View Full Version : New posts passed to variables

03-31-2005, 05:22 PM
First off, I'd very much appreciate any help with this topic. I understand some of you are busy. Also, I didn't just sign up today and post this to abuse the system. I've been here for a while, just haven't had a reason to post until now and avidly support the website.

Is there someway to pass the newest thread info/links into certain variables?

$newthreadinfo1 (1st most recent thread title, user, and time)
$newthreadlink1 (1st most recent thread link)
$newthreadinfo2 (2nd most recent thread title, user, and time)
$newthreadlink2 (2nd most recent thread link)
etc. etc. for a user-defined limit.

I would need it set up this way for certain reasons. Would this be hard? I would definately appreciate it as I'm not too much of a coder (more of a graphic artist).

If you need any other info, just ask. I'm not expecting anyone to make this for me but if you could help me along, I'd be more than appreciative. Thanks for your time.


03-31-2005, 06:04 PM
Hello Matt,

Where would you want to use this info?
On your forumhome, in the thread itself, on your portal?

03-31-2005, 06:07 PM
Hey Deaths,

Thanks for the quick response. I'd need to use the variables in the header template.


04-05-2005, 05:22 PM
Sorry to bump the thread, but is no one able to do this? Is it even possible? If it requires a bit of cash for persuasion I might consider that. I just need this done for a forum I'm developing. Thanks!


04-05-2005, 05:56 PM
Sorry to bump the thread, but is no one able to do this? Is it even possible? If it requires a bit of cash for persuasion I might consider that. I just need this done for a forum I'm developing. Thanks!


Ho do you want the $var(s) passed?
Do you want this for threads where the last post was made and for all forums, but only ones defined by some method?

I mean I understand what you are trying to do, but I don't understand exactly how you want to do it! Can you make screen of what you want the result to show or do you have a template row that will show me how each row should look, so I know how to make the function return the data each eval(template_row) needs! Depending how you want it will tell me if I can grab data that is already being processed or if I need to do another query or add another Join to get what you are needing for your display! In other words please give more details.

I know you want it in the header template, now show me how you want it! Give an example so I can see what the result would look like, and list exactly each $var you want to have access to!

These I know, list any others that you need!

Thread Title
Last Post User Name
Last Post Time
Thread Icon, if no last Post Icon.

Lastly, how will this be limited. By a user action (form), user option (usercp options), admin option (forum index display)


04-05-2005, 06:13 PM
Hey Deaths,

Thanks for the quick response. I'd need to use the variables in the header template.

Sorry, I must've missed this thread.

Options 1 & 2 can be called with only 1 query, so you can make that 1 option. Same goes for 3&4.

why-not basicly asked all questions needed, heh.

04-05-2005, 08:07 PM
Ho do you want the $var(s) passed?
Do you want this for threads where the last post was made and for all forums, but only ones defined by some method?

I mean I understand what you are trying to do, but I don't understand exactly how you want to do it! Can you make screen of what you want the result to show or do you have a template row that will show me how each row should look, so I know how to make the function return the data each eval(template_row) needs! Depending how you want it will tell me if I can grab data that is already being processed or if I need to do another query or add another Join to get what you are needing for your display! In other words please give more details.

I know you want it in the header template, now show me how you want it! Give an example so I can see what the result would look like, and list exactly each $var you want to have access to!

These I know, list any others that you need!

Thread Title
Last Post User Name
Last Post Time
Thread Icon, if no last Post Icon.

Lastly, how will this be limited. By a user action (form), user option (usercp options), admin option (forum index display)


I sent you a PM with a link to the current forum being developed. It has an example of what I'm going to be needing on there. Thanks for the quick reply!
