View Full Version : The Idiot Test

03-07-2005, 10:00 PM
I got sick and tired of people signing up at my forum and not being able to use proper grammar or spell anything correctly, soo I went ahead and made this nifty little addon that helps turn away some of those people.

This is real simple to add to your page, you can do it a number of ways, the way I did it was change the button Register that linked to register.php to link to test.php

After I did that, I put this inside test.php

$templatesused = "idiottest";

if($HTTP_POST_VARS['action']==checkmoron) {

$idiotword .= $HTTP_POST_VARS['word'];

if ($idiotword != Grammar) {
elseif ($idiotword == Grammar) {
header("Location: http://www.YOURWEBSITE.com/register.php?action=signup");
else { exit; };

That would either send them to the register screen, or kick them back to admin has disabled registration.

Then I created the template test_idiottest and put this inside it

<title>$bbtitle Registration</title>


<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" width="100%">
<td width="100%"><font face=verdana size=2>This is a simple test to see if you are fit to register on these forums. The test is so simple that if you fail, you may not register and must go back to the main page.
<b>Please type the word in the box below that goes with this definition</b><br><br>
<br> 1. The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences.
<br> 2. The study of structural relationships in language or in a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history.
<br> 1. The system of inflections, syntax, and word formation of a language.
<br> 2. The system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language.
<br> 1. A normative or prescriptive set of rules setting forth the current standard of usage for pedagogical or reference purposes.
<br> 2. Writing or speech judged with regard to such a set of rules.</font>
<form name="idiottest" action="test.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="checkmoron">
<input type="text" name="word" size="10" tabindex="1">
<input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit" tabindex="2">



<script language="Javascript">
if (document.images.avatarpic != null) {
document.images.avatarpic.src = document.forms[0].avatarsel[document.forms[0].avatarsel.selectedIndex].value;
// -->


And that was it! That should take care of those pesky kids who can't spell their own name, and help you keep your sanity :lick:

03-08-2005, 12:07 PM
You realize that your test answer is case-sensitive and it is rejecting users if they type "grammar" or "GRAMMAR", right? ;)

Also please note that register button in the header is not the only link to register page so many visitors can register to your board without getting your test.

03-08-2005, 04:36 PM
Interesting hack but I'm less judgemental on people and don't consider those with a lack of grammar or weak spelling idiots.

03-08-2005, 10:49 PM
I got sick and tired of people signing up at my forum and not being able to use proper grammar or spell anything correctly, so[o] I went ahead and made this nifty little addon that helps turn away some of those people.

This is real simple to add to your page. You can do it a number of ways. The way I did it was by changing the button labled "Register" that linked to register.php to link to test.php.

After I did that, I put this inside test.php:

I have marked the various corrections needed to make your post grammatically correct in yellow. Hopefully, seeing as you're apparantly an idiot because you don't use perfect grammar or spelling, you will immediately resign from whatever board you are running. Or PERHAPS you will just learn to deal with the fact that not everyone is perfect and that not everyone cares to deal with perfect grammar when positng on a message board.

Paul M
03-08-2005, 11:00 PM
Sorry, but it looks like you failed the test as well. It's "labeled". :)

03-08-2005, 11:08 PM
I have marked the various corrections needed to make your post grammatically correct in yellow. Hopefully, seeing as you're apparantly an idiot because you don't use perfect grammar or spelling, you will immediately resign from whatever board you are running. Or PERHAPS you will just learn to deal with the fact that not everyone is perfect and that not everyone cares to deal with perfect grammar when positng on a message board.

Haha...gee thanks for spell checking my post, The (The...seeee?) point of this was to keep a few people away from the site who were extremely annoying. I got sick of reading posts like these,

eastlondon boy seen! everytink sorted???
slicknsexc u safe? me chillin

yeh me kool
chillin n dat
just in college at da mo
wt u been up2 lately?

And the eye pains go on and on. I understand nobody is perfect at grammar but for god sakes its a message board, and you should at least try to make your post make sense.

I also understand that it only accepts "Grammar" and not "grammar" and that was for a reason.

It is your choice to install this mod or not. If you see it fit for your forums then go ahead and install it, I don't mind if you modify the code to your liking, that is if you know php. I won't support anybody who has modified the original code though.

03-09-2005, 03:41 PM
In fact, if you really wanted the full list of correct spellings for the word, it could be either 'labeled' or 'labelled' :D.

Sorry, but it looks like you failed the test as well. It's "labeled". :)

03-09-2005, 08:41 PM
Haha...gee thanks for spell checking my post, The (The...seeee?) point of this was to keep a few people away from the site who were extremely annoying. I got sick of reading posts like these,

And the eye pains go on and on. I understand nobody is perfect at grammar but for god sakes its a message board, and you should at least try to make your post make sense.

I also understand that it only accepts "Grammar" and not "grammar" and that was for a reason.

It is your choice to install this mod or not. If you see it fit for your forums then go ahead and install it, I don't mind if you modify the code to your liking, that is if you know php. I won't support anybody who has modified the original code though.

You must be the silverspoon rich boy type that most dont like, and dont know slang, yes it gets annoying, but why think ++++ has to be perfect? As shown u got proved wrong so you yourself are an idiot. Well anyway i think the idiot test shouldn't be made by an idiot.
have a nice day.

03-10-2005, 01:17 AM
I agree

dat its annoyN to read poost dat r writtn lik dis but i think dat dere r betta ways 2 handle dis. ;)

03-10-2005, 02:24 AM
I agree

dat its annoyN to read poost dat r writtn lik dis but i think dat dere r betta ways 2 handle dis. ;)
But...as per your signature, you have tested this hack and have clicked install. :P

03-10-2005, 02:26 AM
screw you all. the guy made a hack, and you can give constructive critisicm, but he released it for YOU guys. instead of calling him an idiot, you can just say thanks, but no thanks.

i happen to think the hack was a nice thing of him to post, yet i just dont want to turn away foreign people who can't spell good.

03-10-2005, 02:44 AM
But...as per your signature, you have tested this hack and have clicked install. :P

I can't test vb2 hacks, because I don't have it. :lick: