View Full Version : Cross Domain posting Bot?

03-30-2005, 07:47 PM
Hey folks, I'm looking for a Bot to augment my Video Portal. My company offers client web site owners a video portal that integrates into their website's branding. For example.

Forum: forums.streetfire.net
our video Portal videos.streetfire.net

This interface is skinable to look like any domain.
for example: video.freevideoblog.com

A client website does a DNS CNAME direct to our servers for the video portal and we intergrate their template.

So here is the problem
A Feature request we're getting from site owners is the ability for users to comment on videos. Of course since the Video portal sits on our Server and the Forum sits on their server we really can't gracefully do a cross domain intergration of vB. My proposed solution is to have our video system make a post into the client's Forum with a Bot, then put a link on our video portal back to that post.

For instance.

I upload somevideo.mov to videos.streetfire.net
Videos.Streetfire.net verifies the file, creates a player page. (Example (http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=283CD787-3913-4C9A-AA5D-D5F199FA7D04)) and on the player page is a link that says "comment on this video".

Videos.StreetFire then has a bot that creates a Topic under Forums.StreetFire's specific forums for videos (whatever the Forum owner specifies). This way comments on that video are kept in the forum (and we don't have to worry about running two instances of vB and synching Databases).

The feedback I'm getting from Forum owners is that they want to add our video portal to their website, but with a commenting/blog feature, they want comments to be handled by their forum (want to maintain control of their user base, which I understand) and they don't want a server side Daemon that they have to install on their forum (since most of them aren't technical anyways, they don't want to have to create, manage and maintain a code base to support us, which I also understand).

does anyone know of an existing bot that could be modified to do this? Or even a more graceful solution?


PS yes this is my first post here, lots of great info!!!

As an update I looked at Article bot (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=67078&highlight=bot), where our video server can publish an RSS feed of new videos uploaded to the video server. This way a forum can create a new thread each time a video is uploaded. However we still need to get the Forum to "talk back to us" to let us know where that thread is located so we can add a "comment on this video" link into the video player page.

Anyone have a solution?