View Full Version : My forum [lots of modifications made]

02-25-2005, 11:49 PM
Guests can post in: Site Help > Test

http://www.bargainwheel.com/forum/ (http://www.bargainwheel.com/forum/)

Below is also a list of some modifications that I've made to it. Most of the mods were found here, but I figured out some on my own. Below are some of the modifications. There are others that I haven't included, but you should notice them as you browse the forum.

General Modifications

Clean, simple, user-friendly layout/color scheme
Custom header with dynamic content
Members earn points for posting. Points can be redeemed for free gift certificates.
Added custom eBay fields for eBay sellers to include their seller ID and the types of products they sell
Added custom field for PayPal e-mail address. This is used for cash payment for when we offer cash contests
Added an arcade
Added photo album (which uses profile pics)
All profile pics require approval before they are displayed on site
RSS/Add to My Yahoo buttons
Member of the Month contest
Referral stats - will be using it to run monthly referral contests

Forum Home Modifications

Sub-forums arranged in columns

Member List Modifications

eBay sellers can link to their eBay auction items
Added gender icon
Changed age to age group
Homepage, email contact only viewable if the person is logged in. (This is for spammers & users who merely join just have a link in the search engines to their home page)

Forum Display

External content below navbar

Show Thread

Thread of the Week mod
Moved active users to top
External content below navbar
Replaced avatars with profile pics on postbit
Other postbit changes: nominate, age group, arcade challenge, gender, points, homepage/email only viewable if logged in


Added articlebot to post the coupons from my main site into a designated forum so members can discuss the coupons & deals

Public Profile

Link to eBay items & indicates the types of items the member sells
Displays 12 items for eBay sellers who have at least 10 posts. (Users can place a bid using the link provided for each item)
Home page & e-mail contact only viewable if logged in


Prevents the member from changing their year of birth after entering it on the initial registration page.

02-26-2005, 08:08 PM
honest nice mods but the white is to white if you get me

02-27-2005, 08:50 AM
honest nice mods but the white is to white if you get me
Yeah, and also there's only 5 games in the arcade. Might want to add more.

However, very nice hacks!

Bad Bunny
03-02-2005, 02:01 PM
Well, just looking at it as a first time visitor, I didn't notice anyof the hacks. What I did notice is that the header looked professional,and nothing was "wahaa look at me" flashy. Which is good in most cases.I do think a touch of color here and there could only help, but itlooks pretty nice.

Oh yeah.
I know I've seen some of those images around in paid for styles. I dohope you're not just borrowing them. It would probably help your sitealot if you did get some original images. I would still keep it simpleand clean. But hey, it's just my suggestion.

03-03-2005, 05:34 AM
honest nice mods but the white is to white if you get me

I've been thinking about it but...Since the site is a shopping site andthe rest of it has the white background, I haven't been able to find asubtle enough color that would still work with the color scheme.

Yeah, and also there's only 5 games in the arcade. Might want to add more.

However, very nice hacks!

Thanks. I added the main v3Arcade games and they closed their site. I'll be adding another arcade hack very soon.

Well, just looking at it as a first time visitor, Ididn't notice anyof the hacks. What I did notice is that the headerlooked professional,and nothing was "wahaa look at me" flashy. Which isgood in most cases.I do think a touch of color here and there couldonly help, but itlooks pretty nice.

Oh yeah.
I know I've seen some of those images around in paid for styles. Idohope you're not just borrowing them. It would probably help yoursitealot if you did get some original images. I would still keep itsimpleand clean. But hey, it's just my suggestion.

Thanks. Many of the hacks, like the profile pics in the post bit,isn't viewable yet because I only have a few members so far and none ofthem has added a profile pic. Once I have more members, they'llbe more apparent. As for the images, I've had some of them when Iwas using the PHPBB forum for another domain and I got some from postson the vbulletintemplates site. Those images & styles werefree for use with the forum. I've also made modifications to someof them based on ideas I get from other forums.