View Full Version : customising thumbnail in forumdisplay hack

03-31-2005, 12:52 PM
I've installed the "Thumnail in forumdisplay" hack By idolpx & dechevious but would like to make it work differently.
I've tried contacting them several times but don't seem to be able to get through :ermm:

I'd like to customise the hack to do the following:

1. When you click on the thumbnail in the threadbit, I'd like to link to the first post in the showthread page, and not an attachment.php page as it does at the moment.
I guess this means that I have to change this part of the code:
<a HREF="attachment.php?attachmentid=$thread[attachmentid]">
to something else but I don't know what ?

2. I want to be able to show image attachments inline !! In order to show images inline, normally the "enable thumbnails" needs to be set to "no" in the "message attachment options". Problem is, if you turn this off you can't create thumnails for the forumdisplay.php page ? Is their a way to modify this ?

If anybody's familiar wit hthis hack - Any tips or ideas would be welcome ?

No takers ?