View Full Version : Stealth Thread Title

03-29-2005, 08:36 PM
Check this out... When I first put up my board this code kid came onto my board and posted a thread in there that had NO POST TITLE. The only way you could get into it is by clicking the arrow at the right of his name. For the life of me I cannot remember what the character was. But I think it was a bracket or something like that. I tried it on my board all the brackets and it doesn't seem to work. I don't think it can be "alt" either because its not even allowed in the title or message input boxes...

Does anybody know the character?

03-29-2005, 09:55 PM
Did you install any hacks that allow use of bbcode in titles? HTML? etc...

Reeve of shinra
03-30-2005, 01:14 AM
Space? =p

I remember that was a problem that was patched... maybe you need to upgrade something?

03-30-2005, 01:33 PM
nope... no hacks.... running updated version... creepy thing about it was that it was a single character... i dunno... maybe a packet filter or something... crazy anyways...

03-30-2005, 02:53 PM

I don't believe this works anymore though, because it gets replaced with a * now.