View Full Version : Suggestion for "Install Mod" hack.

03-04-2005, 11:41 AM
Yet another suggestion for the hack :D.

I've been thinking about this;
Once someone downloads the hack, they automaticly install the hack.
They can, ofcourse, later uninstall it, if they want.

Quite a lot of people use the hack, but just don't know what installing does, so just don't click the install button.

Good idea?

03-04-2005, 11:55 AM
Not everyone that downloads the hack will use it. Some download only to see the source code because they are curious, others will attempt to install and recive errors only to give up on the hack.

If we set it up the way you suggested you would have a ton of links in your usercp to hacks you don't use. You would spend much more time clicking un-install for every hack you download and don't use then you would clicking install for the ones you do.

Forgot to mention that we would be storing a lot more data in mySQL, most of it useless.

03-04-2005, 11:58 AM
Hmm, thats true.
On the other hand, many people install hacks on their boards, but don't click install here...

03-04-2005, 01:37 PM
as i stated months back about the install button to xenon that their should be a description (i wrote in the past post) on mouseover or have a question mark next to the install that gives the description when clicked on for those that dont understand what it is or does. probably have a conditional after they have installed it one or two times the question mark will disappears. that way it doesnt display for everyone.