View Full Version : [HACK] Remove Image Thumbnail Code

James Goddard
03-10-2005, 01:51 PM
This is a "fixed" version of dnoyeb2002's hack that removes the article image thumnail resize code.

The original hack hard coded the image paths and did not include category icons. This hack fixes that.

There are two reasons for removing this code: 1. It does not support GIF files. 2. Since the code uses the articles.php file to display the images it messes with the Who's online reporting whenever an article image is displayed in another script (eg CMPS).

In forums/articles.php:


$articon = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartartimgpathab'].$featuredid.'/',"",$articon);
$articonimg = "<img title=\"".$title."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumb&artid=".$featuredid."&id=".$articon."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

$articonimg = '<img title="' . $title . '" src="' . $articon . '" border=0>';


$articon = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartartimgpathab'].$latestarticleid.'/',"",$articon);
$articonimg = "<img title=\"".$title."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumb&artid=".$latestarticleid."&id=".$articon."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

$articonimg = '<img title="' . $title . '" src="' . $articon . '" border=0>';


$articon = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartartimgpathab'].$artid.'/',"",$articon);
$articonimg = "<img title=\"".$title."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumb&artid=".$artid."&id=".$articon."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

$articonimg = '<img title="' . $title . '" src="' . $articon . '" border=0>';


$articon = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartartimgpathab'].$artid.'/',"",$articon);
$articonimg = "<img title=\"".$title."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumb&artid=".$artid."&id=".$articon."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

$articonimg = '<img title="' . $title . '" src="' . $articon . '" border=0>';


$subcaticon = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartcatimgpathab'],"",$subcaticon);
$subcaticonimg = "<img title=\"".$subcatname."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumbcat&id=".$subcaticon."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

$subcaticonimg = '<img title="' . $subcatname . '" src="' . $subcaticon . '" border=0>';


$caticonc = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartcatimgpathab'],"",$caticonc);
$caticonimgc = "<img title=\"".$catnamec."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumbcat&id=".$caticonc."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

$caticonimgc = '<img title="' . $catname . '" src="' . $caticonc . '" border=0>';

If you are using the CMPS featured article hack make the following change to /forums/modules/cmps-articles.php:


$articon = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartartimgpathab'].$articleid.'/',"",$articon);
$articonimg = "<a href=\"$vboptions[bburl]/articles.php?action=viewarticle&artid=".$articleid."\"><img title=\"".$title."\" src=\"$vboptions[bburl]/articles.php?action=thumb&artid=".$articleid."&id=".$articon."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth']."></a>";

Replace with:

$articonimg = '<a href="' . $vboptions[bburl] . '/articles.php?action=viewarticle&artid=' . $articleid . '"><img title="' . $title . '" src="' . $articon . '" border=0>';


03-11-2005, 12:35 PM
is this to the original file or to the file of dnoyeb2002's?

the entire system is working fine except that i don't want it to resize the category images.

i tried just your part of the hack related to :


PHP Code:
$subcaticon = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartcatimgpathab'],"",$subcaticon);
$subcaticonimg = "<img title=\"".$subcatname."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumbcat&id=".$subcaticon."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

PHP Code:
$subcaticonimg = '<img title="' . $subcatname . '" src="' . $subcaticon . '" border=0>';

and i still get a 'resized' category image at the top of the list...

check out x5world.com/articles.php and click on NAVIGATION category.


James Goddard
03-11-2005, 01:50 PM
is this to the original file or to the file of dnoyeb2002's?

the entire system is working fine except that i don't want it to resize the category images.

i tried just your part of the hack related to :


PHP Code:
$subcaticon = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartcatimgpathab'],"",$subcaticon);
$subcaticonimg = "<img title=\"".$subcatname."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumbcat&id=".$subcaticon."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

PHP Code:
$subcaticonimg = '<img title="' . $subcatname . '" src="' . $subcaticon . '" border=0>';

and i still get a 'resized' category image at the top of the list...

check out x5world.com/articles.php and click on NAVIGATION category.


Looks like I missed one:


$caticonc = ereg_replace($vbart_options['vbartcatimgpathab'],"",$caticonc);
$caticonimgc = "<img title=\"".$catnamec."\" src=\"articles.php?action=thumbcat&id=".$caticonc."\" border=\"0\" width=".$vbart_options['vbartssthumbwidth'].">";

Replace with:

$caticonimgc = '<img title="' . $catname . '" src="' . $caticonc . '" border=0>';

06-06-2005, 11:55 PM
Just used this on 2.0, solved many headaches. Thank you very much!