03-09-2005, 03:49 PM
Well most of you know that iw as hacked ok so my other was wanted me to pay 150.00 to restore everything but luckily i have my own back up from ffeb 27 so ok i changed hosts i went with www.canaca.com ok now that i have ftp put up i dont no how to do anything its weird. this is the only way i could go to my site www.home.idenonfire.com how could i change that also i need help wit PuTTy wit loading my back up to my site using ssh. yes i have ssh access. I need someone who i can trust to help me with this loading my site back up and evrything Steve as nicely as he said he can help me but it will take a couple of days i need it up tonite i will give a tip to someone who can do this for me. please helpa brotehr out the back up is loaded to ftp thanks :nervous: