View Full Version : Ability to link different PayPal Accounts with different Subscriptions

02-28-2005, 08:14 AM
I'm not a coder, but am willing to give it a shot if no one else will (this shot will undoubtedly be one to my head when i get frustrated for not figuring it out). But would it be that difficult to be able to link different paypal accounts to different subscriptions?

For example, I help run a gaming community site that is home to different clans. Each clan pays for their own server. To have certain privileges, people will pay to play on a particular server.

Therefore, it'd be great to be able to set up separate subscriptions to each server, and have each subscription go into different clan members' paypal accounts. In other words, Clan A pays for Server A. Clan B pays for Server B. "Player" wants to have a reserved slot on Server A and pays for a subscription that allows him access to Clan A's special forum and a reserved slot on Server A. That payment goes into Clan A's Paypal account. At the same time, "noobie" wants to do the same thing on Server B and his payment goes to Clan B's paypal account.

Does this make sense? (sorry, it's late here.)

03-01-2005, 06:50 PM