View Full Version : Google-style prefetching

04-04-2005, 08:04 AM
I expect it's the case that when most logged in people view a forum, they generally visit the newest unread threads.

Like Google have done, why not create a hack that adds the prefetch link to these newest threads, which people will most likely visit?

So, for logged in users, (optionally?) add a prefetch (http://www.mozilla.org/projects/netlib/Link_Prefetching_FAQ.html) link to (the last page?) of all/the top 5 new threads (that the user has replied to?). When the user clicks on these - as they likely will - they should load a lot quicker.

Would enhance the user experience of vBulletin, and just be quite nifty ;)

If someone was feeling particularly excited, when viewing a thread, it could speed-up things if the reply-to page was prefetched, or images from the reply-to page were prefetched.

Just some thoughts.