View Full Version : How can I change the background & text color of the articles?

03-07-2005, 05:27 AM
As you can see on my site Entertainment Edition (http://www.entertainmentedition.com), The color of the background and the text of the articles there don't go with my skin. How can I modify these colors?

It's not a big problem on the main articles section of the site here (http://www.entertainmentedition.com/forums/articles.php), but it just doesn't look right on the main pager there.


03-08-2005, 07:06 AM
It looks to be using your table border color in the module. You can code it to use an alt1 or alt2 color (you can view these in your Style Manager), by changing the table class="tborder" to table class="alt1" within the module, I'd guess. I don't yet have the module installed, so you may want to look at it and see if that's the case.