View Full Version : Blam Forums - Becasue Boredom Sucks!

Blam Forumz
03-31-2005, 06:10 PM

I modified a skin (Can't remember name) That I got from vbdesigns.de

I haev an arcade (2 posts per day requirement)
RPG Inferno (Not complete yet :/ but soon)
Shoutbox (pretty dead, but meh)
Articles section (Also pretty dead)
Downloads section (Just started it yesterday so not many files yet)
vBa CMPS (Not too many modules)
A Shop
vBRadio (Not too lively)
Statistics hack
and Coppermine gallery

I hope i havent loaded it up with hacks lol, but anyway, have a look please, any suggestions for improvements please let me know, thanks

I've also done quite alot of template editing :D

03-31-2005, 06:30 PM
Just remember that modifying your site's code in quantity does not equal quality. In fact, often the fewer common modifications, the better. The more custom and useful modifications, the slightly better.

Do not put useless information above the fold. Move the shoutbox, quick registration (which is pooly laid out, IMO), and welcome message below the fold, or at least after the content. You also have far too many navigation links. Spreading them across two bars is not helping; you should group them or remove rarely, if ever, used items.

03-31-2005, 06:31 PM
I just noticed that you are running an old version of vBulletin with numerous known security vulnerabilities. You should always upgrade to new stable versions as soon as they are released. Applying patches does not necessarily fix the problem. Also applying third party code modifications, especially some done by users here (no offense, just lack of experience usually), drastically increases the risk of more security problems.

03-31-2005, 07:05 PM
I kind of like the shoutbox at the top. I have it there so my users can post their one liners there instead of in the forums.

Blam Forumz
03-31-2005, 07:52 PM
The thing is, i had a leased license, and now I cant really upgrade because I cant afford to upgrade my license :/

and thanks for all the tips filburt, i know about quantity, i try to keep hacks to a minimum, i only add useful ones or ones that i think will benefit my members and encourage guests to join, I'll move everything below the navbar, and i'll possibly group similar links in a dropdown

Marco van Herwaarden
03-31-2005, 08:22 PM
How come a leased license is keeping you from upgrading?

Blam Forumz
03-31-2005, 08:31 PM
If you buy a leased license and it expires you can no longer download upgrades :( I should've bought an owned license, *hits head against wall*

04-01-2005, 02:16 AM
If you buy a leased license and it expires, you can no longer use it!

Marco van Herwaarden
04-01-2005, 03:46 AM
If you buy a leased license and it expires you can no longer download upgrades :( I should've bought an owned license, *hits head against wall*Like Shane said. If a leased license expires, you can not use the software anymore. A leased license gives you the right to use the software and get support for 1 year. After this you can not get support or use it anymore. So if you say you can not upgrade anymore, i must asume your license has ended, and there should be no reason for upgrading anymore, since you are (should) not using it anymore.

Blam Forumz
04-01-2005, 05:53 AM
You can use it, you just cannot upgrade it anymore...

Oo =-/ Ok Thanks to google adsense I have enough money to upgrade! :) I'be purchased3.0.7 now :), and i'm currently upgrading on a test forum which nobody other than me has access to :) just installing all my hacks on it as a test first, so i can be sure everything goes right

Oblivion Knight
04-01-2005, 06:52 AM
You can use it, you just cannot upgrade it anymore...Umm.. No, that's an owned license. ;)

Using a leased license, once it expires you must either purchase another license or remove the software (which I see you've now bought an owned license anyway - I think).