View Full Version : Request: Prophecy! Start threads that will be displayed in the future...

Taco John
04-25-2005, 01:35 AM
I think it would be a very cool feature if there was a hack that allowed posters to start threads that don't show up until a specified time and date. This would add a huge new dynamic to communities, beacuse posters would be able to post predictions or hold other people accountable for their statements by posting future threads to examine where topics have developed at that point in time. My community (a sports community) would go nuts over such an add-on... It would be a lot of fun...

04-25-2005, 02:32 AM
You mean posts that will be displayed in the future, or entire threads? And if so, would there be any indication that they posted from the past?

04-25-2005, 07:24 PM
Oooooh this would rock for American Idol predictions! ;) I could totally see this being a great feature for a sports board!

Paul M
04-25-2005, 08:29 PM
or indeed a quiz forum .....

04-26-2005, 01:01 AM
Isn't that what polls are for before it's decided? (+commenting in the poll thread)

Taco John
04-26-2005, 07:21 PM
You mean posts that will be displayed in the future, or entire threads? And if so, would there be any indication that they posted from the past?

Yes... I think it would have to be tagged the same way a poll or a sticky is tagged...

The bottom line is that users would be able to select the date that they want the thread to appear as a new thread on the board.

My board is a sports board. It would he VERY amusing to have this feature, because in sports forums, people like to make bold predictions, and often they are never held accountable for them. Another thing that would be cool about this is that there is always evaluation of moves that a team makes. It would be cool to be able to schedule a thread for one year to the date to discuss a move that was just recently made...

Another great use of a feature like this is that you could use it to schedule your community traditions... For instance, my community has an "adoption" drive every year where they one-by-one "adopt" players on the team. It would be cool to have the thread already scheduled to go for a certain date.

The use of such a feature to enrich your community is only limited by the imagination.

Further, it would be cool to have a page from which you can view the scheduled threads, and from which admins can moderate the feature.