View Full Version : Disabling BB Code For A Specific Style?

03-11-2005, 07:43 PM
I've had a look around and I can't seem to find this hack. What I'm doing on my board is I'm creating a style based on a really early forum system that our forums used to be on before coming to vBulletin. That forum software didn't use any BB Code whatsoever, so could someone show me how I would go about disabling all the codes for a specific StyleID? It doesn't matter if it's hardcoded into the PHP file, as I'm only and ever going to do this to one style.

Thanks a lot!

03-12-2005, 12:14 AM

I am thinking about this, and I think you can do it very easily, but then I see a problem with edits or replies that have bbcode already in them! Can you explain how you want to handle replies or edits that for example may have been quoted many times. I can show how to do this, but you will have some very funny posts with over lapping of quotes => (not being able to tell a quote from the original message). Why not just setup a sub forum or a forum that will use the style you want and have bbcode turned off for that forum! If you still want to do it based on your style idea, then explain how you want to deal with post and replies that already contain bbcode and I will help you from there!


03-18-2005, 07:57 AM
Well the idea behind this is so that people who miss the older forums can use the style to transform the entire forum back into the older version. 95% of it is just template edits but some things like this make it more difficult.

So to make it exactly right, that you would need to do with BBCode is make it so it does indeed still parse it (so it gets rid of the part) but doesn't actually do anything. So bold would just become bold. This could be the reason why it's not actually been done, as I'm not sure how you could do that when simply loading up a topic containing BB Coded posts. When you edit/reply/post it doesn't matter if you include BBCode or not, the end result is when you display the topic it doesn't show any formatting. The forum system that I'm trying to replicate had barely any special features in it like previewing posts, a WYSIWYG editor, signatures etc. other than simply displaying thread and forum lists, and displaying topics. No registration, no User CP, not even a new page to post replies or threads. So even if you could just get it working in the thread display that'll be all I need. :)

Oh, the forum didn't use smilies either, so is it also possible to make it not display smilies and instead it's code?