questions, so you could insert a bbcode for the sponser, then the question, upto you really. Also there will be several leader board, an overall one on the main page, one for each category (if i add it in v2) and one for each specific quiz. I'll also be adding in User Quiz Stats, which shows the users quix statistics in general, and branches off to see specific stats for any quiz's they have taken :)

The marketing options seem a little un-required really, the initial idea of this addon is for fun, since i know millions of people just love to take random quiz's.

- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-18-2005, 09:01 AM
v2 Planned Feature List Updated:

Planned Features

Ability To Import/Export Quiz's Via ACP

The system will export data into .xml format, allowing distribution of the XML file to others to 'share' quiz's.
Current Status: Completed

Quiz Results Moderation

Ability to edit/delete any submissions from members. Upon modification - user is notified of this and is shown the new results.
Current Status: Completed

JS Detection

The system will attempt to detect if JS is activated before allowing a user to proceed to a timed quiz. (This will not be fool proof)
Current Status: Completed

Part-Answer System

Text input answers will allow you to enable/disable the part answer system, this is recommended for 'one' (1) word answers. An example would be:
Users Answer: it is london
Actual Answer: London
With 'Part-Answer' enabled on that question, the answer would be correct. This will allow more fluxuation, and correct a lot of answers which are not 'exact' but 'correct'.
Current Status: Completed

User Quiz Submissions

You may specify which usergroups can submit their own quiz's
Administrators have to allow submissions before they show
Current Status: Completed

Quiz Descriptions

Displayed on the page before starting the quiz
Current Status: Completed

Improved Visualization Of Questions Control

To cut down on long page displays - the system adds a expand/collapse system into all the quiz's, upon expanding the corresponding questions for that quiz appear, and vice versa.
Current Status: Completed

Overall Leader Board Statistics & Individual Leader Board Statistics

Overall Leader Board - Shows top X users with best average score (Username,# Of Quiz's Taken,For Quiz)
Individual Leader Board - Shows top X users with the best score for a specific quiz (Username,Score,For Quiz)
Quiz link opens drop down menu with 3 links: Take Quiz/View Stats/View Leaderboard
Current Status: Completed

Use BBCode Within Quiz Questions

Enables admins to use bbcode formatting for quiz questions
Current Status: Completed

Quiz Categories

Create categorys to add Quiz's into
Current Status: Completed

Quiz Quick Moderation

Checkbox's next to all quiz's in acp to multi delete/change quiz status [open/close]
Current Status: Completed

Quiz Images Powered By Inferno Smart Upload System

Ability to upload an image for each quiz (optional)

Inferno Smart Upload System
The system will part by part attempt to upload your image, each step it takes you will be notified of any failed/successful operations
Checks Valid Image Extension
Checks Directory Exists To Upload
Attempts To Upload
If Failed -> Attempts to CHMOD leading directorys towards destination directory to 0777 Then Re-try's Upload
If Successful (Either Attempt) -> Attempts to CHMOD image to 0777

Current Status: Completed


- Zero Tolerance

Dark Aura
05-18-2005, 10:13 AM
Looking good there, ZT :)

05-18-2005, 06:48 PM
Great hack, installed.

Paul M
05-18-2005, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the update.

Speaking from my POV, these are more important to me.

User Quiz Submissions
Quiz Results Moderation

While these are less important.

Quiz Categories
Quiz Submission Spam Protection
Overall Leader Board Statistics & Individual Leader Board Statistics

I'm sure others will disagree though ;)

Zero Tolerance
05-19-2005, 05:22 AM
Thanks for the update.

Speaking from my POV, these are more important to me.

User Quiz Submissions
Quiz Results Moderation

While these are less important.

Quiz Categories
Quiz Submission Spam Protection
Overall Leader Board Statistics & Individual Leader Board Statistics

I'm sure others will disagree though ;)
Well everyone will probably like different aspects of features more than others, just a question of preference, but i believe v2 will be a lot better overall for everyone :)

- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-19-2005, 07:09 AM
Moderate user quiz results completed.

- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-19-2005, 01:50 PM
Well, just because i'm evil, and i like to tease people, but also just to keep you appealed, a screenshot of v2 prototype in action is below :p

- Zero Tolerance

05-19-2005, 02:05 PM
* Polo drools

thanks ZT ;) looking forward to the release

DR?@M W?@V?R
05-19-2005, 04:00 PM
super :)

05-20-2005, 09:22 AM
Haven't installed it yet: waiting for version 2. Can't wait, this will be great on my forum!

Any indication as to a release date? Hours/days/weeks? :nervous:

05-20-2005, 06:03 PM
v2 Planned Feature List Updated:

Planned Features

Ability To Import/Export Quiz's Via ACP

The system will export data into .xml format, allowing distribution of the XML file to others to 'share' quiz's.
Current Status: Pending

Quiz Results Moderation

Ability to edit/delete any submissions from members. Upon modification - user is notified of this and is shown the new results.
Current Status: Completed

JS Detection

The system will attempt to detect if JS is activated before allowing a user to proceed to a timed quiz. (This will not be fool proof)
Current Status: Completed

Part-Answer System

Text input answers will allow you to enable/disable the part answer system, this is recommended for 'one' (1) word answers. An example would be:

Users Answer: it is london

Actual Answer: London

With 'Part-Answer' enabled on that question, the answer would be correct. This will allow more fluxuation, and correct a lot of answers which are not 'exact' but 'correct'.
Current Status: Completed

User Quiz Submissions

You may specify which usergroups can submit their own quiz's
Administrators have to allow submissions before they show
Current Status: Pending

Quiz Submission Spam Protection

Specify if a user can only submit 1 quiz every X hours, to prevent spam. (Only applies if usergroups are allowed to submit quiz's)
Current Status: Pending

Quiz Descriptions

Displayed on the page before starting the quiz
Current Status: Completed

Improved Visualization Of Questions Control

To cut down on long page displays - the system adds a expand/collapse system into all the quiz's, upon expanding the corresponding questions for that quiz appear, and vice versa.
Current Status: Completed

Overall Leader Board Statistics & Individual Leader Board Statistics

Overall Leader Board - Shows top X users with best average score (Username,# Of Quiz's Taken,Average Score)
Individual Leader Board - Shows top X users with the best score for a specific quiz (Username,Score)
Current Status: Pending

Use BBCode Within Quiz Questions

Enables admins to use bbcode formatting for quiz questions
Current Status: Completed

Quiz Categories

Create categorys to add Quiz's into
Current Status: Completed

Quiz Quick Moderation

Checkbox's next to all quiz's in acp to multi delete/change quiz status [open/close]
Current Status: Completed

Quiz Images Powered By Inferno Smart Upload System

Ability to upload an image for each quiz (optional)

Inferno Smart Upload System
The system will part by part attempt to upload your image, each step it takes you will be notified of any failed/successful operations
Checks Valid Image Extension
Checks Directory Exists To Upload
Attempts To Upload
If Failed -> Attempts to CHMOD leading directorys towards destination directory to 0777 Then Re-try's Upload
If Successful (Either Attempt) -> Attempts to CHMOD image to 0777

Current Status: Completed


- Zero Tolerance

Nice features there, Zero. I can't wait. :D

Zero Tolerance
05-20-2005, 07:33 PM
Haven't installed it yet: waiting for version 2. Can't wait, this will be great on my forum!

Any indication as to a release date? Hours/days/weeks? :nervous:
Not sure exactly, couple of days, i hope to have it out by monday, depends if i get enough free time.

- Zero Tolerance

05-20-2005, 07:38 PM
cool :) I really hope you do get some free time ;) have a great weekend Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-20-2005, 08:46 PM
Leaderboard (overall & quiz specific) completed.

View this post (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=655329&postcount=85) for more information :)

- Zero Tolerance

Creative Suite
05-21-2005, 07:00 AM


05-21-2005, 05:31 PM
does it come with quiz answer/questions or do i have to add them from scratch?

05-21-2005, 05:40 PM
does it come with quiz answer/questions or do i have to add them from scratch?
Logically, you will have to create your own... a Quiz is personalised per site, it's not a quiz generator...

Zero Tolerance
05-21-2005, 08:39 PM
does it come with quiz answer/questions or do i have to add them from scratch?
V2 will provide the ability to import/export quizzes, so i'll probably include a lil pack of 3/4 quizzes for people to import to their system if they desire.

- Zero Tolerance

05-22-2005, 02:06 PM
Can't wait for V2.
Cool Job ZT.

05-22-2005, 03:49 PM
should still add quizes, like loads of them all you have. if people dont like the quizes in it they can delete, and for most it will be a good start to start off with quizes coz i dont know many quizes really :s

05-22-2005, 05:20 PM
Don't let sample quizes delay the release of version 2 though, Zero Tolerance. Most of us don't need sample questions as we'll be making our own.

Perhaps you can release the sample quizes as an addon later?

05-23-2005, 01:15 PM
Is it possible to include a Quiz-Start Option?
So i can create Daily-Quizzes for a period of Time.

05-23-2005, 01:37 PM
any sites i can find some quizes at of all categories?

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 02:06 PM
Don't let sample quizes delay the release of version 2 though, Zero Tolerance. Most of us don't need sample questions as we'll be making our own.

Perhaps you can release the sample quizes as an addon later?
I will just provide quizzes that my admins already made for my site, simple as that, then you guys can swap/trade yours to each other with the given functionality :)

v2 is nearing completion.

- Zero Tolerance

Paul M
05-23-2005, 02:16 PM
I hope v2 will allow users to add quizes - this is a must for us, our admin team don't have the time to keep adding them.

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 03:42 PM
As said in the features list, it will be included, i have however removed the spam protection as it would seem useless.

I'm currently working on making the global quiz permissions (who can submit quizzes) flat file, however it doesn't work too well when your host dies =P - But it will save a global query being executed.

- Zero Tolerance

05-23-2005, 05:29 PM
As said in the features list, it will be included, i have however removed the spam protection as it would seem useless.

I'm currently working on making the global quiz permissions (who can submit quizzes) flat file, however it doesn't work too well when your host dies =P - But it will save a global query being executed.

- Zero Tolerance

if you make it into file, you migh have to give the write permission for some folder, or safe_mode off or something?

05-23-2005, 06:01 PM
Do you know if this can import quizzes from the other quiz hack that's out there (vbQuiz 2)?

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 06:09 PM
@ mtha - Yes, CHMOD permissions will need to be set for the folder and the file :)

@ lmongello - I don't have the code for the other vB3 Quiz Hack, so without the DB structed i cannot determine how to import the quizzes. However if you set me up with a test forum with the quiz installed, and give me the link and admin access (via PM) i'll take a look, andafter v2 has been released, i'll release an addon which imports quizzes from that system to this :)

I'm currently working on submit quiz, which will by JS powered, once done i'll create a flash preview of how it works.

- Zero Tolerance

05-23-2005, 06:12 PM
I will just provide quizzes that my admins already made for my site, simple as that, then you guys can swap/trade yours to each other with the given functionality :)

v2 is nearing completion.

- Zero Tolerance

do you mean you are going to provide quizes?

05-23-2005, 06:37 PM

Thanks for the reply. Not sure how I can set up a test forum, as i only have one VB license. If you can guide me a little, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, would an export of the quiz tables help? Let me know exactly what you need. Thanks!!!!

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 07:11 PM
@ axi - If you look at the features list for v2, on page 6, you will understand what i mean, there is a function to import/export quizzes, so people can share them. So i will just export mine and let people import them willingly.

@ lmongello - Correct, jelsofts policy says you must use 1 installation of vB per license, however it does also specify another installation may be made for "test" purposes, which is what you would be doing, as a definition of test purposes would be a forum with no activity of regular members posting, and such, so basically a dead forum.

- Zero Tolerance

05-23-2005, 07:37 PM
cool , cant wait for v2 then.

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 08:38 PM
Video preview of Submit A Quiz in action, this is just a preview of how easy it is for members to add a quiz :)

Link: http://www.gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/quiz_submit.html
(File Type of Video: .swf)

- Zero Tolerance

05-23-2005, 08:47 PM
It's very cool hack, thanks for share

I'll waiting V2.

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 09:25 PM
Thanks, updated the video preview to SWF as people were saying that they couldn't play the AVI file.

- Zero Tolerance

Paul M
05-23-2005, 09:46 PM
As said in the features list, it will be included, i have however removed the spam protection as it would seem useless.Yeah - but it said "Pending" as the status, which didn't really help me know if would be added ;) No requirement for the Spam protection here. :)

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 09:48 PM
Yeah - but it said "Pending" as the status, which didn't really help me know if would be added ;) No requirement for the Spam protection here. :)
I guess in the future i should be a little more descriptive, by Pending i meant wating to be done =P

- Zero Tolerance

05-23-2005, 10:44 PM
The swf is great, but when will you share it (v2)?

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 10:52 PM
The swf is great, but when will you share it (v2)?
The obvious answer to that would be when it's completed ;)

- Zero Tolerance

05-23-2005, 11:06 PM
swf looks great. May I ask what you used to produce it?

Zero Tolerance
05-23-2005, 11:07 PM
swf looks great. May I ask what you used to produce it?
Bit off topic but it was Camtasia Studio :)

- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-24-2005, 02:09 AM

New v2 preview: http://gzevolution.net/Quiz_Previews/QuizExport.html

Which basically shows off my fancy export system, the same style (loading bar) applies for the import :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-24-2005, 12:12 PM
This will be great m8, a release date??

05-24-2005, 05:08 PM
If you nag the guy, it may be never :D Always remember with free mods, you don't get a release date or a timeline for fixes or any guarantees of any kind. The surest way to make a volunteer coder stop coding is to start bugging him. ;)

That said, hurry up, Zero! *insert evil grin here*


Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 09:40 AM
Yes ma'am...

Import/Export fully completed, just gotta finish up user quiz submissions, then submission moderation :)

- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 11:57 AM
Alright, good news everyone, after so many delays which i appologise for, i have finally completed the Inferno Quiz v2 system, all i need to do now is create a new installed/upgrader system :)

Estimated release: 1-2 hour(s)


- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 01:23 PM
here and waiting :D

will you be supplying quizz'es in this one or as an addon ?

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 01:29 PM
here and waiting :D

will you be supplying quizz'es in this one or as an addon ?
Yes, the download contains 6 quizzes for you to import if you want.

Everything is now complete, i'm just taking a few screenshots of things to show in the main post :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 01:35 PM
im excited

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 01:45 PM
Yep, it's released, and 23 beautiful previews are available :p

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 01:48 PM
nice, I might convert from my paid version...

05-25-2005, 01:55 PM
this is mad, is there some sort of a block for vba cmps, like Quiz stats, or Latest Quizes, Or take a quiz block? Anything to that extent?

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 01:57 PM
No such addon is currently available, but i may make it in a few days just for the hell of it :p

I'm currently being asked to create a converter, to convert vBQuiz quizzes to Inferno Quiz

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 01:59 PM
looks like your quiz is doing the job.. stealing other hacks customers :) good job. im going to install it too.

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 02:04 PM
looks like your quiz is doing the job.. stealing other hacks customers :) good job. im going to install it too.
It's not my intention to put others out of business, so don't think it is =P

- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 02:20 PM
Update: The new installer system had a problem installing to "all" styles, if you have already installed v2.0 no worries, just re-upload "install_quiz.php" and run it, select "Re-install Quiz Templates To All Styles" :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 02:38 PM
ahh thats better.

was wondering why i had a blank quiz all that time haha.


05-25-2005, 02:39 PM
btw, can you add images to each quiz, or categories?

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 02:42 PM
You can add images to every single quiz (not categories) :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 02:42 PM

I've just upgraded from v1 to v2 as per instructions. The first thing I have tried to do is import one of your quizzes, and get the following error

Invalid SQL: insert into quiz
('DragonBall Z General Knowledge',0,'')
mysql error: Unknown column 'q_desc' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Seems like at least one new field wasn't created. :(

I'll investigate further

05-25-2005, 02:45 PM
i just got the same error!

05-25-2005, 02:48 PM
I added the field 'q_desc' to the quiz table and it seems to work ok now :)

05-25-2005, 02:51 PM
where do you do that? im not sure about these things.. >:

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 02:53 PM
Always something :p

Run this query:
alter table {TABLE_PREFIX}quiz
add `q_desc` varchar(255) not null default ''

Change {TABLE_PREFIX} to .. well your table prefix :p

Updated the zip, anyone who installs from this post onwards will not be affected by this bug, my appologies.

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 02:55 PM
i look forward to upgrading this later - the first one was great so im sure that this will be great to :)

05-25-2005, 02:56 PM
il just run the re install script. thanks

05-25-2005, 02:56 PM
he he

More from me ZT. Sorry :P

I imported the Simpson quiz.

!st problem - no image next to it, but the image name does appear.

Second problem when choosing to take the quiz :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: parse_bbcode2() in /home/xxxxxxxx/www/www/vB/includes/engine.quiz.php on line 435

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 02:56 PM
i look forward to upgrading this later - the first one was great so im sure that this will be great to :)
You have only to look at the new previews to compare :p

It's a very big update, a lot changed and a ton of new functionality added.

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 03:00 PM
i just wacked up the new update install file, and when i try to run it it error:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_DOUBLE_ARROW in /home/axi/public_html/forums/admincp/install_quiz.php on line 155

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 03:04 PM
1) Fixed

2) To fix the bug with the quiz descriptions, run the query above, not run the installer again. (Unless you want to uninstall and re-install)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 03:08 PM
i just realised you can't edit categorie names can you? i cant find where to di it if you can.

05-25-2005, 03:08 PM
Hey what is the Inferno Smart Upload System and i it available as a standalone??

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 03:09 PM
i just realised you can't edit categorie names can you? i cant find where to di it if you can.
Go to your ACP, and click "control quiz categories", you can add/edit/delete them :)

Make sure you've done the admincp/index.php file edit though, otherwise you won't see the extra functionality. (Refresh acp after making the edit)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 03:16 PM
oh, is there more to edit? coz i already edit'd from your first release but not after the last few updates you uploaded, is there more edits?

05-25-2005, 03:21 PM

Thats what the control categories look like, its all delete.. No edits??

05-25-2005, 03:29 PM
he he

More from me ZT. Sorry :P

I imported the Simpson quiz.

!st problem - no image next to it, but the image name does appear.

Second problem when choosing to take the quiz :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: parse_bbcode2() in /home/alantimm/www/www/vB/includes/engine.quiz.php on line 435

I've got this exact same problem too :(

Lizard King
05-25-2005, 03:35 PM
When I try to import a quiz I get the following error :

Edit : Didn't see the fix before :P fixed now.

05-25-2005, 03:47 PM
I think mine was a blonde moment :)

I hadn't uploaded the new quiz.php file!

Apologies ZT!

05-25-2005, 03:50 PM
hey ZT.

i think theres another error, uploading an image and the error is:

Image Extension: gif OK
Upload Image Failed
CHMOD Directory (0777) /home/axi/public_html/forums/images/ Failed
CHMOD Directory (0777) /home/axi/public_html/forums/images/quiz/ Failed

Should I create/chmod 777 the folders manually and try again

by the way you only told me in the installation file to chmod includes folder. should have we done the images folder too?

05-25-2005, 04:12 PM
hmmm, ZT, i cant edit quiz categories or quizzes. the only options available is delete??

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 04:14 PM
Yeah you should chmod the image folder to 0777.
Also, the edit isn't appearing because the phrase is missing? It pulls the default "edit" phrase from your forum, i assume your using vb 3.0.7?

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 04:18 PM
yes 3.0.7 :s
what could the problem be

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 04:19 PM
Add a phrase to your system, variable name: edit, text: Edit, type: global

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 04:24 PM
ahh worked! thanks!! you are genius!!

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 04:29 PM
Alright, glad it's fully working then :)
Sorry for the inconveniance caused.

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 04:41 PM
Thnx Zero Tolerance,

This is incredible beautiful hack, it works for 200% on vB 3.0.7
I have only CHMOD the settings.quiz.php and the quiz directory.
Once again, splendid :banana:

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 04:44 PM
Thnx Zero Tolerance,

This is incredible beautiful hack, it works for 200% on vB 3.0.7
I have only CHMOD the settings.quiz.php and the quiz directory.
Once again, splendid :banana:
Just to ensure the system works perfectly, chmod the folders leading up the files + inner directories:


- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 04:44 PM
ZT, theres an option for Moderate quiz submissions which i can understand, but theres also Moderate Quiz Results - Do i have to check each persons quiz results after they submit the answers to allow them to be uptaed onto the site, or is it all automatic?

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 04:46 PM
ZT, theres an option for Moderate quiz submissions which i can understand, but theres also Moderate Quiz Results - Do i have to check each persons quiz results after they submit the answers to allow them to be uptaed onto the site, or is it all automatic?
Moderate Quiz Results allows you to modify/delete any answers from people, it is not "required", just gives you the functionality to check over any submisisons and correct them if needs be, ie: if a user asks you to check their results because they spelled something incorrectly, you can update it, and the users' results will be updated :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 04:49 PM
Just to ensure the system works perfectly, chmod the folders leading up the files + inner directories:


- Zero Tolerance
Oke, I do that for certainty, thnx

05-25-2005, 04:51 PM
Possible that something happened when I upgraded, or originally installed it, but it didn't update the quiz table, adding the column q_desc. Again this could be my problem, but just if people have problems. This occurred when I tried to "Edit Quiz". Other then that, this is an awesome hack!

Sorry I didn't see you had already fixed that problem... Thanks for the hack!

05-25-2005, 04:51 PM
cool, such an advantage. :D

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 04:52 PM
Possible that something happened when I upgraded, or originally installed it, but it didn't update the quiz table, adding the column q_desc. Again this could be my problem, but just if people have problems. This occurred when I tried to "Edit Quiz". Other then that, this is an awesome hack!
It was fixed earlier, you must of downloaded it before i updated it:


- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 04:54 PM
One more thing people, vote Inferno Quiz HOTM pweeease :p

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 04:58 PM
Well, I figured I would test out the export function and share a quiz with y'all.

This one is a dead or alive quiz. Given the name, guess if the person is dead or alive.


Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 05:05 PM

Works perfectly :p

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 05:06 PM
I hate to do this after you've put so much work into this, but I have one request. Can you please store the quiz's author and allow them to take their own quiz to test it without the results being stored in the stats?


Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 05:09 PM
Can it wait for v3? :p

I'm guessing something like this: Quiz author is displayed upon general viewing of quiz, author is able to select "Test Quiz", after taking the quiz the results are PM'ed to him/her, but they are not stored in the database. Or did i go wrong somewhere?

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 05:16 PM
Perfect :)

I'll keep other feature requests to myself and just start tinkering. But that one, I figured just about everybody would want.

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 05:17 PM
Personally i don't see it as a great feature, however it is additional functionality, always a plus :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 05:21 PM
One more thing people, vote Inferno Quiz HOTM pweeease :p

- Zero Tolerance

sure, but how?

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 05:22 PM
sure, but how?
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=81498 :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 05:28 PM
there is a inferno quiz v1 in the vote list, does that still count as the new version?

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 05:30 PM
It's the same modification/hack so yeah :p

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 05:32 PM
One more thing people, vote Inferno Quiz HOTM pweeease :p

- Zero Tolerance
Done :up:

05-25-2005, 05:34 PM
done also

05-25-2005, 06:12 PM
Updated it .. took a lil but the blonde got there in the end :)

Thanks for including the XML Quiz Questions Zero

05-25-2005, 06:24 PM
Can it wait for v3? :p

I'm guessing something like this: Quiz author is displayed upon general viewing of quiz, author is able to select "Test Quiz", after taking the quiz the results are PM'ed to him/her, but they are not stored in the database. Or did i go wrong somewhere?

- Zero Tolerance

Do you have the feature list for v3 I wonder?

05-25-2005, 06:26 PM
one more question zt, when members answer the questions, can they do the quiz again? just wondering if i should have the can see answers for members that done the quiz.

05-25-2005, 06:29 PM
Bug report: It's choking on apostrophes in user submitted quizzes. I'm working on it now.

05-25-2005, 06:38 PM
Zero, I got a suggestion for v3.0; Difficulty.

Quiz difficulties are dynamically created by the quiz system based on how well players perform on a quiz. If most people do really well on a quiz it may be rated as "Easy". If no one does well, probably "Impossible".

The order of difficulty:

Very Easy
Very Difficult

05-25-2005, 06:48 PM
OK. Fixed the bug - at least it appears to be fixed.

In admin_quiz.php


$DB->query("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."quiz

Replace with:

$DB->query("insert into ".TABLE_PREFIX."quiz
('".addslashes($sub['s_name'])."',0,'". addslashes($sub['s_desc'])."',{$sub['s_cat']},'{$sub['s_image']}')");


$QueryBits[] = "('{$Question['Q']}','{$Question['Type']}','".addslashes(serialize($Params))."',$ID)";

Replace with:

$QueryBits[] = "('".addslashes($Question['Q'])."','{$Question['Type']}','".addslashes(serialize($Params))."',$ID)";

05-25-2005, 07:12 PM
mines still stuffed, in the questions lists the stuff with " around it come out with &quot, etc.. why is that?

05-25-2005, 07:33 PM
zt, if you making version 3 you should also have where members uploading or submitting quizzes they can create or like suggest category for there new quiz, because maybe there quizzes wont fit the current cats, so therefore if admins like they can accept and category and quiz will be done at once. otherwise admin can also rename there category suggested to a better one if need be.

Just a suggestion? this way it wont restrict submittions.

Zero Tolerance
05-25-2005, 08:22 PM
mines still stuffed, in the questions lists the stuff with " around it come out with &quot, etc.. why is that?
Is that on add question/import quiz/user submission?

And thanks for the bug fix amy, i'll check it out tomorrow (time for sleep soon)

- Zero Tolerance

05-25-2005, 09:37 PM
Dear Zero Tolerance,

thank you very, very much for your quiz! It's exactly what our readers definitely like, creation of the quiz is a lot of fun for me too!

My forum is on legends, myths and fairy tales in Europe, so from this region I experience some problems, hoping they are suggestions for you:

- In one quiz we ask for "Dracula", but some regions here write "Drakula" and similar. I would suggest, to make some sort of wildcard as "Dra$ula$" to allow similar typings as correct answer.

- I would like to add pictures for some questions. Suggestion?
Dream of expansion on this idea would be, that the picture is shown in parts, and if candidate needs more parts (or more resolution) to recognise, looses percentage.

- Another definite popular demand here in Europe is a "Joker" (there is no translation to English, so I'll have to explain ;-). If there are four possible answers, the canditate might cry [click] "Joker" and the system reduces the possible four answers to two.

Kindest regards from Austria



05-25-2005, 10:22 PM
Firstly, excellent hack! It seems to be very well polished off!

Next, for v3, I think these suggestions are very good:

Zero, I got a suggestion for v3.0; Difficulties.

Quiz difficulties are dynamically created by the quiz system based on how well players perform on a quiz. If most people do really well on a quiz it may be rated as "Easy". If no one does well, probably "Impossible".

The order of difficulty:

Very Easy
Very Difficult

- In one quiz we ask for "Dracula", but some regions here write "Drakula" and similar. I would suggest, to make some sort of wildcard as "Dra$ula$" to allow similar typings as correct answer.

And one request by me... after someone finishes off a quiz, can you output a page with their results and the correct answers? On my forum i dont give everyone access to private messaging, so it would be very useful if they could see their results on the site rather then through PM...

Edit: actually that last request could probaby be done if on the "thank you for doing this quiz" page we provide a link to directly view the stats of that individual for that quiz? Anyone know what the code for such a link would be?

05-26-2005, 12:21 AM
One more request :D

Explanatory notes... i.e., in the admincp, each question has a field where we can explain the answer in more depth. This isn't shown while doing the quiz, but when the user is given his/her results, and the answers, the system also shows him the explanatory notes.

Explanatory notes would be something like why an answer is true/false, a bit more information about the answer, etc.

05-26-2005, 03:55 AM
Is that on add question/import quiz/user submission?

And thanks for the bug fix amy, i'll check it out tomorrow (time for sleep soon)

- Zero Tolerance

well so far its when i added the questions manually. So when i add something like with the "talking marks" it stuffs up and adds wierd codes around it.

05-26-2005, 10:32 AM
I got round this problem by adding single quotes (') instead of (")
Hope that helps.

05-26-2005, 11:03 AM

Admin CP >> Moderate Quiz Submissions

I tried to edit a particular answer in a members submissions and it completed blanked out all their answers.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2005/05/1.jpg (http://img88.echo.cx/my.php?image=quiz21tt.jpg)

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2005/05/1.jpg (http://img88.echo.cx/my.php?image=quiz39ea.jpg)


05-26-2005, 11:22 AM
Zero, I got a suggestion for v3.0; Difficulty.

Quiz difficulties are dynamically created by the quiz system based on how well players perform on a quiz. If most people do really well on a quiz it may be rated as "Easy". If no one does well, probably "Impossible".

The order of difficulty:

Very Easy
Very Difficult

Well ZT, do you like my suggestion or what? Please include this for the next version. :disappointed:

05-26-2005, 11:23 AM

Admin CP >> Moderate Quiz Submissions

I tried to edit a particular answer in a members submissions and it completed blanked out all their answers.

http://img88.echo.cx/img88/7775/quiz21tt.th.jpg (http://img88.echo.cx/my.php?image=quiz21tt.jpg)

http://img88.echo.cx/img88/7785/quiz39ea.th.jpg (http://img88.echo.cx/my.php?image=quiz39ea.jpg)

I'm seeing the same problem. I'll look into it this morning.


05-26-2005, 12:21 PM
I'm seeing the same problem. I'll look into it this morning.

Got it. Here's the fix.

In includes/engine.quiz.php Find:

print_input_row("{$Q['q_question']}<dfn><u>Actual Answer:</u> {$Params['answer']}</dfn>", 'question[$Q[qid]]',$Data);

Replace with:

print_input_row("{$Q['q_question']}<dfn><u>Actual Answer:</u> {$Params['answer']}</dfn>", "question[{$Q['qqid']}]",$Data);

I am not sure that you are going to be able to fix any of the already corrupt results from before this fix though.


05-26-2005, 12:30 PM
Got it. Here's the fix.

In includes/engine.quiz.php Find:

print_input_row("{$Q['q_question']}<dfn><u>Actual Answer:</u> {$Params['answer']}</dfn>", 'question[$Q[qid]]',$Data);

Replace with:

print_input_row("{$Q['q_question']}<dfn><u>Actual Answer:</u> {$Params['answer']}</dfn>", "question[{$Q['qqid']}]",$Data);

I am not sure that you are going to be able to fix any of the already corrupt results from before this fix though.


That did the trick! :)

Zero Tolerance
05-26-2005, 12:46 PM
@ wolfgangm - Wild cards, sounds like a good idea, however this is the reason why the ability to moderate results was created, so you could check over answers and correct things like typo's, however i will keep it in mind. As for pictures, you are able t use BBCode within questions, so use a [img] tag. A joker, sounds like a 50/50 deduction.

@ Snake - I'll look into difficulty rankings :)

@ Topee Guy - Add a link to the results upon completion in the thanks note, sure sounds easy enough. Notes to explain answers, sure sounds like that would be very educational for some site's :)

@ amy - I'll go apply those bugs to the download, thanks a lot for taking care of things while i was alseep :)

- Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance
05-26-2005, 12:54 PM
Alright, zip updated, those 2 bugs have been applied, thanks amy and sorry to everyone else for inconveniance.

- Zero Tolerance

05-26-2005, 01:08 PM
Here's a couple of quizzes if anybody wants to use them.

05-26-2005, 01:25 PM
Here's a couple of quizzes if anybody wants to use them.
Thanks :) I tried the movie one and it was tough!


05-26-2005, 02:38 PM
@ Snake - I'll look into difficulty rankings :)

Great okay, and thanks for the bug fixes. :)

Lizard King
05-26-2005, 03:56 PM
Zero is it possible to integrate this wich Ucash ? Like the winner of each quiz can get x points

05-26-2005, 05:43 PM
/me installs Excellent Job! Easy install.. Works perfect! Thanks

05-26-2005, 05:48 PM
One more request :D

Explanatory notes... i.e., in the admincp, each question has a field where we can explain the answer in more depth. This isn't shown while doing the quiz, but when the user is given his/her results, and the answers, the system also shows him the explanatory notes.

Explanatory notes would be something like why an answer is true/false, a bit more information about the answer, etc.

This is an awesome idea! Huge props on this one! This would help the quiz taker and the quiz giver. (great suggestion, TopeeGuy)

05-26-2005, 06:09 PM
Another bug. And this one's ooky javascript that I shall leave to you :D

When I go to create a quiz, if I have an apostrophe in the question, the javascript is truncating the question and then displaying the truncated question in the text field. This happens when I click the "Add Question to Quiz" button.

So, if you aren't paying attention, a truncated question gets submitted into the database.


05-26-2005, 06:12 PM
Great Stuff ZT!

For some reason I cannot Import Quizzes.It gives me a No File Found. [Back] error.No biggie though,I prefer writing all my own quizzes anyway :)

Here are a few if anyone wishes to use them.

One Music theme and 3 'Pub Quizzes' (General Knowlege/Multiple Choice).

Thanks again,

DR?@M W?@V?R
05-26-2005, 06:23 PM
'SubmitQuiz' => array(

I Added

'Leaderboard' => array(

To cache the 3 uncached templates, if you want to update the quiz.php for that one m8, nice addon BTW..super stuff.

Thanks for your 2 quizzes bluesteel :) thx darkworld going to install later.

05-26-2005, 06:45 PM
Kewl mod! :cool:
Very cool addon. Installed easily and no probs adding new quizzes.


05-26-2005, 07:50 PM
Feature Request: (Please don't beat me. I think this one will be easy for you.) If possible, when somebody submits a quiz for moderation, can the admins be sent a private message letting them know?

Paul M
05-27-2005, 01:10 AM
Great update :)

But ........ (you just knew this was coming)

A few things;

1. Adding questions - can there be answer field in the initial question add section.

2. If you edit the questions (to add answers etc) and then add another question, it clears all the existing questions data you have edited.

3. Can the default for part answer checking (in text questions) be yes rather than no.

4. On installation - please only add the templates to styles that have the "master style" as their parent - all the child styles will then pick the templates up anyway - otherwise you have loads of duplicate templates you don't need - and every change has to be made in every style, rather than them being inherited as they should.

5. Add a link to "allow" quizes from within the preview screen.

6. In the settings, can certain groups be set to default as "allowed" to take quizes.

7. In the quiz editing can there be a button in the "allowed to view results" to copy the groups from the "allowed to take" screen. I really can't imagine why I would ever allow a group to take a quiz, but then deny them the right to view the results.

05-27-2005, 03:11 AM
Yeah i was planning on adding this option to v2, along with compatability for uShop/RPG Inferno.
- Zero Tolerance

is this feature coming soon?!

05-27-2005, 03:18 AM
when creating quiz's, it doesnt like quotes. :(

05-27-2005, 07:46 AM
when creating quiz's, it doesnt like quotes. :(
Yep, I saw that too. If a user submits a quiz with ' in them, and I go to moderate the submission, it gives a server PHP/mySQL error... can't seem to approve the submitted quix.

DR?@M W?@V?R
05-27-2005, 07:59 AM
Any chance that a icon could be used in the postbit to show the quiz king/top leader ?

Zero Tolerance
05-27-2005, 09:58 AM
v2.1 Update:
- " to &quot; fixed
- ' Chokes add question in submit quiz fixed
- Quote's in allow submission resulted in DB error fixed
- Templates now only added to "master" styles (styles without parents) to stop duplication of un-required templates

- Zero Tolerance

Lizard King
05-27-2005, 10:16 AM
v2.1 Update:
- " to &quot; fixed
- ' Chokes add question in submit quiz fixed
- Quote's in allow submission resulted in DB error fixed
- Templates now only added to "master" styles (styles without parents) to stop duplication of un-required templates

- Zero Tolerance
Any info about ucash integration :p I know we are asking a lot from you Zero :p

05-27-2005, 10:20 AM
Think you can integrate it with Inferno? That sounds great. :D

Zero Tolerance
05-27-2005, 10:23 AM
Well right now i'd prefer the system to "fully" work before actually implementing more features, i think people would prefer the system to work rather than more features. :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-27-2005, 10:50 AM
regarding this quiz hack, can users set up quizzes where if you get XXX questions right it shows XXXXXX.gif and gives them the right little "quote" to go with it?

i.e. personality quizzes

Zero Tolerance
05-27-2005, 11:34 AM
regarding this quiz hack, can users set up quizzes where if you get XXX questions right it shows XXXXXX.gif and gives them the right little "quote" to go with it?

i.e. personality quizzes
That feature isn't available but it sounds good *adds to notes* :)

- Zero Tolerance

05-27-2005, 03:49 PM
That feature isn't available but it sounds good *adds to notes* :)

- Zero Tolerance
alot like this;

Take The quiz yourself! (http://bleachportal.net/layout.php?id=interactive/pquiz)

05-27-2005, 04:21 PM
Is there any option for user to retake the quiz.... ?

DR?@M W?@V?R
05-27-2005, 06:36 PM
what are the chances of "postbit top leader icon" "retake quiz option" no staff needed for submited quiz option" for the next version?

05-27-2005, 08:25 PM

if someone doesnt have permission to some area, the link (or block should not be appeard).

says if member is not allowed to "Submit A Quiz", the submission block will NOT be displayed.

same as take quiz, view start, view leaderboard ...

if member is not allowed to see UserStat, the name should appear as normal text, without link.

all these could easily be done by using conditions in template, right?

05-27-2005, 09:03 PM
im getting this error

Warning: fopen(./includes/settings.quiz.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 662

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 663

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 664

i take it this is because i havent changed the chmod. i dont know much about servers but according to my webhost, changing it to 777 makes that folder available to everybody who shares with me on the server. is this true?

05-27-2005, 10:44 PM
im getting this error

Warning: fopen(./includes/settings.quiz.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 662

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 663

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 664

i take it this is because i havent changed the chmod. i dont know much about servers but according to my webhost, changing it to 777 makes that folder available to everybody who shares with me on the server. is this true?
You need to make the files and directories writeable. Otherwise, it won't work.


05-27-2005, 10:52 PM
Here's a quick and dirty mod to PM the person of your choice when a quiz has been submitted and is ready for review.

In quiz.php

header("Location: quiz.php?sub=1");

Add Above (change the word userid in both places to the userid of the member you want notified.):

$PM = "A quiz has been submitted for review.";

// Send PM
SendPM($PM,"Quiz Submitted for Review",userid,userid);

Neutral Singh
05-28-2005, 04:41 AM
First of all i must say ...

ZT & Inferno Quiz ROCKS !!!!

Thank You !!!!

An error has occured, the following message has been left below:

You may only view user stats if you have completed the quiz.

As an admin, when i click on view stats --> click on a membername option, i get this error, i think as an admin i should have the previliage to view the results without having to go to admincp everytime a members chooses to get quizzed. There should be no problem ethically as afterall i am the person who devised to quiz. :devious: Just a suggestion for future versions.

Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 540

Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 540

Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 540

Warning: in_array(): Wrong datatype for second argument in /includes/engine.quiz.php on line 540

I was moderating quiz results for one of the members when i encountered the above error. An snapshot is attached in this message.

And Lastly, a member should have the facility of taking the same quiz more than once. This is a must be there feature in my view.

Thanks and Best Regards

Zero Tolerance
05-28-2005, 08:00 AM
It would appear that error is caused from the answer not being an array for some form of reason. You can change on line 540 of engine.quiz.php this:
$Selected = (in_array($key,$Data) && trim($Data) != '')? " checked='checked'" : "";
$Selected = (@in_array($key,$Data) && trim($Data) != '')? " checked='checked'" : "";

It should solve the problem.

- Zero Tolerance

05-29-2005, 04:12 PM
Feature requests for the next version:
I love the quiz system, but I find two things tiresome.
1. When I create a quiz and start adding questions to the quiz, I don't like having to select the quiz from the dropdown each time I add a new question. Is it possible to store the name of the latest quiz that a question was added to, and remember that value in the dropdown for subsequent question additions? Then, if I need to change quizzes, I can but for those of us who generally add 10 or more questions at a time to the same quiz, we won't have to keep making that selection, which gets cumbersome once you have a significant number of quizzes.

2. If possible, allow us to set default permissions for taking quizzes and viewing the stats of quizzes. Then, we can use the default settings for most quizzes, but adjust for special quizzes that we want to restrict to certain user groups.

I'm willing to do the coding and send it to you if you are busy or need help. The only reason I make the suggestion here is that I am trying to keep my own private version from making two many forks from your standard.

Also Zero, give me a yell if you want my code to have quizzes show who wrote them, allow quiz authors to take their own quiz multiple times without showing their score, and to show a "Quiz already Taken" message for people who have taken a given quiz instead of the Take Quiz link.


05-29-2005, 06:07 PM
I installed this hack and love it, however I use the quiz for contests for prizes. So it is hard to see what peoples scores are so i modified the quiz.php so it sorts the usernames and shows the %. Making it easy to see who the top Members are.

I hope this isn't against the rules if it is just delete the post

Modify the SQL statment to order the results by score so the highest scores are listed at the top.

// Get All The Results
$Get_Results = $DB->query("
select u.username,
from ".TABLE_PREFIX."quiz_results r
left join ".TABLE_PREFIX."user u on(u.userid=r.r_userid)
where r.r_forquiz = '{$Quiz['qid']}' ORDER BY r.r_score DESC

Change the Result display so it formats and shows the % correct.

$Results[] = "<tr><td><a href='quiz.php?$session[sessionurl]do=UserStat&userid={$Result['r_userid']}&id={$Quiz['qid']}'>{$Result['username']}
</a></td> <td>{$Result['r_score']}%</td></tr>";

Hopefully everyone finds this useful like I do.

Neutral Singh
05-30-2005, 04:39 AM
It would appear that error is caused from the answer not being an array for some form of reason. You can change on line 540 of engine.quiz.php this:
$Selected = (in_array($key,$Data) && trim($Data) != '')? " checked='checked'" : "";
$Selected = (@in_array($key,$Data) && trim($Data) != '')? " checked='checked'" : "";

It should solve the problem.

- Zero Tolerance
Yes Sir !! It did the trick !! The error seems to be gone... Thanks :)

Neutral Singh
05-30-2005, 04:40 AM
And yeah i forgot to thank you for Quiz Packs... Thanks !!!!

05-30-2005, 04:38 PM
For those of you who downloaded my dead or alive quiz, you need to remove the Eddie Albert question or change the answer. He died this weekend.


05-30-2005, 04:40 PM

updated :)

05-30-2005, 05:23 PM
Here's a little mod that some of you may find useful.

Right now, whenever you add a quiz question, the dropdown box comes up to the first Quiz in the list. This little mod makes the dropdown remember the last quiz that you added a question to. The next time you add a question, the dropdown list of Quizzes will be set to that last quiz.