View Full Version : Rollover navbar images...

Sin City
03-23-2005, 01:30 AM
okay my navbar is just a normal one with text links to User CP, FAQ, Store, etc... i made a batch of buttons that, when you put your mouse over it, it changes the color of the button...and i am not sure if i can just replace the coding with the html, or if i'd have to combine them somehow

i made these buttons with imageready, and it saved the rollover buttons as individual images, with an html document.... i was just wondering how would i incorporate that into my navbar to replace the text with the rollover buttons

below, is a screen of my normal navbar, and a text file with the html code for the rollover

i could probably figure it by guess and check, but i'd rather do it right the first time with a flawless result.... thank you in advance

Sin City
03-24-2005, 08:22 AM

03-25-2005, 07:32 AM
You can always create a new for users non-selectable style and try it :)

Don't forget to remove the padding from the styles on the navbar ;)

Sin City
03-25-2005, 09:07 PM
yeah that's what i am doing... i replaced the image path with the html, and my button shows up, but when i click it, it goes nowhere... so i am gonna have to figure out where to place the link in the html code

Sin City
04-13-2005, 05:51 AM
i can't figure this out... i took out the old code for the links and replaced it with the roll over html coding... then put the link in there where it is supposed to go.... so i end up with a button that changes when you roll over it with your mouse, and goes to the specified link like it is supposed to, but along with the button, it also has a bunch of the html text next to it... so of course it looks friggin horrible.... if anyone could help me with this, i'd appreciate it greatly

04-13-2005, 11:18 PM
What your doing is easilly accomplished.
but near impossible to work out here. if you send me the details to your forum
and set aside 20 mins I can help get you started with one common mouseover
link and another dropdown so you can see how to handle them both.

once you have this done, you can replicate them to fulfill your entire navbar.
PM me and ill help you out.

oh and your rollover script is way to heavy.
I use one that has aprox. 4 lines of code in its entirety I tried several different
mouseover scripts to find one that would play nice with the existing vbulletin
code and functions.